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Uniformed Joy

Posted by: Author: Age: 28 Posted on: 2 comments
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To get this story going and to have everyone fully understand, this goes back about 6 months before hand.

Where I work, every year there is a 'competition' of sorts as to who can go without masturbation or any form of sexual act the longest. The winner usually gets cash as a prize, and most of the time is a considerable one. The way it works is, about 10-20 of us usually enter in, and once you break/drop-out you have to pay 50c per day (Or a minimum of $100 if you choose not to do the daily cost) thereafter until the last person finally cracks. I never had entered before as I am a regular masturbator, about 3-4 times a week, but this time I wanted to see how long I could go, and for me this was really hard.

This year's *well last year now* had everyone entering which was around 25 people, and there was no doubt going to be a big prize at the end, also there was a big party happening in around 6 months time, it had been planned from about 2 years ago, so this was going to be big, a fancy dress party, the theme being Uniforms, at least 400 or so people would be attending, including myself

Well to get the story going more I'll skip ahead 2 months.

By this point 5 people had dropped out after only a week, 3 girls and 2 guys, rather than waiting till the end they put in $500 each, so there was a nice bounty already to start with after the first week at $2.5k, by this time everyone else was getting a bit edgy, and within the next 2 weeks half dropped out, the kitty was now in the region of $7,000

The fancy dress party was now only a few months away and I still didn't have a Uniform so I asked a good friend of mine to make me one, who is a whiz at it, she can do anything from gloves to hats and even as far as boots if need be.

After looking through most of the possibilities I wanted a uniform from a different country so I chose the Japanese police outfit.

Skipping to two weeks before the party, only 3 people remained including myself and now the prize was near $12k I was getting rather excited about winning and the party. Anyhow my outfit was complete and the details were amazing, even the gloves, which were hand made, were outstanding. I tried it on and I just looked stunning in it, so much that I got turned on by myself, but resisted the urge to. I did a few poses for photos and then changed back into normal clothes and took my outfit home.

Just looking at the printouts of the photos I was getting rather hot, but I told myself not to.

5 months and no sexual acts of any kind were taking its toll, but I held out.

On the night of the party, it was now down to me and the boss, she was looking desperate herself and we both knew that this night was the night, either resist all, or give in, and this would be a challenge in itself, so many beautiful people, and a uniform has some effects on people. The boss cracked after a few hours being at the party, although I didn't know at the time.

We were at a 5 star hotel in the function room, some of us booked the night while others lived close enough to either drive home, walk or get a taxi home, I had booked myself a room.

About halfway during the night, this very attractive woman who was in a similar outfit to mine, well from the same country at least I think, became very friendly with me. We both chatted away and occasionally rubbing each others legs, her gloves were so soft and just getting closer and closer to my crotch I was getting more and more on edge and just wanted her to just stick her whole fist into my pussy. She was straight but she wanted to loosen up and maybe even experiment, and I was the same as well, although it never really went that far but we traded numbers. I revealed that I had crotchless panties for easy access, so I pulled up my skirt enough for her to be able to play around, and oh boy was that bliss, I didn't climax or anything but that really got me going. We both headed up to our rooms but parted ways for the night, I was disappointed in a way but she assured me we'll meet up the next day.

I headed to my room, and after locking the door, I just stripped down to just my bra, panties, gloves and stockings and threw myself onto the bed. I took off my bra and just started massaging my breasts and oh boy that felt great, the softness of the gloves was pure bliss, like the woman I met earlier. I then started to rub my stomach with one hand and one breast with the other, I soon made my way down to my pussy and I just went crazy. I had 2 fingers going like no tomorrow, then I started just working my clit, breathing heavily.

I then spread out my legs as far as I could and just had both hands working my whole crotch and inner thighs. I got up on my knees on the bed and just started thrusting, watching my breasts bounce in the mirror and just rubbing up and down in my inner thighs. By this point I was insanely horny, almost 6 months of no sexual activity all coming out at once.

I grabbed a can of soft drink out of the mini fridge and just started rubbing that against my vagina, the extreme cold being so pleasurable, I did this until the can warmed up and did this with the remainder of the cans.

My crotch now ice cold I went to see if there was some ice, which there was, grabbed a couple cubes and rubbed all over in my groin area, including the inner thigh.

I wish I had brought my vibrator at that point to really climax but I had to make do with what I had. In the end I got my hand mirror, and angled it to my pussy and had one gloved hand just fingering myself, it was unbelievable I was watching myself masturbate from a mirror and getting off to it.

I finally climaxed and oh boy was that a huge relief, I collapsed on the bed and fell asleep. The next day I woke up to room service knocking at the door with my breakfast that I had put in for the day before. I found a bathrobe and answered the door. Still having my gloves on, I ate breakfast. By now they were smelling a bit funny and had crumbs all over them now from the toasted sandwich I had. I dusted them off, and made my way to the room of the woman who I met the previous night, and she was actually more than happy to see me

To which I'll leave that story for later........

As far as the prize money went, the final total was $14,400 or something like that. I donated half of it to charity and the rest fixing up my car with some left over for some creature comforts inside for long trips.



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