by Graeme I have only recently discovered your site after returning to the UK from Japan, where I had been working for some years: I think it’s great! Having enjoyed many highly pleasurable moments reading other people’s stories, I thought I would like to share this true experience of mine with your site visitors. It’s rather long, but I hope it will give pleasure to those who persevere to the end. I have always loved a self-administered hand job of course (even though now maybe only two or three times a week rather than two or three times a day as in times past) and - like many other of your correspondents - I get really excited from watching a woman bring herself off. Although I have been with many women and watched them masturbate, and have been very happy for them to see me do the same, my favourite spectacle is to watch them do it when they don’t know they are being seen. I love the thought that I am seeing a woman ‘as she really is’ when she is on her own. Yes indeed, you could say I am a closet voyeur! So to my story. Early this Summer, I was moving house from Exeter to London owing to a change in job and I had to find rented accommodation for a few weeks. I was lucky enough to find a girl who, though much younger than I, was willing to share her lovely house in the countryside with me (I won’t say where for obvious reasons). I will call her Brenda. She was a real beauty in my eyes, with the kind of figure and looks that have always turned me on - long dark hair, tanned and vaguely oriental-looking skin, and a petite frame with small breasts and a pert, neat behind. She told me she was 27. Brenda was engaged to an Australian guy called Tony (though I never met him), who strangely was away at the time working as an electronics engineer in Japan for six months. Brenda worked from home as a freelance journalist, so she was often around. That was nice, because I am a writer (nothing grand - just magazines and so on!) so I was also in the house a lot of the time too. We hit it off really well, right from the start, and had many laughs together over a red wine or three. The only sad note was that she made it clear from day one that she would always be completely faithful to Tony. Out of respect for her, I took note of that and never tried to change her mind. However, of course my mind immediately started to wonder what she did for sex - I guessed (quite rightly, as it turned out) that she must have quite an active sex life on her own. The idea of finding her masturbating continually turned me on, and often, even while writing (usually in my own bedroom), my mind would toy with that thought and I would instantly get rock hard. I would then have to unbelt my trousers, pull down my briefs, grab hold of my meat, and jerk off quickly until I spurted - which normally took less than a minute. In fact, rather than writing, I would spend my time dreaming up schemes for catching her in the act. To start with, I used to listen at doors - at the bathroom door when she was showering, or at her bedroom door when she was resting or at night (she always went to bed before me). On the odd occasion, I would even listen at the door when she was in the toilet, just in case she sneaked one in there! - I found in Japan that many girls did that because of their lack of privacy at home (but that’s another story, for another time!) However, after a couple of weeks or so, I was beginning to think that she simply did not masturbate at all because I had heard not so much as the tiniest squeak, squeal or moan of any interest at all (and even people who orgasm more or less silently tend to make some kind of noise.) I decided I would have to change my tactics if I was to have the pleasure of hearing her - and, if the gods were going to be kind to me, of actually watching her do the deed. I resolved that the way forward lay in having a conversation with her about sex and even masturbation, in the hope that this might get her excited enough to go off and have a private orgasm somewhere - though somewhere that permitted me to observe her of course! I am rather a shy man though and wondered how to bring up the subject in a way that would not embarrass either Brenda or myself. In the event though, that proved to be unnecessary. I spent another few days trying to find some likely spying places. After considerable searching, it seemed that there were only two possibilities. Firstly, I discovered that the slats of which her bedroom door was made did not fit very well and allowed me to see right in to her bed. Secondly, her garden was small but not overlooked at all, and she would occasionally sunbathe there. Then events took a sudden turn for the better - not completely satisfactory, but at least a move in the right direction. We often used to have a meal together in the evening, if neither of us had anything else to do, and at weekends we would sometimes do lunch too. One hot Saturday in June, we were both at a loose end and decided to have a light lunch in the garden. I was dressed just in shorts and she in a light top and trousers. Oh, that top! - it was delicate and flimsy and allowed her breasts to show through because she was not wearing a bra. Her nipples pressed against the material enticingly. How was I to survive? - I could feel a semi starting to come on and hoped it would go down again. Now, the subjects of our conversation over the first two weeks had been totally innocent - the news, plays we had seen, books we had read - that sort of thing. That lunchtime though we started to talk about holidays we had had and - maybe because of the inevitable bottle of red wine we had been drinking - she asked me whether I had ever been to a nudist beach or sunbathed naked elsewhere. Seeing an ultimate delicious possibility, I unblinkingly replied that I had many times, and loved it. May the heavens rejoice! - she - yes, she! - suggested that maybe as it was such a hot day we should both relax in that way after we had finished lunch. Never have I finished a meal so quickly! I worried in case it would be difficult to start the process of undressing and so on, but those fears were groundless. No sooner had we cleared away the dishes than she went over to a sun lounger, removed her top and her trousers, and those were swiftly followed by her knickers. What was thereby revealed left me speechless - a vision of heaven no less! Her beautiful neat body, with those pert boobs with their already-enlarged (so it appeared to me) nipples, and a neatly-trimmed bush below, was suddenly in my view! My breath was taken away - but my semi-hard knob instantly turned into a raging erection. How was I to cope? I moved over to a lounger near her, turned my back, took my shorts down, and lay down on my front, with just my head turned to face her, my insides knotted with anguish. “Nice bum”, was all she said. “Thanks!”, I replied. This was followed by a silence as I wondered how things would progress and what strategies I could employ to ensure a conclusion with at least some degree of satisfaction. However, she seemed happy to continue taking the lead - and my shyness meant that I was happy to let her. She obviously had things well weighed up. After a few minutes - during which time my hard cock was getting sore from being held under my belly for so long - she said: “Um..Graeme...are you going to lay on your front all afternoon? Your back will get burnt.” I decided that honesty was the policy most likely to move matters forward. “Well, actually, Brenda, I must confess I am in a state of excitement so are you sure you want me to turn over?” “Don’t be so silly!” was all she replied. “That’s quite normal when sunbathing naked. I have seen men get erections on a nudist beach or whatever from time to time. It doesn’t worry me at all.” I turned over. Oh, Lord....what now, I wondered. She just came right out with it. “Do you masturbate, Graeme?” I just could not believe it! “Well, yes, of course I do....” “Why don’t you go right ahead then? You look as though you need to!” I needed no second invitation - I was bursting to cum. I wanted to make sure though that steps were taken towards my ultimate goal. So whereas I really just wanted to wrap my fist around my cock and slap it up and down fast and shoot my load as quickly as I could, I sat up in my lounger, facing her, and delicately took hold of my uncut foreskin, teasing it gently down over the glans, and pushing it up again, very slowly. (I have always been glad I am uncut because I never have to use lube and the foreskin provides all sorts of pleasure-giving opportunities that cut men, I am sure, can but envy.) I wanted to know what effect I was having on my companion and as I had my tool in my hand in front of her, I felt I had the right to scrutinise her in detail. She too was sitting, rather than lying, on her lounger - presumably so she could see me better. There was absolutely no doubt at all - her nipples were seriously engorged and the aureolas darker than they were before. Her slender legs were in front of her, delicately parted a little and with her hands held together on her lap, her magazine now on the ground. I pretended to close my eyes, but actually I was watching Brenda through my nearly-closed lids. Sure enough, as I continued to play with my foreskin, one of her hands wandered to her left nipple and started to tweak it - it immediately hardened. This was going well! Bursting though I was to cum, I really wanted to make sure she did too, so I just kept up the gentle rubbing up and down. When I saw Brenda’s soft, slim thighs part a little further and her other hand descend to her trimmed thatch, I decided that it was time to open my eyes again. As I did, I started to rub the shaft of my cock, but just with two fingers and quite slowly. At the same time, I could see that Brenda’s fingers were down in her crack, rubbing slowly up and down the slit, which was now very visible, her eyes glued to my dick. That sight did for me. I could feel my cum building up and could hold it in no longer, Brenda or no Brenda, and with a few sharp, fast strokes, my jism erupted, spurt after spurt after spurt, some hitting my eye and the rest shooting all over my chest. Wow - that must have been one of the strongest orgasms of all time. When I looked at Brenda though, she had taken the hand that had been tweaking her nipple away, the hand between her legs had stopped moving, and she was just smiling at me. I smiled back. “That looked good!” was all she said. “ are right”, I grinned. But something was troubling me.... “Didn’t you cum though?” I asked, in a slightly disappointed tone of voice. “No, I didn’t. But it doesn’t matter.” A suspicion leaked into my mind: had she deliberately not cum so that she could go off on some pretext or other and cum on her own? Was it possible? Could I be so lucky? I asked her: “Why doesn’t it matter? Don’t you have orgasms?” She hesitated, clearly unsure how to answer me, and then she gave me an evasive response. “Well, occasionally, but not normally on my own.” As she said that, she looked down at her wonderful naked body - I too had still not taken my eyes off it! - and that made me sure she was far from telling the truth. “Oh, well, never mind then. It’s been a lovely lunchtime, I must say.” “Indeed”, she agreed, “but I think, if you don’t mind, that I am going in to get out of the sun for a while. It makes me tired and I think I need to rest.” Uh-huh....could it really be that my suspicions were well-founded? Maybe my luck was in! “Sure, I’ll stay here and read for a while,” I replied. “OK. See you later for a cuppa,” she responded. With that, she put on her slinky top and stood up, turning round to find her knickers and trousers. That gave me a fantastic view of her naked, pert butt, and as she bent down to retrieve them from the ground, the glories of her slit were revealed to me in full. Wow...I could feel I was beginning to get hard again, but was beginning to anticipate the possibility of even greater excitement in a few minutes. When she was dressed, she picked up her magazines, shot me a knowing smile, waved her hand, and went in to the house. I was unsure how long to leave matters before checking things out but decided that two minutes was more than enough for her to get into her bedroom and lie down on the bed. I could hardly bear to wait for the two-minute deadline that I had set myself, so full of eager anticipation was I. Would my suspicions indeed be confirmed? I quietly entered the house, tiptoed along the corridor to Brenda’s bedroom, and found, as I had hoped, that the door was closed. As silently as I could, I made my way to the door and tried to peer through the spyhole that I had found. Damn! Something was hanging over it. What now? There was the sound of a toilet flushing - presumably she had an ensuite in her bedroom. Damn again! - I hadn’t known that and she could have been having twenty orgasms a day in there without my knowing! I quickly looked all over the door for another suitably-placed gap in the slats. Surely my plans could not be thwarted now? Fairly quickly, I found what I was looking for - a gap that was not as big as the first one I had discovered, but that was adequate for my purposes since it at least gave me a full view of the bed if I put my eye right against the wood. I idly wondered whether she could see my eye if she looked. But that thought was soon brushed aside by the sound of the ensuite door opening and the sight of Brenda, still fully dressed (damn yet again!) lying down on her back on the bed. But...but...but...her eyes were fully closed, as though she did indeed intend to sleep! - double damn! All I could do was wait. Hell and damnation! However, my waiting did not have to last long - just as well, because I was now getting desperate for a pee myself, but I had other priorities right at that moment...Just as I was beginning to think that, after all, Brenda truly did not masturbate, her left hand fluttered to her breast and started to fondle it through the thin material of her top. Uh huh! Uh huh indeed! My prick started to harden again with anticipation...Could it really happen? Could I have been right all along? My dick was now hard as stone again and - as men always seem to do in erotic stories or in videos - I untrapped it from its misery in my trousers and gave it some consolation with my fist, but warning it that it had a long time to wait before any more spurting was possible because if Brenda was going to cum for real, then I was going to cum with her. Brenda did look indeed as though she fully intended to achieve an orgasm - and it began to look too as though it was not going to take very long. The finger on one nipple was swiftly joined by a finger of her other hand on the other. She continued to tease them through her top for a while, but quickly decided to take it off . Wow! - those wondrous small breasts with the hard nipples again. I had to continue to console my dick but had to leave it alone as I could feel my cum starting to build again. Brenda gave a few tweaks to the high peaks of her breasts before getting rid of her trousers and knickers with one swift push. Her desire was obviously fired by the events in the garden and she now appeared to be in a hurry to reach the goal that she had denied herself earlier. As before, one hand continued to tweak a nipple, but this time the other disappeared deep between her legs, which were half-parted, affording me a lovely view of her hairless slit, with the hand ministering to her needs. My dick sprang around on its own at the sight, but I was determined that it should wait. For some reason, Brenda glanced at the door and I pulled away quickly, just in case. But I was convinced she could see nothing of me and put my eye back again to its vantage point. When I looked through again, the hand that was attending to her magnificent pussy was busy. She had two fingers stuffed inside and was pushing them in and out at great speed. Then she paused and used both fingers to rub her clit slowly round and round and then very fast up and down. Then she stopped, turned over, and knelt on the bed, pushing her hand through her legs from behind. I could not see very well because she was facing the wrong way, but soon enough she lay on her back again, with her thighs open as far as they could go, her knees raised. She resumed her earlier action, stuffing two fingers of one hand deep inside herself, and moving them in and out faster and faster. Two fingers of her other hand were blurring as they rubbed her clit furiously. The only sound was the slurping of her wetness. My hand of course was equally busy dealing with my cock, and I rubbed it furiously now, convinced she was finally about to come. And come she did....Her back arched and the convulsions in her pussy were visible to my naked eye, glued to the crack in the door....But all in a silence that was so total she could have been on a television with the sound turned off. Unbelievable! As her back arched, I gave in to my engorged cock, so aching to cum again, and spurted maybe seven or eight times - all over the outside of her door and on the carpet. Oh well....Still with my eye to my spyhole though, I could see that she was still tugging on her clit with both hands, but ever more slowly and gently. The show was over. In some stories I have read, which try to make an interesting ending to such situations, the woman realises that she has been being watched and grins or says ‘Come in, Graeme’ or something similar. But life isn’t a story and that didn’t happen. As I watched, she fell fast asleep, her hand still comforting her pussy, and I retreated to find a cloth and a book to read in the garden, fully satisfied that I had managed to witness what it had taken me two weeks to wait and scheme for. About an hour later, I was showered and dressed and sitting in the garden when Brenda came out, still looking tousled from her sleep. “Hi there,” I said, “did you sleep?” “I certainly did,” she said. “I went straight off after I lay on the bed”, she lied. I responded: “I really enjoyed our lunch today. We will have to do it again some time. I feel a bit sorry though that in one way you didn’t enjoy yourself as much as I did.” “Please don’t be concerned. I enjoyed myself far more than you think,” was her response. Well, that I know, I thought, and gave her one of my best knowing, enigmatic smiles. Not long after that day, I moved out and into my own new house. And joy of joys! Would you believe it? I have just discovered that in the house that overlooks the bottom of my garden there lives a young woman on her own, who also likes to sunbathe naked in the garden........
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Two?s Company?
Posted by: SoloTouchArchive
Author: admin
Posted on: 28 Sep 2005
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