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Ultimate Group Grope
Posted by: SoloTouchArchive
Author: admin
Posted on: 24 May 1998
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Ultimate Group Grope by cutepp (cutepp@hotmail.com)
Note: This is more a fuck/orgy story than a j/o story, but there's some j/o so I decided to post it...hope you like it
Heres a true story from the late 60s during the era of free love, andbefore stds were a major problem. The best times of my life.
Guess I was born an exhibitionist, since my parents tell me theycouldnt keep diapers on me as a baby. They never got used to the ideaof my wanting to run around bare as I grew up either. But, I managed togrow up and survived the "South East Asia" war games. I met the girl ofmy dreams while in college on the GI bill. She too loved to run aroundnaked whenever possible, but the opportunities for doing that legallywere few and far between.
We decided to find a nudist group and enjoy the freedom to socializewith a large group of naked people. My lady said that she didnt knowif she could really go through with it, but was looking forward toseeing what could be seen.
It took awhile, but we located a newly forming nudist camp (lepers livein colonies, nudists congregate in camps) about an hours drive away.With invitation in hand we drove to the end of a long dirt road, way outin the country. By the time we got there, I was about to explode withanticipation.
We blew the horn, the wooden gate opened, and a naked couple in theirmid-sixties waved us into a small clearing in the woods. There wereabout a dozen people milling about their camp sites. We parked, got outof the car, fully clothed, and were introduced by our greeters toeveryone who had gathered around to meet the new young people. Thencame the moment of truth when we were invited to shed our clothes andjoin the inactivity of the group. Back at our car my lady said that itwas now or never and began shedding her clothes. One problem, however,I still had a semi erection! No turning back now, so I let my briefsdrop. Oh what the hell! So there we were - she with juice flowingbetween her legs and me with pre cum oozing from the tip of mycomparatively small penis.
Everyone made us welcome, appearing to make no notice of our arousedconditions. The semi hard soon went flaccid, but he long string oflubrication that continued to hang from the tip of my now rose bud sizeddick told the story of my true condition. But little did we know thatthis group of folks were swingers, and not the garden variety nudistswho do not tolerate open sexual behavior.
It was really a thrilling experience being able to enjoy the company ofpeople who had no hang ups about their bodies. We swam in a make-shiftpool, shared food and a few bottles of wine, and before we knew it theday was gone.
As we prepared to leave some of our newest best friends begged us tostay the night in their camper. We were going to return the next dayanyway, so we accepted their gracious invitation.
After the pot luck dinner around the campfire one of the members, aphysical therapist, offered to give my lady a massage. She jumped atthe opportunity as the group gathered around to share the happening.The massage was professional enough, but things got interesting. Whileon her stomach, he would methodically reach his hands deep between herlegs after working down her back and over her buttocks. She didntreact at all - cool! While on her back, he worked her breasts andnipples along with the normal stuff that is done with a professionalmassage. Still no adverse reaction! Working down the stomach andpelvic region his hand again slipped between her legs and she shiveredonce or twice. He then worked her legs, feet and toes, only to move backto her vagina. She then spread her legs so that he could finish the jobproperly.
While this is going on I look around and see that most of the guys havea hard on like me. It then occurred to me that wed stumbled onto a sexclub, not a nudist group!
A little more wine, and off we go to our friends camper to call it anight. As it turned out, seven people were to spend the night on onehuge mattress!
Its now totally dark in the woods, seven horny, intoxicated nakedpeople on one mattress, and the action begins. A human hand startsstroking my penis, someone is sucking my toes, a finger slides up myrectum, another hand grabs my right hand and places it on a bald verywet pussy. Have I died and gone to heaven? This goes on for a fewminutes, and now somebodys sucking my dick!
A hand moves my hand onto a long thin dick. Hey this guys got shavedballs! So what the hell, I stroke it for him. Never touched anothermans dick before, but its dark, wholl know. The sucking stops, andnow theres this strange stroking sensation on the sweet spot on theunderside of my dick. I reach down with my left hand to see whatsgoing on and find that its some guy rubbing the head of his dickagainst mine. Next thing I know some womans sitting on my face pushingher huge clit against my tongue. Moaning and groaning all around themattress now. Cant see a damned thing and Ive got a dick in my hand,Im eating strange pussy, and Im about to squirt my load againstanother mans dick!
The dick Im stroking starts to swell and throb. Hes cumming all overmy hand, arm, and the side of my face. The pussy Im eating begins whatseems to be an endless orgasm, and "Oh my god" Im pouring cum all oversome guys dick!The dick thats rubbing mine now erupts all over this tangled mass ofhumanity.
Soon everyone is covered with bodily fluids and one by one we head offto the portable showers.
My lady and I got back together at the showers where she describedhaving been eaten and fondled by a lot of people. Shed gotten to playwith her first strange pussy as well as her first taste of one, if onlybriefly. She too had her hand wrapped around the long skinny dick forawhile.
We all slept soundly that night, and awoke to the smell of fresh coffeeand bacon and eggs cooking over the campfire just after sunrise.
The rest of that day went like the day before. Friendly chit chat,sunning, the normal lazy day around the pool kind of stuff. No mentionwas made of the events of the prior evening.
The story goes on for a couple of more years with a happy ending. Todaywe still run bare with a couple of hundred or so of our closest friendson weekends.
The scene is different this time. Its a real nudist camp - very properand respectful. Any private business happens inside ones tent orcamper. Get caught stroking around the pool, and youre tossed out onyour ear.
But ---- every once in a while a very familiar long skinny dick pays avisit.
Theres a lot more to tell. Its all true, but sadly a thing of thepast. I often lie in bed at night getting off on the events of the goodold days.
Yall go have some fun now. Find someone or better yet a group ofwilling and interested people to show your private parts to. Friendsthat stroke together stay together.
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