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Vibrating Panties Rediscovered

Posted by: Author: Age: 25 Posted on: 2 comments
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A great evening on our anniversary thanks to a pair of vibrating panties and a little patience.
A few years ago, before we were married, I bought my wife Carolyn remote control vibrating panties with one of those mini-bullet vibrators for Valentine's Day. We used them few times during foreplay, but she never had an orgasm from them, and never wore them in public. She sort of lost interest after a while and we more or less forgot about them... until recently.

For our second anniversary, we went out to dinner and a movie and she suggested wearing the panties to make it more interesting. Part of the problem with them in the past was that the actual panties are one-size-fits-all and Carrie's very slender, so the vibrating bullet in the panties didn't really press against her unless she sat just right. So I suggested that she try wearing the bullet in normal tighter panties and let it be held in place by her clothes rather than sitting in the pouch on the panties designed for it.

Despite temptation, I didn't do anything with it until we got to the restaurant and had a couple glasses of wine in front of us. The first time I turned it on without her noticing and she visibly jumped. Apparently it was much more powerful when directly against her clit instead of separated by a layer of fabric. I only left it on for 30 seconds, but when I turned it off Carrie said she was starting to get turned on and her nipples were visibly harder.

Throughout dinner, I kept on giving her small bursts pretty frequently, only on low setting and though she didn't jump again, she always gave a small start. After we had stopped eating, I left it running while the waitress gave us the dessert pitch and then handed us our check. I noticed her knees had been occasionally been giving small twitches while the vibrator was running, and this time I left it on and I could tell her breathing was irregular and she wasn't paying attention to the desserts at all. When the waitress left I left it on and she said that she felt like she was close to cumming.

I didn't want to embarrass her, so I turned it off. Wow she must have been close. She was starting to sit up straight and her abs were clearly contracting as she was on the edge. I paid the bill and we were finishing our drinks when I turned it back on. Fortunately we were away from other people because she let out a yelp when it came on and her hands shot to her crotch and pressed the vibrator, she was trying to mute it, but the added pressure sent her over the edge. Seconds later she was having a crazy orgasm heaving deep but fast breasts and making gasping noises while she shut her eyes and leant towards the wall. When I could tell it was ending I turned it back off... and that was just on low setting.

We had to stay for another five minutes before she was able to get up and we left. She was super turned on and fondled me through my pants the entire drive to the theater. I desperately wanted to pull into a dark parking lot somewhere, but I also wanted to keep the evening going. At one point she started to unzip me and lean in, so I quickly grabbed the remote from my shirt pocket and turned the vibrator back on. Since she had just had a strong orgasm only a few minutes before, she was very sensitive and squirmed like she was going to take it off so I shut it off immediately, but I managed to get us to the movie without letting her in my pants.

We were seeing The Avengers and it had been out for a month or so, so the theater was pretty empty and we sat in the back row, the nearest people were two rows in front of us and half a dozen seats away so we had plenty of privacy. As soon as the lights dimmed for the previews she had unzipped me and taken me in her mouth... but I still wasn't ready for the evening to end.

After enjoying this for a minute or so, I whispered "not yet" and turned the vibrator back on. I made her get back up into her seat and could see she was already getting into it. I left it on low for a good thirty minutes and was watching her. Neither of us was paying attention at all to the beginning of the movie, but the vibrator wasn't having nearly the same effect as before. Her knees gave one small twitch and I couldn't wait any longer. I turned it up to medium for the first time of the night. Her response was immediate. If she had been standing, her legs would have buckled right then. Her knees were twitching like jello and she was leaning forward grabbing the armrests tightly. She's not usually multi-orgasmic, but she was about to cum again. I could see the same telltale signs of the impending orgasm, and fortunately the movie was loud. Right as she was about to cum, I turned the remote up to the high setting. Her pussy was spasming uncontrollably and again she pushed her hands instinctively into it to try to dull the sensation. She was so slick from being turned on for close to two hours that instead of driving in like before, she managed to push it down off her clit, but she was so wet that it slid right inside her pussy driving the orgasm further. I don't think anyone else in the theater heard her, but her screams were loud enough that I was worried she'd be discovered.

I could continue this with my ending to the night, but the rest of the evening deviates from the Solo Touch theme, so I'll have to leave that to your imagination.



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