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Watching Gen
Watching Gen
I have always been fascinated with masturbation and use thoughts of how others masturbate to get myself off. I have been masturbating for as long as I can remember..at least back to age 6, which would put me back about 26 years. I discovered in school that if I pressed my vagina into the corner of the school desk, supported myself with my hands on the corners and crossed my legs at my ankles or knees, squeezing and releasing them I could create the most incredible feelingsâ?¦.and I could create them really quickly. I did not actually hump the cornerâ?¦I sort of inconspicuously squeezed the corner with my thighs until I came. From that point, I was hooked and I am certain, did it daily at school thinking that nobody noticed. I am certain now, that the teacher and students saw what I was doing but nobody asked me to stop. It wasnâ??t until Grade 3 that that I decided that maybe this highly pleasurable activity should remain private. I was 8 at the time and masturbated daily. My mother began volunteering in the classroom and perhaps she suggested that I do that in private. I donâ??t remember, but from that point on I remember closing my bedroom door so that I could mount the corner of my dresser. I became obsessed with the corners of furniture and used this method for as long as I can remember as it was the only way I knew of how to get off so intensely.
Once, in grade 3, I was so horny (and since I had decided not to masturbate in class anymore) I asked the teacher if I could go to the washroom. I literally ran down the hallway, horny from the anticipation of being able to mount the corner of the wood bench in the girls changeroom. Just like yesterday I remember placing my pussy on the corner, raising my legs off of the ground and exploding into an incredible orgasm. Ahhh.
Although I was able to stop getting off at school, a girl in my Grade 5 class, Gen, was unable to and had (or so she must have thought) a secretive way of doing it. She was in my Grade 5 class, and at the time, we still had the old fashioned type of desks..the ones that were individual..where the seat was attached to the desk and the desk part had a spot to slide in your books and pens. We also had regular desks where a couple of us sat around. Anyway, Gen was an obsessed with masturbating and was so horny during the day, that she couldnâ??t stop.
This is what she did, and I still envision her doing it to arouse myself. Sitting at a regular desk (and I always made sure that I got to sit near to her so I could watch her face and movements because it aroused me so much) she would spread her arms out infront of her so that her arms and forearms were flat against the top of the desk. She would then put a book between her forearms to read (and she was ALWAYS reading). Her forearms would hold open the pages and her hands were flat on the desk to grasp the table. Next, she would begin her journey to climax by pretending to read (which Iâ??m sure she wasâ?¦but boy oh boy did she stay on one page for a long time) and start stimulating herself by squeezing her legs tightly together, raising her feet up off of the ground and pulling her body forward along the chair as her feet "pumped the air"â?¦She would always start out gently and slowlyâ?¦.pumping, pumping, pumping the "air" with her feet until she slid so far forward to the end of the chair that she had to stop and push her butt to the back of the chair to start all over again. I watched her face get red and her body grow in excitement. I knew what she was doing and could feel my heart rate rise. I watched what her legs did. Every once in a while she would open her legs wide and then close them tightly togetherâ?¦probably to delay or slow down the onset of orgasm. Sometimes she would get so into it that it was impossible for anyone in the class to not notice what was going on. However, she was, at this point, oblivious as to who was watching her because the chair would start making a loud, fast banging noise (in a quiet room) as she was cummingâ?¦..and of course at that point she was pumping "the air" quite furiously.
During private reading time ( in Grade 5) we were allowed to sit anywhere in the class to read. Naturally, Gen would sit at a desk, and if I was lucky it would be a large desk so that I could sit under itâ?¦observing her "pumping" the air.
Gen developed different variations of this masturbation technique as the school year proceededâ?¦... I am certain, to spice things up and to make it look a little bit less obvious as to what she was doing. One day I noticed that she had starting slipping a pencil between her thighs. I also noticed that sometimes the pencil would drop out from between her legs and to the ground when she felt the urge to open and close her legs when she was really getting into it. Once this happened when I was strategically sitting under the table during private reading time. I jumped at the opportunity to pick up the pencil and return it to her. Pretending that I didnâ??t notice that the pencil had dropped from between her crotch, I asked her why the pencil was so hot. She said that she likes to keep the pencil just on the inside of her sleeve. Her response made know sense what so ever, however I didnâ??t question her any further, since I didnâ??t want her behaviour to stop. From that point on, she would make it obvious that she really did keep the pencil warm by hiding it on the inside of her long-sleeved shirtâ?¦..â?¦ but then when she thought everybody was consumed in their own books, she would pull the pencil out of her sleeve and slip it between in between her crotch. Now if I ever asked again, she had an excuse.
As I had mentioned earlier, our classroom was comprised of modern group desks and a small series of "old-fashioned" desks. Gen was really a very quiet person, a book-worm (wonder why). When the teacher was assigning individual desks, Gen almost begged the teacher for an "old-fashioned" desk. I had never seen her so passionate about anything in school expect her commitment to masturbation and reading. Gen went out of her way to get assigned to an old-fashioned desk, as I soon observed, because here she could hide all kinds of masturbation toys in the inside shelf and secretively slide them between her thighs without anyone noticing and carry on her "secretive-read- the- book" masturbation technique. Plus, the desk was very small so her hands could grasp the edge of the desk, making it easier for her to pull her body forward along her chair.. Also, the chair part of the desk was attached so that it didnâ??t move as she scooted forward. This was a desk made in heaven for Jen. She could continue masturbatingâ?¦now just a little more quietly and less noticeably, which I would have to agree, was. Lastly, the desks were at the back of the room, where she could carry on a little more privately.
Gen upgraded her toys to using wooden rulers. She discovered that by placing a ruler between her thighs and leaning the ruling against the metal barrier just under the table top she could pump the ruler while pulling forward at the same time and avoid the chair from scooting forward too much or too loudly. She did this at the old-fashioned desk as well as the regular group desks on a daily or twice daily basis. This excited me immensely. I decided that I would help her to discover her next toy and I made her a small pin-cushion. She said thanks and proceeded to "hideâ?? the pin-cushion in her desk, along with her other "toys". I kept my fingers crossed that I would get to see her use her new toy. Later in the day she gave it a try. Wow..what a thrill.
Gen and I became friends. I couldnâ??t wait to see her bedroom to see whether or not her desk was pressed up against the wall or if it was slightly pulled away. As I had hoped, it was a small desk and it was away from the wall so that her hands could grasp the edge of the desk as she masturbated. Often Iâ??d leave her in her room and go to the washroom hoping that when I came back to her room that she would be sitting at her desk. This was usually after school and once she was at her desk just "finishing up", furiously pumping her legs, face red with excitement as she came, unable to stop, even knowing that I was in the room with her. It was almost as if she knew that I knew about her practices and that it was just something that she did. She probably didnâ??t understand or thought that I didnâ??t understand what was going on. All she knew was that I didnâ??t question it.
It seemed that Gen needed to get off several times per day. It was amazing how high her sex drive was. One day, I was over, and as usual we went to her bedroom and sat on her bed reading books and chatting. We never really talked about sex or anything. My hopes were that I could leave her in her room for 10 minutes so that I might come back and find her sitting at her desk going at it. This time I left for about 5 minutes because she had asked me to get some snacks for us from the kitchen. I took my time and when I returned, she was sitting at her desk pretending to read. She wasnâ??t moving though. I sat on her bed and she stayed seated at her desk. I didnâ??t encourage her to leave her desk, instead I put the cookies and juice by her side. She must have stopped "pumping the air" when she heard me coming into the room, and was working towards orgasm but was able to stop when I arrived. I assumed that she was up to her actions before I came in because she immediately asked me to head back to the kitchen to get the chips. I didnâ??t leave for too long this time. I assumed that she was planning to get off quickly by the time I came back to the room with chips. When I returned 30 seconds later she was reading and pumping away. She stopped for a few seconds to adjust herself and to acknowledge my presence. I acted like nothing was happening and jumped up onto her bed and started to carry on a conversation and to watch. I started to dig into the chips. She was probably close to cumming when I returned and was unable to make up an excuse to ask me to leave againâ?¦her drive to cum was so strong that she just couldnâ??t stop herself. She told me, at that point "that she was just going to finish up the next few pages of a real good part of her book"â?¦.I of course..said "No problem" and within a minute she pumped away uncontrollably until she came, with me watching her just 2 feet away. After she came there was no mention of what was going on. I was so horny from watching this I excused myself to the bathroom so that I could masturbate on the corner of the bathroom counter. I could come in seconds this way.
Sometimes, at school, I would try to talk to her when she started masturbating to she if she would stop or I would ask her a question that required concentration just as she was going to peak. Sometimes she would try to stop or sheâ??d say that sheâ??d get back to me in a minute, once againâ?¦just finishing up a chapter in her book. Usually at that point, her face would be all red and she just could barely talk and her head would tilt a little to the side. Sheâ??d act as if nothing was going on and I could see that it took all her strength to even talk to me at that point.
Often, I would bring in books that had sex parts in it and I would tell her about it hoping sheâ??d want to read them and masturbate. She would always ask me if I could show her where the sex parts were in the book and could she read it. (This was in Grade 8 at this point). She was still going at it until age 13. ( I donâ??t know if she stopped in High School because we went to separate schools).
When I was 15 I had a young girl in my gymnastics class (I was the coach)â?¦who would get off by straddling the balance beam, with her chest flat on the balance beam and her head slightly to the side. She would proceed by pulling her body along the balance beam, keeping her genital area intact with beam. She would start to hump and slide along the balance beam..pretending to be a "caterpillar" or so she told the other kids. However, when she was close to cumming that caterpillar really knew how to scoot quickly. Sometimes sheâ??d spend so much time sliding along the balance beam weâ??d have to ask her to stop. I could see the disappointed look in her face, being pulled away from such an exciting event.
I am almost 32, not married and considered to be quite beautiful. I look like a cross between Nicole Kidman and Claudia Schiffer so I have never had a shortage of men. I love my boyfriend (and men in general) and often fantasize about sucking him off when I am masturbating. Heâ??s got a really responsive hard cock and it arouses me immensely to suck him.
Today, I hump pillows and try techniques from this website. I donâ??t touch my pussy very much but prefer humping actions..mmmmm. Pillows are quite nice, especially when I can put something firm in them to grind on. I like to pump on socks and candles. I never put anything inside me however when I am humping a sock, I put another rolled up sock in at the back of my underwear to simulate a mans balls. The feeling is incredibleâ?¦you should try it.
Once I caught my friend sliding up a down the railing in her house. I tried that as well but put a sock on top of my genitals so that I wouldnâ??t get bruise. I could cum this way. Running water doesnâ??t cut it for me. I have never tried a vibrator but I know that I will enjoy it when I get one.
I still use my corner method to get off really quickly. During sex, my boyfriend and I lay on our sides, facing each other and I hump his cock to cum. This is the most pleasurable and easiest way for me to achieve orgasm. Often he is close to orgasm at this point as well. I plan on continuing to masturbate, as I find the orgasms from masturbation to be so intense and wonderul. I love it.
I hope that this detailed story contributes to others pleasures.
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