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Watching Strangers

Posted by: Age: 24 Posted on: 14 comments
13 likes 76 views Category: Sex Stories Exhibitionists and Dares Tags: webcam, online, chatroulette, voyeurism, feet

Watching strangers online with a friend

This is something that happened many years ago, and recently came up during a school reunion.  I thought I should share the story here because it did wonders for my self-confidence.


During my high school years, I had a really good friend named Carla, who was in many of the same classes as I was.  We often spent time together making homework, doing "girl stuff", and just hanging out.  I grew up rather sheltered and I never had any sexual experiences during high school (that changed during university) but Carla was "further along" and even had a boyfriend (I remember I didn't like this at all because she chose to spend time with him rather than with me).  I wasn't super interested in boys but looking back I think that was probably because I figured they were not interested in me either and just didn't want to risk rejection.  I was rather "late" with everything (got my boobs late, was tiny compared to the hot and popular girls in school, and generally just didn't think of myself as attractive).  Carla wasn't necessarily part of the gang of "popular girls" either, but she was definitely more confident and bubbly.



One time her parents were away and I was going to spend the night at her place (not the first time that happened).  I brought my sleeping stuff to school and went home with her right after school, where we would do homework, cook together (we'd mess up the simplest of dishes but we had loads of fun doing it), and then just watch a movie or something like that.  We were too young to go out to the town because we would not be allowed in any clubs or bars (and being the shy type, I must say going out never really appealed to me).  This was after the thing with her boyfriend had ended (I'm not sure why, actually) but I was super curious at the time and her being so open and uninhibited meant that it was a nice opportunity for me to learn a thing or two about boys from her.  I was a little surprised to learn that she and him hadn't actually had sex (I honestly thought everyone but me was having it all the time).  But they had "played around" and been naked with each other.  What struck me most was her telling me that he would get hard from just seeing Carla, without her even touching him.  I had of course watched porn but I learned from there that guys need physical stimulation, and the thought of giving a blowjob was very unappealing to me at that time (again, that changed during university).  I think the subject came up because I mentioned that, and she was like "Are you crazy? It's super awesome", but then going on to tell me that this was not required to get a boy in the mood at all.  I told her "Yeah maybe for you because you're hot" - she hugged me and told me that was a sweet thing to say but that this was honestly not how it worked, and suggested that she'd prove it to me.



She went to one of these websites where you're connected to a random person to chat, which was new to me.  We were already in our pajamas (T-shirt and shorts), but we were sitting at her desk so we looked decent.  But it turned out that there are many guys on this site with their webcam pointed at their erect dick and stroking it.  She knew this, and thought she'd share this with me.  I was fascinated because this was very different than porn, knowing these were real people doing it right now, but it also made me feel slightly uneasy, also because the majority of them immediately asked us to flash our boobs to them.  Carla did, once or twice, but I'd rather die.  Many of the guys skipped us when it was clear we weren't going to play along, but some apparently liked the thought of two girls watching them and when they were nice enough to keep going even when we made it clear we were just there to watch, I must admit it was kind of hot to witness this.  Especially when the guys were showing more than just their dick on cam.  I was utterly amazed that some of them even had a nice chat with us as if this was the most normal thing in the world.  While they were masturbating for us.  Where I was super giggly the first few times, I really got into it.  We watched several guys cum for us and it made me feel quite nice, although I figure that they were more focusing on Carla than on me.  Also, it felt a bit weird that all of them just closed the chat after they came, which made me feel "used" in a way.  We probably spent more than two hours like this, and I lost count of the number of naked men I saw.  As much as it fascinated me, we got kind of bored with it and decided to go to bed.



I told Carla that this experiment didn't really prove anything, because these were just guys who were already horny and going at it, just looking for inspiration or audience.  She rolled her eyes at me and said I was being very hard to convince, but she admitted I had a point.  After I came back from brushing my teeth, she was on the bed belly-down-feet-up on her laptop again, and I could see that she was chatting with a guy who was dressed (at least from the waist up because that was all we could see), and when I came in, she said "So this is my friend Simone.  Simone, this is Mark.  So Mark, Simone would like to see you get hard, do you think you could do that for her?"  I leapt forward and closed her laptop, screaming "Oh my god Carla, what the fuck" but not really angry at her.  I was just not prepared.  But we thought that this would be a nice experiment and went back to the site (although we didn't find Mark again).  We just lay there next to each other, skipping anyone who wasn't dressed and decent (that meant the majority), and said the same thing every time we met someone looking nice: "We'd like to see you cum, is that OK?"  Their response turned out to be quite predictable: "What are you going to show me in return?" and when they would be pushy after we told them "nothing, we'll just watch" then we'd just skip them.  Carla told me that she actually reciprocated when she went to that site alone, but (sorry readers) that didn't happen that night - we weren't that close.  Still, quite a few of the guys were game, and I learned that many were happy with just us lying there in that pose, with our feet visible (who knew!).  And when we moved the laptop so that only I was visible and I gathered enough courage to ask them myself (I found that it helped me a lot to type the question rather than say it out loud), I felt so wonderful about guys doing this just for me even though I was just chatting to them and not showing them more than a smile and my legs.  Not for hot Carla and her big boobs clearly visible through her T-shirt, but just for plain old me.



More than feeling horny from this (like Carla, she admitted), I felt powerful and wanted.  I never had any "dominant" side to me but the idea of being so bold and ask this directly (after all, if it fell flat I could just click them away) and especially the few of them who were actually super sweet and nice to me or even asked whether it was OK to cum when they were getting close, really made me feel good.  In the years after, I went there quite often and the idea that I could have a guy doing basically what I said (stripping naked, putting the camera in a certain position, and stroking until completion) just because I asked him to, and as long as I was being forward and clear about my intentions, usually within minutes of me deciding I wanted him, made me feel like a goddess.  I was still very shy in school, but whenever one of the popular guys would walk past me in the hallway without even looking at me, I knew I would go home after school, open my laptop, and have someone cumming for me in minutes.  It was intoxicating and addictive, like a secret super power.



If you're a guy reading this who went on such chat sites and you remember a blonde blue-eyed teenage girl making you do this, then I apologize for using you to empower myself.  And lastly, if you're a girl reading this and you think this is a good idea, make sure you never show anything on cam yourself because people can take a screenshot and ruin your life - but that's a story for another day.



P.S. I realize that last sentence sounded more dramatic than I intended.  I was never "doxxed" or anything like that, but someone did take a screenshot and I was so upset with this that I stopped doing this.  This was shortly before I started at university and although I still occasionally checked it out, I realized that the thought that I could was more important than actually doing it.




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