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What Used To Be

Posted by: Author: Age: 77 Posted on: 1 comments
2 likes 378 views Category: Masturbation Male Solo Tags:

I truly don't know where to begin, when I was a young teenager, or my present age. When I first started to masturbate it was when I was about 13 years of age. I truly didn't know what I was doing but it really felt good. The first time I ejaculated was while I was lying in bed at night and the ejaculate landed on my stomach, just around the navel. I must say that the feeling was so strange that I felt that it was urine coming from my penis, it frightened me but the pleasure was so great I truly didn't care.

The only thing I thought about was my mother going to see a 'stain' or some other marks on the sheets and if she did, what would I say that they were? I used my underwear to clean up the mess and nothing was ever said. I'd lay in bed at night, almost every night, and play with myself. I'd measure my penis with my fingers to determine how large my erection was, at that time it may have been five inches, wonderful I thought. I also remember stroking myself to a full erection and then retract the skin and hold it down for half a minute and repeat the process. I once timed myself for a full 60 minutes before I allowed myself to ejaculate.

WHAT A WONDERFUL FEELING. Trying to recall all of my reactions is almost impossible now at 60 plus years later and the only thing I do recall is it FELT GREAT. Anyhow, now that I am 77 years old, the erections are few and far between, usually forced by a constant fondling, or a rememberance of the female anatomy, the nipples, breasts and vagina that I no longer have the privelege to see or have for my own. The ejaculate is no longer strong or heavy but watery and not as exciting as it used to be.

It does feel good but again, the full feeling has gone and only memories remain. Even when I read the stories that have been submitted, they all strike a familiar chord, and fail to cause me to 'arise' to the occaision. I write this so you younger folks know what you may be in for. Happy dreams and stroking.



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