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Wet Dream For Two

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6 likes 37 views Category: Masturbation General Tags: masturbation, exhibitionism, voyeurism, spying, cum, dream, wet dream, nude beach, beach,
Miranda spies on a naked, sleeping man at the beach.

*** All characters depicted in this story are 18 years of age or older. ***


It was a perfect day to go to the beach.  Warm enough to sit comfortably in the shade if one chose, but not so hot that being in the direct sun wouldn’t be unbearable.  Roger often came to this beach to relax and enjoy the outdoors.  He was a “mature” man but very fit and in pretty good shape.  Probably the best shape he’d ever been in his life.  He’d had some self image issues when he was younger and had always been shy about letting his body show in public.  Now, he no longer cared.  He was rather proud of his slim-downed and more muscular body and had no qualms about going shirtless in public.  And when at the beach, sometimes even less than shirtless.

This particular beach wasn’t well known by very many people, and it was accepted that discreet nudity was allowed.  Roger didn’t always go nude there, but today seemed like a good day.

Upon arrival, Roger found a nice spot in the sun and spread his blanket on the soft sand.  There were only a few other people scattered along the beach and even the closest were some distance away.  Without hesitation, Roger pulled off his t-shirt and dropped his shorts.  The warm sunshine felt good on his naked skin as he stretched.  He took a few gulps of water and lay face-down on the blanket to soak up some rays.  After about 15 minutes, Roger flipped over on his back, fully exposing himself to the sun and sky.


Miranda was a young woman of 22.  She was a student at a local arts college studying theater and costume design.  Having no classes during the summer, Miranda was enjoying her free time.  Today she planned to go to a beach she’d never been to before.  She’d learned about it online while searching for places to go and things to see in the region.  It sounded perfect…remote, picturesque, quiet, peaceful.  However, the online description made no mention of the occasional nudity practiced there.

The drive to the beach took about 40 minutes.  The upbeat, summertime tunes playing on the radio put Miranda in a good mood for a day at the beach.  Aided by the information she got online, she knew when to turn off the main road and find the parking area.  It had told her it would be a 15 - 20 minute walk from there to the beach.  Miranda thought that seemed long but figured it was what made this private beach seem so private.

She began walking down the long meandering path.  Miranda was a lovely girl.  Petite in stature and body type.  Her dark hair, reaching almost to her shoulders, her sultry, dark eyes and her smooth, olive skin evidenced her Mediterranean ancestry.  She came appropriately dressed for the beach.  Her bikini was one she had designed and made herself, so it fit her perfectly.  White with pale yellow piping along the edges.  A simple design but elegant and sexy and it looked great against her skin.  Over her bikini she wore a lightweight cover-up that reached just below her butt cheeks.

It wasn’t long before Miranda began hearing the distant sound of waves on the beach.


Not wanting to over-do the sun on his skin, after about 20 minutes Roger decided to move to the shade.  Remaining naked, he gathered up the blanket and his bag and walked up the incline of the beach towards the trees.  He was glad to find his favorite shady spot unoccupied.  He’d spent many days here before.  It was peaceful and relatively secluded, but still offered a pleasant view of the beach.

Feeling hot and sweaty from the sun, Roger grabbed his water bottle and poured some cool water over his shoulders and chest.  It flowed down his torso and between his legs.  It trickled down and off the end of his penis and caused his warm, loose-hanging balls to draw up slightly.  He reached down and cupped them in his hand.  He had shaved them that morning and they felt good as he gently massaged them with his fingers…warm, wet, and smooth.

Roger spread out the blanket once again and laid down on his back in the refreshing shade of the surrounding trees.  His penis flopped to one side and spreading his legs, he once again felt his testicles hang between his open thighs.  As he breathed deeply, he felt his scrotum relax and his balls sagged heavily in their smooth sac.  He loved the feeling of gravity gently tugging on his nuts.  Closing his eyes and listening to the soft wind in the trees, the distant waves on the beach, and the songs of birds around him, Roger soon drifted off to sleep.


At last the trail Miranda was on deposited her onto a bright sunny beach.  It was beautiful and she marched toward the water.  About halfway there, she stopped and removed her cover-up and tucked it away in her beach bag.  She reveled in the feeling of the warm sun on her bikini-clad body.  At the water’s edge, she turned to her right and walked along in the soft sand with the waves crashing several yards seaward only to flatten and stretch themselves to gently lap at her ankles.

Miranda walked a good 20 minutes or so enjoying the sun, the water, and the fresh sea breeze.  Looking ahead and up the slope of the beach, she saw the trees and thick vegetation at the crest of the dune, and diverted her track in that direction.

It was a gradual incline but the sand was hot on her feet and upon reaching the the top she stepped into the cooling shadows and continued her walk enjoying the panoramic view of the near deserted beach.  But there were also small trails leading into the woods, and Miranda decided to follow one into what she thought looked like an enchanted forest.

After several minutes, the path turned back out toward the beach and suddenly opened into a large clearing at just the edge of the trees.  She started to cross the area but abruptly stopped in her tracks and let out a little yelp of surprise.  A man!  Lying on his back.  Only about ten feet in front of her.

She was so startled to come upon him, she didn’t immediately notice that he was nude.  His eyes were closed and he didn’t move except for the slow heaving of his chest.  Miranda stood staring wide-eyed at him and her jaw dropped when she realized he was totally naked.  Not only naked, but also sporting a solid erection!  Finally getting her feet to move, she slowly circled around behind his head, taking in his nakedness.

He lay flat on his back with arms at his sides.  Was he asleep?  Miranda picked up a small stick and threw it away from her off to the side into the bushes.  It made a a slight disturbance, rustling the leaves.  The man didn’t stir.  He must be asleep.  She couldn’t take her eyes off him.  She quietly set down her beach bag and crept slowly closer from behind his right shoulder.  She was fascinated and wanted a better view.  She squatted down only about six feet away, her gaze locked on the man’s rigid cock.  Miranda smiled to herself and surmised the sleeping man must be having a very erotic dream.


Roger was indeed having a very erotic dream.  He was on a beach and there seemed to be some sort of party going on.  Music played nearby, there were tables of luscious food, and there was nothing but beautiful women.  Dozens and dozens of them ranging in age from their late teens to late 30’s, all wore sexy bikinis, and all were knock-outs!

Everyone was casually chatting, laughing and having a good time as Roger walked among them exchanging greetings.  He was the only man there, and he was completely naked!  As he walked along, he drew looks from most of the women which caused his relaxed penis to flex and swell.  It grew longer and stiffer which made the women’s eyes linger and approving smiles appeared on their lips.

“There you are!”

Roger turned toward the sound of the familiar voice.  Heather padded along the soft beach sand with a welcoming smile.  Heather was a girl Roger knew in real life and had had many masturbatory daydreams about.  She was 28 years old with dark blonde hair.  One of Heather’s hobbies was dancing so she had a very fit body which looked great in her pale blue bikini.  When she reached him she wrapped her arms around his neck, pressed herself against his bare body and gave him a (very) friendly smooch on the cheek.  Roger returned the embrace, putting his arms around her and hugging her tight with his (very) rigid cock trapped against her bare belly.  Heather felt Roger’s hardness on her firm abs and wiggled a little for their mutual pleasure.  Heather stepped back slightly and looked down at Roger’s erection.

“I see you’re already getting warmed-up.  Introducing yourself to some of the girls?  I invited ones I thought you’d really like, and who’d really like you.”

Heather held Roger’s cock in her hands and petted it with light strokes of her fingers.

“I know you’ll give us all a great show,” she said with a reassuring smile.


Miranda knelt in the sand about 6’ away to the right of the naked man.  Her hands kneaded her smooth thighs as she saw his swollen prick flex and pulse with excitement.  She sighed softly and clutched both hands to her taut belly as if trying to hold her desires at bay.  Yet she couldn’t pry her eyes away from the sleeping man’s stiff penis.

One of her hands slid slowing down and under the edge of her bikini bottoms.  Miranda’s fingers played across her skin and dove into her crotch.  She was already hot down there.  Pressing against her tingling clit and fingertips teasing her soft pussy lips made Miranda rise up on her knees and inhale deeply.  She reached up with her other hand and pulled at her bikini top until both little breasts popped into the open.  Two small, conical tits with dark brown areolae and pointy nipples were tickled by the ocean breeze.

Settling her ass back down onto her legs, Miranda spread her knees wider and pulled the triangle of fabric of her bikini bottoms to one side and exposed her moist little cunny to the fresh air.  She briefly looked down at herself and spread her dewey lips apart, but her eyes quickly returned to the naked, sleeping man and his throbbing manhood.  One hand went back to rubbing her tits while the other returned to teasing her pussy.  Miranda shuffled forward on her knees until she was about a foot closer to the dreaming man.

— — —

In his dream, Roger felt like a celebrity as he walked casually amongst the many women on the beach.  Exchanging smiles and friendly greetings, he felt completely comfortable in his nakedness even with his sturdy erection pointing up and out from his groin.  He occasionally copped a feel of some of the bikini-clad women, and many passed a gentle, loving hand across some part of his body.  Some of the bolder ones slyly grazed their delicate fingers along his boner, or palmed his dangling balls.

 A beautiful, blonde girl in a tiny yellow bikini quickly approached, her eyes fixed on Roger’s erection.  She turned back to look at a striking woman in her late 40’s following behind.  The girl delicately took the base of Roger’s shaft between her thumb and index finger, and gleefully smiled at the woman.

“Look, mom!” she said with a big grin.

“You look adorable, honey!”  the woman said.  “Get a good grip on it and I’ll take your picture.”

The girl wrapped her left hand around Roger’s prick, leaned closer to it and gave a cheesy smile.  The woman aimed her iPhone at her daughter.  At the last second, the girl reached up and pulled at her bikini top to expose her right breast.  Looking down at the pert, mound of flesh caused Roger’s cock to pulse in the girl’s hand.


“Now you take one of me!”  the mom said, and handed the phone to the girl.

The woman, wearing a multi-colored tropical print string bikini knelt down at Roger’s side.  As she did so, she pulled down her bikini top, popping both full, firm tits free.

“Move in closer, honey.  I want a nice close-up.  But make sure you get my boobs in the picture!”

With that, the woman leaned in and pressed Roger’s hard shaft against her cheek just as a clear bubble of precum emerged and clung to the tip.


“That’s hot, mom!”


Miranda wondered to herself what she must look like…kneeling with legs splayed, bikini askew exposing her tits and wet pussy, masturbating next to a naked, sleeping man.  She had inched even closer to him and his pulsing cock.  What would she do if someone happened upon them just as she had happened upon him?  What would she do if he woke up and found her masturbating over him?  Each thought both frightened her and excited her.  She was rapidly reaching the point where she didn’t care anymore.  Her overstimulated, lust filled body was taking control.

Two fingers slid rhythmically in and out of her vagina as the heal of her hand grazed across her clitoris.  The fingers of her other hand pinched and tugged at her nipples and her tummy was sucked in with tension.  Miranda could feel the beginnings of an orgasm stirring deep inside her.


The party continued as did Roger’s growing excitement.  It was all he could do to keep himself from taking his cock in hand and start stroking.  He hoped he wouldn’t have to wait much longer.  Every woman who came near paused to ogle his naked body and admire his protruding boner.  And with hands on his hips, Roger thrust his pelvis forward to display his genitals proudly to the many lust-filled female eyes.

Three college-age girls in the teeny-tiniest bikinis pushed through the crowd, rushed up and dropped to their knees so they were eye level with Roger’s quivering member.

“Wow, look how hard it is!” said the girl on the right.  She had short, dark hair, a cute, round face, and grapefruit-sized boobs straining at her bikini top.

“Heather sure picked a nice one!” exclaimed the girl on the left.  She was Japanese and her silky, black hair hung to her shoulders in pigtails.  Only the tiniest bit of fabric barely covered the nipples on her b-cup breasts.

Roger looked down and smiled at the adoring girls.

“Have you girls ever been to something like this before?”

They simply shook their heads and giggled.

“Okay, girls, make some room!  The show is about to start!”  Heather’s voice directed as she emerged from the group of women that had formed a semi-circle around Roger.  The blonde girl kneeling directly in front of him leaned in and placed a lovingly soft kiss directly on the tip of his cockhead.  She looked up at him with a big smile and a trace of precum on her lips.

“That’s for luck!  We’ll all be watching!”  she said.

The three girls retreated and knelt down in front of the wall of women.

Roger felt he was on stage, standing atop a large, flat stone that raised him a good foot or so above the beach and afforded each of the horny, bikini-clad women a good view of his naked body.  The eager chatter of the audience quickly hushed to a murmur as Heather stepped forward and addressed the eager crowd with enthusiasm.

“Girls, welcome to our Beach Party Masturbation Show!  I hope you all got a chance to meet Roger, our Guest of Honor.  In a moment he will be demonstrating his facility in the art of self-pleasure.  Right before your very eyes, he will service himself…play with, stroke, pump, and fap his handsome cock…he will beat-off, whack-off, jack-off, and jerk-off for your enjoyment…and his!  As you will see, he is a well-practiced and accomplished masturbator.  I hope you will all enjoy what promises to be an enticing performance and a thrilling climax!  I PRESENT, ROGER!!!!”

The all-female crowd cheered excitedly as Roger wrapped his hand around his penis and began stroking.


Two of her fingers slid smoothly and steadily in and out of Miranda’s smooth, juiced-up slit.  She stared as the sleeping man’s turgid cock throbbed and twitched of it’s own accord as if some invisible hand or mouth or pussy were pleasuring it.  It reared and jerked up-and-down, and wobbled side-to-side with obvious titillation.  This was the most erotic thing Miranda had ever seen, and her wonton masturbation was the most brazen thing she’d ever done.

The man’s prick thrust and bounced, his testicles tensed and relaxed, rising and falling in their smooth skinned pouch.  Miranda’s breathing became ragged and irregular as she pleasure-tortured herself.  She gasped loudly which caused the dreaming man to momentarily stir, and made her think she had woken him.  But he only sighed deeply and spread his legs wider apart.

Miranda spread hers wider too.


Roger’s tight fist slowly pumped up and down his erect penis.  Heather came up to him with a bottle of warm coconut oil.  Roger held his cock by the base and allowed her to pour a generous amount over the length of his extended prick, then resumed stroking the copiously lubed shaft.  His female audience cheered at the sight of the shiny, glossy organ thrusting through his hand, as slick oil dripped at his feet.  Heather smiled wide and poured some of the oil over her chest.  It covered the swell of her tits and soaked into her bikini top.  But some also flowed down her sexy bare tummy and into and out of her bellybutton.

With his left hand, Roger reached over and rubbed the oil around on Heather’s belly.  His cock jerked several times and Heather threw her head back with the pleasure of being touched.  She drizzled more oil down her torso.  With his left hand, now coated with oil, Roger cupped his dangling balls and worked the oil into the smooth, hairless package.  More excited murmurs arose from the eager crowd.

Looking around, Roger saw many of the women with their hands down inside their bikini bottoms.  A good number had discarded their bikinis altogether and were as naked as he was.  The girl he’d encountered earlier was to one side, on her knees, her titties bare, legs spread wide and bikini pulled aside, with two fingers rapidly frigging her wet clit.  Just behind her was her mom, boobs spilling over her bikini top, naked below.  She seemed to be fucking three fingers deep in her pussy at the same tempo that Roger was fucking his hand.

Heather knelt down next to Roger’s left leg and reached her right hand between his thighs from behind.  Hefting his pendulous, oil-slick testicles with her flat hand she rolled them around on her palm.  Ooohs and ahhs arose from the audience and a soft giggle escaped Heather as she toyed with the hairless nut pouch.

“How do they feel, Heather?” an excited voice called from the crowd.

“So smooth!  And hot!”  Heather answered.  Then with another giggle she added, “And they’re heavy, like they’re really loaded!”

Roger felt a measure of precum work it’s way up through his shaft, then felt Heather’s fingers close around his balls.  He spread his legs wider and removed his hand from his cock.  Heather slowly and gently pulled them downward.  A low, ecstatic groan growled in Roger’s throat.  With a firm grasp on his twin nuggets, Heather playfully tugged his nuts and caused Roger’s jutting bone to bounce up and down rhythmically; precum dripped and flipped from the tip.  The women laughed with delight and cheered their approval.  And Heather, with her soft cheek resting on Roger’s hip, had the best view of anyone.


Miranda’s whole body tingled as wave after wave of pleasure radiated out from her pussy.  Her toes curled.  Her shoulders quivered, causing her little tits to jiggle on her chest.  Her brown nipples extending themselves as if searching for something to touch them.

The naked man’s chest rose and fell with heavy breaths.  His rigid penis poked skyward and pulsed with lust.  Each pulse issued what was now a steady stream of precum that coated the inflated, domed head with a shimmering glaze.  Miranda watch the crystalline syrup trickle down the twitching shaft, over the ridges and contours of the veiny stalk.


The sound of primitive drums pounded somewhere in the distance as Roger’s hand pounded a steady rhythm on his cock.  Heather had gotten to her feet and was doing a slow sensuous dance in a circle around the masturbating guest of honor.  The crowd of women looked on with unblinking eyes.  All movement…hand stroking cock, the swinging of testicles, feminine fingers sliding in-and-out of pussies or strumming clits, the kneading of tits and tugging at nipples, even the collective breathing of everyone present…seemed to be locked in erotic synchronicity and growing in intensity.

Heather removed her bikini top and now danced bare-breasted directly in front of Roger as added enticement.  His hand maintained a steady piston stroke on his cock but quickened to a more urgent pace.  His knees buckled for an instant as he breathed a heavy sigh.  It was accompanied by a deep moan indicating a long awaited orgasm was starting to build.  Roger could definitely feel it.  Many of the women heard it and hoped they knew what it meant.  Heather had no doubt of its meaning and knew that the climax of the party was near.  She dropped to her knees in the sand about 6 feet directly in front of the vigorously cock stroking man.

Roger thrust his hips forward and back, knifing his solid prick through the grip of his hand.  His dangling balls swaying to-and-fro between his thighs, still gleaming with their sheen of coconut oil.  From the glossy, mushroom head issued a steady stream of precum, dripping as if in slow motion in long syrupy threads.

How many times had he masturbated?  From that first time as a pubescent lad to his most recent session the previous week.  Thousands upon thousands of times!  And all wonderful!  But Roger sensed this was far and away his greatest excursion into self pleasure.  He had a passionate audience of horny females worked into a sexually voracious frenzy over his exhibitionism.  Every eye was held spellbound by the naked man!  By the stroking of cock!  Every woman fervently eager to witness his ejaculation.

And soon it came!

And came…

…and came…

…and came!

A roar escaped from Roger’s lungs followed by a powerful stream of cum escaping from his penis!  It dropped thick and heavy onto the sand a couple of feet in front of Heather.  A larger and more forceful blast came next that splashed against Heather’s chest.  Another and another spanned the distance between Roger and Heather.  Connected by ropes of semen that splattered on Heather’s nearly naked body, covering her tits and rolling down her belly in waves.

Roger had abstained from cumming for an entire week in order to present a good show, but he had never thought it possible to ejaculate this much cum!  As more ribbons of jizz spewed out, he thought he heard a voice from the female crowd counting…counting the spurts…9, 10, 11, 12…at which point the voice dissolved into the gasps of female orgasm.

Roger kept pumping his hand on his throbbing cock as his load rocketed out in high arcs.  Heather lay on her back in a puddle of sperm masturbating non-stop.  Women cried and moaned in ecstasy, consumed by orgasms, their eyes riveted on Roger’s cock and his superhuman ejaculation!  How could a man cum so much?  He was shooting as much as fifty men!  Maybe a hundred!!!

And still it came!


Miranda’s mouth hung open as her unblinking eyes focused on the naked man’s distended prick.  It flexed up and down as if pulled by a puppet string.  The girl’s hands and fingers ran across her bare skin, touching herself in the most intimate places; the spiked points of her nipples, the wet warmth of her pussy!  Her hands gripped her smooth thighs and ran up and down her ribs!  She sucked on her fingers…then embedded those fingers between her other lips and stroked in-and-out!  A finger on her other hand found her navel and teased and probe it deeply.  Miranda was teetering on the edge of orgasm!

She again wondered what she must look like, thus exposed and displayed in such a lewd and shameless manner.  But she didn’t care.  She imagined herself as part of some steamy sex ritual.  An exhibition in her honor of the prowess of the Great God Priapus…with his legendary erect phallus being tended and ministered to by a host of unseen nymphs and sprites.

Finally it happened!  The cock flexed once again, then stood solidly upright, unmoving for a few moments.  It twitched twice and the man’s hips bucked!  An instant later, a thick, white geyser shot straight up in the air remarkably high.  Miranda gasped with surprise and watched as gravity brought the initial blast straight back down to coat the barrel it shot from.  But there was much more and cum continued to spurt out and decorate the man’s torso with pearly spillage!

This proved too much for Miranda and a searing orgasm engulfed her body!  She clutched her tits and twisted her nipples!  She moaned, gasped, and sobbed, though she felt like screaming her ecstasy!  How did she manage not to?  Her tender clit trembled…vibrated…it sang notes of joy that echoed throughout her entire body!  She bounced up and down on her knees as her pussy road the three fingers it so tightly gripped.

The ocean, the beach, the trees all spun around her in a whirlwind!


No longer at full erection and no longer shooting streamers, Roger’s cock continued to discharge cum.  It extended forward at half-staff and dribbled semen like a leaky garden hose.  The three college-age girls who had addressed him earlier had planted themselves in front of him on their knees, between him and Heather and happily received the sprinklings of cum.  They caught it in their hands and gleefully rubbed it over their naked bodies.  They had obviously discarded their tiny bikinis at some point during the show.  They giggled with delight!

Roger stood with hands on hips and caught his breath.  The tribal drums were silent and the sound of the ocean waves mingled with the soft murmurs of the naked and near-naked women.  Surveying the area, he saw women in disarray starting to collect themselves following an orgy of self pleasure.  The bikinis that were still being worn were all askew displaying wet pussies and bare boobs.

The cute, blonde teenager approached on wobbly legs, her yellow bikini top still pulled aside showing her perky, little pink-nippled titties, and the bottoms still slightly displaced.  Her mom followed a couple of steps behind.  The girl smiled up at Roger and held up her hand with fingers extended.

“I came five times!” she said excitedly.  “FIVE TIMES!!!”

The last of Roger’s cum hung from the tip of his cockhead in a strand about a foot long.  He turned to face the girl.

“Would you like the last of it?” he offered.

Impossible as it seemed, the girl’s smile got even bigger, then she glanced over her shoulder at her mom.

“Go ahead, honey!” mom said.

The girl reached out her right hand underneath the dangling ribbon of cum and raised it, gathering the thick creaminess in her hand.  It looked like a substantial amount in her small hand as it covered her entire palm.  She peered at it for a few long moments, then smiled that ear-to-ear grin at Roger again, then proceeded to smear the gooey mess onto her smooth, flat tummy, savoring the overt naughtiness of the act.

“Let’s get one more picture of you two together, okay?” mom said as she pulled her phone from her bag.

Roger put his arm around the girl’s shoulder and cupped her bare tit with his hand.  They both smiled.

“Make sure the picture shows the cum on my belly, mom!”



Miranda remained in place, her glistening pussy and brown-nippled tits still exposed to the open air.  Her chest heaved as the throbbing between her legs and the pounding of her heart gradually slowed.  Still she could not take her eyes off of the naked man stretched out before her.  How could he have remained asleep through such a body-wrenching orgasm, she wondered.  For that matter, how could his sleeping brain have caused him to cum so hard without any physical stimulation whatsoever?  It must be true, Miranda concluded; the brain is the most important sex organ of the body.

After a few minutes, Miranda composed herself and thought it best to leave before he really did awaken.  But she needed a souvenir.  Climbing to her feet, she hurried over to her beach bag, quickly rummaged through it, and found her cell phone.  Returning to her kneeling spot near the man, she aimed the phone to take a photo of his cum embellished body.


She took a quick look at the screen to make sure it looked good.  Yes!  Cock and cum were clearly visible.

She put her phone back in her bag and withdrew a pen and scrap of paper and jotted down a few words.  She cautiously approached the sleeping man and delicately placed the note on his chest.  A small droplet of semen acted as glue so the paper would not blow away in the wind.

Miranda slowly backed away, picked up her beach bag, and only then did she readjust her bikini to once again conceal her pussy and titties.  Taking one last, long look at her naked stranger, Miranda made her way out from under the canopy of trees to continue her walk along the beach.

Roger awoke slowly to the gentle sound of the wind, waves and birds that had lulled him to sleep.  He cracked one eye open for a second to confirm his whereabouts.  In his grogginess, Roger began recalling fragments of the dream he’d just had.  Images, actions, and feelings faded in and out of his memory, overlapping, rearranging, regaining clarity and becoming more distinct and vivid. Piecing together the sexually charged incidents his sleeping brain had conjured.  In his reverie, he lifted one arm and rested his hand on his chest.  His fingers sensed wetness…stickiness.  He moved his hand lower and felt more.  Roger lifted his head and to his surprise saw his torso splattered with semen.  Spatters, streaks, and puddles of cum decorated his belly and chest.  A daub still clung to the head of his now peaceful and contented penis.

A wet dream?  Really?  Roger mused that he hadn’t had a wet dream since his teen years.  Well, considering the intense eroticism of his slumbering imagination, why not?

It was then that Roger noticed the small scrap of paper stuck to his chest.  At first he thought it must just be a bit of litter blown by the wind.  But as he peeled it from his skin, he saw there was handwriting on it, which read:


Dear Sleeping Man,

Thanks for the show.  So hot!  I loved it!

I hope ALL your wet dreams cum true.




Roger lifted himself up onto his elbows and looked around, but saw no one.  He glanced down at the note again and pondered its meaning.  Again he looked up and down the beach hoping to see whomever it was who left him the note.  But he was alone.  He took a deep breath and let out a heavy sigh, and felt a glob of thick cum slowly ooze down his chest.

He leaned back and lay back down, resting his head on the sand-cushioned blanket.  Once again he lifted the semen-stained note in front of his eyes and contemplated what a pretty name Miranda was.

Roger gazed up at the blue sky beyond the canopy of trees above him.  He smiled and felt his penis twitch.

And wondered…

…whether he was still dreaming.



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