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Visiting a Woman I Met on AOL Chat

Posted by: Age: 34 Posted on: 4 comments
6 likes 1020 views Category: Masturbation Female-Male Tags: Vacation, Camping, Nice Ass

I used to chat in AOL chatrooms and one time a woman messaged me privately. She started asking me about masturbation. She had been reading the Nancy Friday book, Men In Love, about the men’s fantasies and masturbation habits. She was very curious and I enjoyed chatting with her about it. She lived in rural central Oregon and her home looked really nice.

“Why don’t you fly out to visit me,” Karen asked me over the phone. Karen and I had been talking online for months and had been talking on the phone after discovering we had a lot of things in common besides male masturbation habits. My personal masturbation habits had been discussed thoroughly and she had always been full of questions during the first months of our chats. On rare occasions, she would still bring something up after talking to someone else or after reading something. A few times, I would masturbate while we chatted and she seemed to enjoy knowing that.

As we got to know each other, we discovered that we enjoyed talking about all sorts of things and that we  were both church people, even though we were talking about sexual things so openly. Also, we both agreed we didn’t believe in sex before marriage. She said that a year before we met, she was dating a man from her state and he had wanted to rush sex with her. She had gotten her fascination about masturbation from him because he denied that he did it and said that mature men really only got their needs met by sex with women. Apparently she was seeking answers after kind of having her heart broken by him. Frankly, I was surprised when she invited me to come visit her for an extended date. Maybe she thought of me as more than just some jerk off she could interview.

“If you’d enjoy it we can go camping the first night when you get here,” Karen suggested. “I’ll sign up for one of the old fire watch towers in the national forest that is on the way home from the airport. We can go right there after I pick you up.” I agreed that sounded like fun and felt very trusted. After all, this was our first time to meet face to face and she was ok with going out into the woods with someone who was physically a stranger. We had seen pictures of one another and even video chatted in addition to lots of phone calls but still it could be risky for a woman if she didn’t trust the guy she was going camping with. She told me that she would bring two sleeping bags and that we would not be sleeping in the same one. She and I worked out ideas for food and so forth. It sounded like a lot of fun as I had not been camping in years.

After finding her past the airport security zone, Karen warmly hugged me and then kissed me. Holding me still in her arms, she talked about how nice it was to see me and that I was taller than she thought and even more handsome than my pictures showed. I complimented her and said she made blue jeans look great. And, she really did. They were so tight that her vulva was split and so were her butt cheeks. I loved that. I also loved kissing her more deeply right there before we broke that first hug. I could tell she was a great kisser. Following her up the escalator to the baggage claim, I watched her thin legs and bubble butt and started to already get aroused by the thought of being around her for the next 5 days and this made my cock show pretty good in my tight 501 jeans.

The 2 hour drive to the forest was filled with great conversation. Karen was not only thin and fit and sexy but also easy to get to know. We learned a lot more about each other as we drove. When we got there, we worked together to unload all the gear and carry it up the two flights of stairs of the former fire watch tower she'd procured for us from the parks service. I loved following her up to stare at her backside in those jeans. We hung up a sun shower bag from a tree limb and then got dinner ready. We were really hitting it off.

We sat by the campfire holding hands, kissing, talking. The fire died out and I buried it then we went up the tower. She got her night kit and went down to brush teeth and do the rest, then I went down. When I got back up there, she was wearing only a t-shirt and panties. “Want to get comfortable and sit with me?” Karen invited. Seeing her in the dim lamp light was so sexy. By the time I was down to my boxer briefs I was bulging. I got bulging a lot more as we stood and kissed, then as we sat with her straddling my lap, then as we lay side by side with hands roaming and petting a bit.

By the time she decided we needed to sleep as she had to get back home in time to feed the horses the next day, we were both very aroused. She brought that fact up, “We kiss so well together, don't we. I feel how much you've become aroused. Me, too, as a matter of fact. Will you be OK going to sleep now or do you need to masturbate? You told me how much you always masturbate and that you feel healthiest when you ejaculate every day. Should I leave you alone for a few minutes?”

I told her I'd be fine if she would be fine. She gave me another deep kiss. “Thanks for not pushing for sex even though it's what we both crave so much,” she said. In the morning, I woke in my separate sleeping bag when she crawled in with me. She was shivering until I held her tight and warmed her. She then held my face with her hand and kissed me just on the lips. We chanced the “morning breath” potential and found ourselves right back at the hot, passionate level very quickly. This time, she stopped us after I was rock hard and pressed between our bellies. “If I don't stop, I may not control myself,” Karen said. “Besides my horses need us.”

She got up and I could see that the crotch of her blue striped cotton panties was wet. When I stood, my erection was out of control and the precum was oozing out of the fabric. She stared. “Maybe you should shower first, and you can make that feel good while your down there. Just don't use all the water, OK? Do the playing with the water off,” she suggested. I agreed to go first and gathered my kit. Before I could leave, she handed me a small tube of cocoa butter cream, telling me that she brought it just for me to use since she knew I liked to masturbate with lube.

I went down and stripped of my briefs. I wet my body with the shower and started to later with my bar of soap, sunshine warming my naked skin and my erection waving around. “How's the water? Warm at all?” her voice came down from above. I couldn't look with soap on my face, but it sounded like she was at the rail looking down.

“Water’s refreshing. Just fine. You're not peeking are you?” I answered back.

“Nope. Not peeking. Peeking is when you surreptitiously look, briefly, not a lengthy open gaze,” she replied with a giggle. I rinsed off and looked up. She was no longer there. Lubing my hand with the lotion, I next stood nude in the woods, imagining her kisses and her warm body, and her hard bravest nipples. I stroked slowly until I heard, “Can you enjoy that a bit faster? I'm sure it feels great but I still need to shower too, love.” I told her I would hurry. I heard her footsteps now moving around up there. The thought of her watching was inspiring and in a couple minutes I squirted my semen on the big flat dark green leaves of a plant by the sun shower. I knew she'd see it. But then I knew she'd already seen a lot more. I gathered my stuff and turned to the stairs where I'd hung my clean shorts and pants. Karen was sitting at the top step looking down.

“Feel better?”she asked. I was nude and my penis was softening slowly and I could tell she was liking the view. I just grabbed the clothes and walked up the stairs. She stood and let me pass, slapping my butt hard as I did. “Don't peek at me now,” Karen teased.

Turning around on the landing, her a few steps down, I asked, “Do you need the tube of hand cream?” She stopped her descent and faced me. My penis was now at eye level to her. For a few seconds, she just looked from my groin to my face, then back again.

“Women are different.  We get our own cream at the start, men cream at the end, love. I'll be fine. Now please don’t peek and when we get home to my house I promise you will enjoy it,” Karen told me. I made sure to be a good boy with her and the rest of the visit was every bit as intriguing.



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