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  • Posted by: SoloTouchArchive Author: admin Posted on: 05 Oct 1997 0 comments
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    Was She orWasn't She? by FyreflyMick,Your page is cool! There are alot of greatstroke stories here, and good info. It's nice to know I'm not theonly one into my favorite hobby. As soon as I finished readingsome of the tales you have, I knew I had a good one to tell. I'm a straight male, 30 years old, living andworking ... » Read more
  • Posted by: SoloTouchArchive Author: admin Posted on: 05 Oct 1997 0 comments
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    Camp Berry:Part 1 by MikeThe summers I spent at Camp Berry, a boy scout reserve inNorthern Ohio, were some of the greatest times of my life. Theywere certainly the most sexually active. For two weeks each summer, from the time I was in the 5thgrade until I graduated high school in 1985, I went to Boy Scoutcamp. My pare... » Read more
  • Posted by: SoloTouchArchive Author: admin Posted on: 25 Sep 1997 1 comments
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    The following story is TRUE and always produces a thick load for me whenever I think about how hard and much I came when I was living it. Hope you enjoy it. It was his junior summer and the first time he ventured to Manhattan from the dull suburbs of Baltimore. He was eager to discover what the city had to offer. I rem... » Read more
  • Posted by: SoloTouchArchive Author: admin Posted on: 07 Sep 1997 0 comments
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    8-Ball, CornerPocket by AnonymousI consider myself straight, but sometimes a mutualmasturbation session with another guy can be the greatest thingof all!! I have never sexually touched another man and don't planon doing so, but I once had a mutual session with another man. Back when I was 19, I use to play pool all the... » Read more
  • Posted by: SoloTouchArchive Author: admin Posted on: 07 Sep 1997 0 comments
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    Revisiting aFantasy of Hidden Charms by CocknahThe years have gone by and many a fantasy was visited on"my first time". I guess a few gallons of spunk had been letgo to that memory and I often wondered if Jane like I had relivedthat eventful moment of illicit lust and desire. The chance nevercame again until!!!!! Right... » Read more
  • Posted by: SoloTouchArchive Author: admin Posted on: 07 Sep 1997 0 comments
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    My Very FirstTime by CocknahDuring my late teens I dreamed of beautiful women and had mycollection of pictures that I drooled and wanked over on everyoccasion I could. As I had no sisters but a few girl cousins whovery occasionally came to stay. I was always very curious about awoman's body and was in awe of the effect... » Read more
  • Posted by: SoloTouchArchive Author: admin Posted on: 26 Aug 1997 1 comments
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    Swimming Pool by AnonymousWell, i have to say that this is probably thebest page I have ever found on the web! Thanks a lot for it Mick!Ok, heres the story. I'm 25 now, but back whenI was 14 my friend (neighboor) had a big circular swimmping pool(about 6' deep). And one summer when we keep on wanting to swimin the pool... » Read more
  • Posted by: SoloTouchArchive Author: admin Posted on: 19 Aug 1997 0 comments
    0 likes views Category: Sex Stories Male Gay Tags:
    Unusual Places by Steve Here I mention some places where Ihave masturbated. Keep in mind that when I say I did it, I mean Imasturbated at least once and probably more times. I have masturbated in my officeand with other guys over the internet. I have watched guysmasterbate on my PC as personal amateur show. I have ... » Read more
  • Posted by: SoloTouchArchive Author: admin Posted on: 19 Aug 1997 0 comments
    0 likes views Category: Sex Stories Male Gay Tags:
    Awesome Story by JediMaster Hi to everyone. I am a 21 year old (almost 22) male who lovesto masturbate. I do it at least twice a day, sometimes more. Recently, I was home alone, and had 5 hours to kill. I got tothinking about how I haven't had any sex for awhile, since me andmy old girlfriend nicole broke up. Anywa... » Read more
  • Posted by: SoloTouchArchive Author: admin Posted on: 04 Aug 1997 2 comments
    1 likes views Category: Sex Stories Male Gay Tags:
    Getting Risky inthe Sauna by Anonymous Being single, occasionally I takea trip out of town when time allows and stay by myself in amotel. I did this a few months ago, and had an enjoyable JOsession I have to share with you. I stayed at a nice motel, with abig open pool area complete with hot tub and sauna. It was t... » Read more
  • Posted by: SoloTouchArchive Author: admin Posted on: 22 Jul 1997 0 comments
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    AnotherSide of Friendship by JonI've always considered myselftotally heterosexual, and never even considered a sexualexperience with another guy. That was until I began surfing thenet. I began to find sites like this and others which had storiesand pictures posted of men enjoying other men sexually. I beganto think abo... » Read more
  • Posted by: SoloTouchArchive Author: admin Posted on: 16 Jul 1997 0 comments
    0 likes views Category: Sex Stories Male Gay Tags:
    Photos andVideos by The Web Streaker If you are still looking formasturbation-related stories, here's my scenerio which hasprovided many orgasms for me: both during the creation of thevideos/pictures, thinking about them, watching them, and beingturned on by others watching them. Over the years I have enjoyedvideo-... » Read more
  • Posted by: SoloTouchArchive Author: admin Posted on: 16 Jul 1997 0 comments
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    Part TimeSwim Coach by AnonymousDear Mick, Here's a story. It's true. I hopeyou can use it and I will get a free month of access to yourpage. Right after college, I moved toWashington D.C. for a job. I also got a part time job at a healthclub near my office as a swimming coach, so that I would havefree access to a pool... » Read more
  • Posted by: SoloTouchArchive Author: admin Posted on: 16 Jul 1997 0 comments
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    When We WereYoung by AnonymousNicole was my second cousin. Wehad been good friends from very little. I had always had a crushon her ever since I was able to have crushes. I am four yearolder than she is and she has always looked up to me as a bigbrother. But even as young kids we could talk to each other aboutour more ... » Read more
  • Posted by: SoloTouchArchive Author: admin Posted on: 16 Jul 1997 0 comments
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    The Girl'sLocker Room by ( for providing this forumfor all of our enjoyment. I would like to do my part to add tothis. In order to earn some money Ifound a job as a lifeguard during the summer while I was in highschool. In my opinion, this was the perfect job! Although... » Read more
  • Posted by: SoloTouchArchive Author: admin Posted on: 19 Jun 1997 1 comments
    0 likes views Category: Sex Stories Male Gay Tags:
    CloseCousins I am not sure why it took me solong to learn how to masturbate, but it wasn't until theincredible summer of my fourteenth year. I had hit puberty a fewyears earlier and was starting to fill out. It was late int hesummer and almost time for school and cross country/trackpractice. I had spent a lot of time ... » Read more

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