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Watching my Wife

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Watching my Wife by russhan
One evening I was next door talking to my neighbor and drinking a littlebeer, when my wife came over looking for me. We were sitting on hispatio and his wife came out with two glasses of wine for her and mywife. The four of us sat and talked and drank for a couple of hours. Themore we drank the more the conversation turned towards sex. At somepoint in the conversation my neighbor stood up ,walked to his wife, andstarted to kiss her rather passionately. He was wearing a pair of thincotton shorts, and by the large bulge in his pants it was plain to mywife and I that he was very turned on. Soon the kissing turned toforeplay with him caressing her breasts and running his hands up andinto her crotch. I was watching them and for a moment forgot about myown wife. When I looked back at her she looked hypnotized by what washappening, and was softly rubbing her crotch through her shorts. Aboutthis time my neighbor's wife pushed her husband's shorts down andstarted to masturbate him. This pushed my wife over the edge. She undidher shorts and took them off, she then peeled her panties down her legs and kicked them aside.My wife was now naked from the waist down, herlegs wide open,and rubbing her cunt furiously. Making more noise than Ihave ever heard from her she inserted two fingers deep inside her cuntand spread` her pussy lips with the other hand. Now my neighbors havestopped what they were doing and the three of us are watching my wifemasturbating herself. In her own sexual world my wife didn't evenrealize that we are watching her. Deeper and deeper, faster and faster,she went with her fingers. They were wet when she pulled them out andpushed back in. She had her legs splayed open as far as they would go,and had slid down in the chair until she was almost parallel with thefloor, her hips were bucking up and down furiously. When she finallyreached orgasm she collapsed in the same position. I have never beenmore turned on in my whole life. Here was my modest wife naked from thewaist down,spread eagle and cum running down the inside of both herthighs.



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