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Work Conference

Posted by: Author: Age: 28 Posted on: 1 comments
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I first worked with Shona in 2004 when I joined as a trainee. She was a couple of years younger than me and worked in a Building Society in the UK. We flirted a lot and I fancied her a lot, taking every opportunity to follow her arse upstairs or have lunch at the same time. We went off to the pub a few times and our colleagues liked to gossip but nothing happened. She had a new boyfriend and I was just married.

Over the next few years I moved to different branches but kept in touch. When she was married a few years later she let us stay at her house with a few other workmates. We were in the spareroom but the best thing was although I could not get to her underwear drawer the laundry basket was in my room. When my wife went off to the toilet I had a quick look in and on the top was a green thong. No time to do anything other than handle the beautiful garment and replace.

This story really starts when I was promoted to manager at a branch near to where she lived so work paid for us to move into the same town. She was also promoted to Manager as well-this is all relevant. In January both of us were invited to a Manager's conference in Leeds. We also arranged to go for a few drinks afterwards with a few of the guys. About 10 of us went out afterwards and had a few beers. Soon the older ones had left and Shona and me had to catch the train home. We were flirting wildly, arm in arm or hand in hand as we got on the train and cuddled all the way to our town about 45 mins away. When we got there we walked to the pub where she was meeting her husband. She took a risk by again holding hands and she told me she used to fancy me.

I came back with 'I still do fancy you' (smooth) and at that she turned and said 'kiss me'. She only wanted a peck but I was not going to turn this down. We kissed once more before meeting her husband and pretending nothing happened.

Needless to say I could not wait for the next conference. I was not sure if it would happen again but things began to fall into place. Drinks were arranged and then the day came. We had the conference and then a few drinks afterwards until we were down to just us. Then the flirting did start again. We were holding hands again as we went to meet her parents (the Chelsea-Man Utd Champions League Final was on). They bought us both a few drinks and I offered to walk Shona home.

The flirting got more outrageous and I had my hand in the back of her trousers feeling her arse. We had a pizza to share and when we stopped in a shop doorway we dropped the pizza and made out. Heavy, like it was a novel. Whilst making out I continued to feel her peachy arse and made my way around the front and into her knickers. She didn't back away and I carried on. Stroking the smooth pubic hair and feeling the wetness along her lips. I entered her with my fingers and she was wet and warm and gorgeous. This continued in the open air for however long until we both stopped and looked at each other sheepishly. We had both wanted it to happen but both felt we could not. She still had a short walk home and it was after midnight so I escorted her home in my arms (risky as many people in her town know her so could have been spotted). When we reached her door and it came to say goodbye (with her husband inside) I kissed her again and we went at it again. I had to have her pussy again. We broke for air sometime later and she whispered 'so sexy'.

I watched her go into her house and I would have loved to have known what she did. Did she go straight to bed, did she masturbate about me (my favourite), did she have sex with her husband (he was ill so unlikely) or did she cry tears of guilt.

On the way home I cleaned her juices off my fingers so did get to taste her in the end.

I spoke to her a day or so later and it was awkward but we are okay now. We both have children and I work for someone else but I wonder what would happen if we met on a night out with no partners.



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