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Two Straight Dads One Cloudy Afternoon

Posted by: Age: 40 Posted on: 9 comments
22 likes 55 views Category: Masturbation Male-Male Tags: straight, MM, daddy, oral, fantasy, Adult friends, married
Two straight dads get high and find out they both love to wank (and more) with another guy. (True story with embellishments)

Chad and Aaron had been friends for 20 years, both married dads with young kids and a lot of common interests. Chad had helped Aaron get together with his first wife, and had even been the officiant at their wedding a few years later. The two guys had supported each other through Aaron’s divorce, various career troubles, whatever came up. They both valued the friendship--a safe space where they could open up about relationships or whatever else. 

They hadn’t seen each other in months, and one rainy Sunday afternoon Aaron asked Chad over for beers. His (second) wife Kelsie was out of town and he wanted to show Chad their new temporary place, a big suburban home with half a dozen bedrooms, owned by his in-laws who were taking an extended vacation in Hawaii. The guys’ kids went downstairs to play, and the two friends popped a couple of microbrews. 

After a few minutes of catching up, Aaron complained that Kelsie not only wanted him to quit smoking weed, but that she didn’t want him to masturbate anymore either. Aaron explained that Kelsie’s ex-boyfriend was a “jackoff addict”, and that that experience had made her sensitive about Aaron jacking off. Chad was surprised that his friend had talked about something so personal like that, but mostly he was turned on by the masturbation talk.

Chad loved to masturbate. Sometimes Chad even masturbated about the idea of his friend Aaron masturbating. Chad had masturbated with his best friend when they were teens, and remembered those days vividly. He had always wanted to do that again some day, even as a middle-aged man now.

“I have cut way back on the weed,” Aaron explained. “I’m reducing my jacking off now. I think she just wants me to be ready whenever it’s time to have sex to get pregnant.” Aaron had kids from his first marriage, but Kelsie didn’t have any, and she really wanted one with Aaron. 

“Well, even if she tells you not to jerk it, you can always just sneak off and rub one out, and she’d never know, right?” Chad laughed at his own dumb joke. He hoped Aaron wouldn’t change the subject.

“Yeah, it’s not a big deal,” said Aaron. “She made her point. I can’t say that I appreciated her telling me not to jack off, but I guess I understand. We’ve been working really hard to get pregnant. She’s obsessed with every little detail that might increase our chances.”

“Yeah I get it,” Chad said. “Must be tough for her. Hey, while you’re trying to get pregnant, at least you get to have a lot of sex, right? Pussy for daaays,” he laughed. 

“Yeah we do have a lot of sex in a short window, when it’s the best time of month for conception. It’s not as great as you’d think,” Aaron said. “It gets a little mechanical, to be honest.” 

“Yeah, you’re probably not having the hottest sex when you have that pressure in the background,” Chad tried to sympathize.

“Definitely not. We’re just carefully filling her cervix with semen, you know? It’s not, like, good sex by any means.”

“Yeah, I can imagine,” said Chad. “Although it’s not like normal sex with the wife is ever that great either,” he laughed. 

“Yeah, that’s why a guy needs to masturbate on the side, right?” Both guys chuckled.

“Seriously!” said Chad. “She’s lucky that you have that outlet, to be honest.”

“Yeah, I don’t think women can ever give a guy as much sex as he wants,” said Aaron. “Without masturbation we’d all be cheating way more often.”

“No doubt!” said Chad. They laughed. He was thrilled that they’d kept the focus of the conversation on sex and masturbation all this time, and he got the feeling that Aaron was enjoying it too. Chad would definitely be jerking off thinking about this conversation later, he thought.

After a short lull, Chad got up the courage to ask, “Did you ever have a buddy when you were a kid?” Chad was too much of a coward to be more specific.

“What do you mean?” Aaron asked. 

Chad had painted himself into a corner now. He had to bring it up. “Like, a buddy… that you… jacked off with when you were a kid,” he murmured, looking at the sky out the window. He wasn’t entirely sure that this conversation wouldn’t ruin their friendship, but he felt he had to give it a go.

Aaron got quiet, but he didn’t cut off the discussion.

“Yeah …kind of, I guess.” Aaron said. “This kid on my soccer team. He showed me how to jerk it.”

Chad couldn’t tell if the question had gone too far for Aaron, who seemed embarrassed, but then Aaron smirked and asked in return, “Did YOU have a buddy?”

Time seemed to slow down a little, and both guys started talking in lower tones. “Yeah, I did,” admitted Chad, nervous. “But we only jacked off a few times together, when we were like 11 or 12.” He paused. “But it was pretty great. We sucked each other a little bit too. I was totally wracked with guilt and shame about it back then, but now I know it’s super common that boys jerk off together. Girls do it too. My ex-girlfriend told me that she and this other girl used to run home from junior high every day after school and masturbate together, or like, rub their pussies together, or lick each other’s pussies. When she told me that, it got me so fucking hot. Jesus, I had a boner for days after that, thinking of my girlfriend eating another girl’s pussy.”  

“Well yeah!,” said Aaron. “That’s fucking HOT! I hate that fake lesbian stuff in porn, but it’s so hot thinking about chicks actually having sex with each other and enjoying it.” 

“Dude, you don't have to tell me,” said Chad. “I probably jacked off 10 times thinking about what she said. That story had my fucking dick hard so fast.”

“Yeah, to be honest I am getting a boner off it right now,” Aaron laughed. But he seemed sort of serious at the same time. Chad went to put down his coffee cup and bumped it on the edge of the counter, distracted. Was Aaron making hints at wanting to masturbate too? The possibility of this happening was beyond thrilling. Their three kids were occupied playing MInecraft in the basement, and the house was otherwise empty on a gloomy weekend afternoon. The two friends had never talked like this before--not even close. Anything seemed possible, and the penises began to swell in their shorts.

“Yeah, me too,” said Chad, quietly. This was shaping up to be an afternoon to remember. Aaron went to grab another beer from the fridge and stole a glance at Chad’s crotch without hiding it. Chad looked at Aaron’s crotch as well, now showing a conspicuous bulge. Chad looked around for a way to keep the action moving forward without making his intentions obvious. 

“This house is huge! Which one of these rooms do you use for your office?,” he asked. Both guys were lucky to work from home. Aaron led him down the hall to a space only about twice the size of a coat closet, with nothing inside but a card table, an office chair and a Mac laptop. “It’s not much,” he said, “but at least I have some privacy.”

“You even have a lock on the door, I see!”

“Yeah, that might come in handy if some naked chicks end up flashing across my screen accidentally,” joked Aaron. They laughed. Both guys had obvious boners by now. Chad was emboldened.

“Are there any chicks on your screen right now?” 

“Hmm I wonder,” said Aaron, smirking again and pretending not to know. They pushed together into the glorified closet and closed the door behind, standing abreast in front of the open laptop as it blinked to life.

“Looks like there might be some tabs open with some tits and ass,” joked Aaron, hunched over the laptop. He toggled over to a picture of a blond college chick with a big white ass, her white cotton panties bunched around her thighs, vulva showing through thin pubic curls.

“Now that’s what I’m talking about!” Chad had seen a million pics like this in the past but suddenly this one hit different. He stole another glance at Aaron’s bulge, as Aaron flipped around for more open porn tabs on the Mac. He stood up straight and adjusted his crotch again looking at a picture of a chubby amateur wife with hanging breasts naked in the outdoors. Neither guy knew what to say next, other than, “Wow she’s hot,” or “Dude look at those tits.”

Aaron adjusted his crotch again, and Chad took the initiative. “I’m getting really horny,” he said. “MIght need to have a wank later!”

Aaron then said the magic words Chad was hoping to hear. “We could have a wank now, if you want.”

Their breathing got heavier. Chad let the question linger in the air a second. “LIke just whip them out here?” Chad asked, just to make sure this was real. “LIke jack off together right now?

“Yeah, we could,” said Aaron. “I’m not gay but I do think about jacking off with another guy all the time. There’s nothing wrong with it.”

Chad admitted that he’d also fantasized for years about jerking it with a buddy again, though he didn’t admit he’d thought about jerking with Aaron in particular. As Chad spoke, Aaron silently pulled down the elastic waistband on his gym shorts and freed up a thick, circumcised penis, fully erect. Much bigger than Chad had imagined.

Chad’s breathing sped up and he exposed his own slightly smaller circumcised penis--also heavy with arousal, weighing it in his hand for his buddy to stare at.  

Aaron reached up on the small room’s only shelf and produced a tiny bottle of lubricant, which both guys used to grease up their knobs and get started. They faced each other to get a better view of the stroking, two guys as turned-on now as they’d ever been in their lives. 

Their hearts pounded. They stroked slowly, quickly--any which way, and stared at each other’s cocks. They whispered whatever came to mind through clenched teeth.

“FUck you have big cock, dude.”

“Yeah, yours ain't bad either, bro.”

“Fuckin jerk that fuckin cock man jesus.” 

“Stroke that fuckin hard pole.”

“Yeah lets masturbate our poles.”

“Fuck man masturbate your penis. The fuckin head is so tight and red.” 

“Slide your hand up and down on your fuckin rock hard penis, Chad.”

"Shine that fuckin knob Aaron. You’re so fuckin red dude."

“Stroke that fucker Chad. Biiiig fucker you’re jacking there buddy.” 

After 10 or more minutes of this debauchery, Chad was wide-eyed and ready for whatever.

“Man do you want me to put my mouth on it?” He asked, breathlessly.

“Shit, ok! im not going to say no!” Said Aaron, wagging his cock around with abandon.

“Good because I kind of want to suck your penis,” said Chad.

“You want to suck it?” Said Aaron, standing back and showing it off for his friend. He pushed down on the base of his cock to make it longer.

“Yeah i want to suck on your penis” said Chad, bluntly. “Its fuckin big and i think i want to suck it.” Talking all direct and matter of factly about it had both guys extra boned up.

“Yeah go ahead man!” Said Aaaron, dead serious. “Suck it all day!”

Nervous, Chad got onto his knees in front of Aaron’s raging boner, now beet red at the head. He hesitated for a while, having not sucked a dick since he was a pre-teen, when the dicks in question were much smaller. Still stroking his own boner, he took Aaron’s in his free hand and positioned it just inches from his mouth. It was bigger than he’d imagined, and a little intimidating, but he knew it was now or never. He opened his mouth and took as much of that wide load as he could fit. The penis throbbed like mad in his mouth, and CHad wondered if Aaron might already be shooting cum, but none seemed to appear.  

“Big fucking dick in my mouth,” Chad slurred with the dick-head halfway between his lips, almost panting with pleasure. He was surprised at the words coming out of his own mouth. “Fuckin love suckin this fuckin thing. Thick fuckin knob in my mouth. Can't wait til you blow a load. Huge fuckin boner in my mouth.”

Chad cupped Aaron’s big balls with one hand and secured the base of the shaft with the other. Aaron watched him work, slack-jawed. He could say little other than variations on the theme of “suck it man yeah keep suckin it,” his red cock shinier and more taut with every lunge of Chad’s open mouth.

Aaron removed his cock from Chad’s mouth and made it clear he wanted to switch places. Once on his knees, he cradled Chad’s hardness between his hands and quickly gave the cock head a few licks before taking the dick as far as he could in his mouth. This was Aaron’s first cock-sucking experience and Chad could tell he was somewhat unsure about it.

Chad suggested that they do each other’s cocks at the same time. But first Aaron suggested they get “super high” to see what it would be like sucking dick that way. He opened the door and looked around to make sure they were alone on the ground floor. He waved Chad into the pantry and looked for his weed stash. Both guys’ swollen dicks wagged around as they ran half naked through the house. They locked the pantry door. 

Chad told a story as Aaron packed a bowl of weed in the pantry. “There was this grafitti on the bathroom wall in the library in college that said, “420-69,” with a phone number to call. I always wanted to call that anonymous dude, but I was too scared,” said Chad. 

“Well let’s try it!” said Aaron. Aaron hunched over a loaded bowl in a glass bong, his half-hard cock now drooping over his waistband. Chad’s own cock still throbbed at attention as he smoked and laughed. 

They carefully returned to the office closet and locked the door again without being seen. Aaron lay down on the tiny office floor and signalled that Chad should position his head near Aaron’s crotch. Chad moved the chair and got situated, his head ringing with arousal and THC. Before either guy knew what was happening, they were madly devouring each other’s meat, both on an electric sativa high elevated by the first-time nature of it all. What a sensation, having that hot red thickness thrust over and over into your open mouth, tongue and lips now swelling from the friction.

Chad eagerly swallowed his first load ever of hot semen, while Aaron got squeamish and finished Chad off with a handjob. Laying on the floor with their two spent cocks deflating, the two friends laughed at what had just happened.



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