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Three Wicked Sisters

Posted by: Age: 18 Posted on: 6 comments
6 likes 64 views Category: Masturbation Group Co-ed Tags: Sisters tease , masturbation group, exhibitionist, teenagers

Masturbation with 3 Wicked sisters a morning to remember, a life time of fetishes and a relationship of constant jealous sibling rivalry and extreme testing.

Once upon a time in a land far far away ….a young teenage boy set out on a big adventure.

At the time this boy traveled, far across the land and on his travels, he ended up sharing a house with a few other guys (whacky races is best left for another story), but one of the older guys had a teenage daughter, the same age as me. Boy ...did she ever catch my wandering eye, every time she visited the dorm rooms.


She had beautiful long black flowing hair, sparkly blue eyes that lit up the room with long seductive lashes and a bonny smile. Firm supple breasts, with small sharp nipples that she wasn't shy with directing or rubbing against you when she wanted your full attention.



Best of all, she had a soft Gaelic twang and boy could she cut a young innocent boy to pieces with that tongue, she was mean as hell. An irresistibly delicious combination; for a young soft spoken gentlemen from the south. After a couple of months of occasional visits and polite conversation the games really hotted up!



She started to hang around the house a lot! (You know a guy can tell, when a women wants to catch his undivided attention). She started with low cut tops. Just reaching that little bit lower and longer for the bottom locker. I mentioned one day in casual conversation... how I hated hair bobbles, I have always thought they pull girls faces out. Boom the next day she took that bobble out and let her hair flow naturally down over he shoulders, sitting in the living room twiddling it and throwing cheeky smiles in my direction.



As horny teenagers it didn’t take long before we found an excuse for a movie and some mutual heavy petting and desperate nipple tweaking on my part, one night she gave in, “enough with your constant teasing” blushing she plunged my hand deep into her knickers and I could feel how thick and pronounced her lips had become. Dripping wet, with anticipation they must have been rubbing her all night, almost burning against her ruff lacy black knickers. That was one fun filled night as we both took each other to orgasm mutually masturbating on that shared sofa.



But the best was still to come, after this she invited me home to meet her two sisters both were younger, but only by a year (17) and two (16). They were all just as good looking as her but the middle sister had a naivety, combined with a really naughty playful smile about her.



Ow boy was I in trouble. Over the course of the next few months the youngest sister was no were to be seen and I think she was still in the “I hate boys phase”, but the middle sister was spying all the time any hint of sex or nudity and she was listening at the door or barging in at the most awkward times like desperately needing to pee just after I had shut the bathroom door, she would barge in and insist I pee in the sink “if I couldn’t hold it in my penis, while she used the toilet first that was my problem”, clearly trying her hardest to get me in trouble whilst also sneaking a peek at an older lads cock.



It got worse, again as I happened to overhear the end of a strange conversation one afternoon I herd my girlfriend asking her middle sister to test me! Test me ...what the hell did she mean by that?



Well I was soon about to find out! The next few weeks were hell and horny, the middle sister took my eyes and balls to the limits of torture she would walk round in a towel let the towel drop, or just sit showing the bottom of her pussy lips a little under the towel while she sat on the couch and chatted to her sister and me as if they did this all the time…



I had a serious case of blue ball, but held out well. I knew she was gaming me and I wasn't about to give in to temptation. I never touched her sister and played off all her flirtatious advances. However this sisterly jealousy masquerading as “Testing” resulted in one of the most memorable mornings of my life.



My girlfriend and her sisters really really upped the anti that morning, she got up for work kissed me good bye as if nothing was amiss and left making a sarky comment about me lazing in bed while she was up working and unexpectedly leaving the bedroom door wide open!



Leaving behind just me and her two sisters asleep in separate bedrooms but with all the doors open and in very close proximity in a small three bedroom house with paper thin walls can you guess what happened next…?



Well... 10 minutes after her leaving ...the youngest sisters bed starts creaking, metal on metal, click click, click click, click click. At first I thought she was just turning over and it would stop but then the clicking got faster! and developed a rhythmic sound, I strained my ears to hear her muffled huffs, puffs and the occasional Sharp intake of breath, coupled with a distinct muffling which could only be her clutching her pillow to her face, trying desperately to stifle the low grunting noises that had started to leak from her lips. Realising she was masturbating less then 10ft away made my cock rock hard, but why no normal wet fingering sounds? It suddenly dawned on me she was still a virgin and hadn't broken her hymen yet so had no choice but to beat her clitty from side to side struggling to get that orgasm, that as a guy I had taken for granted for years.



Just as I was starting to rub my cock enjoying listening to her rhythmic clitty beating, I began to hear a tutting and sighing coming from the middle sisters room across the hall, then I hear her get out of bed and quickly covered my cock. Thinking she is going to cross the hall way look into my room and bust me busting a nut or worse tell her younger sister to cut it out teasing me. But as I hear her light footsteps heading for the door, she stops unexpectedly and I can hear the opening and closing of her dresser draw more light footsteps and a big flunk as she drops back on her bed.



Few! she's gone back to bed, seconds later I hear the unmistakeable snap of knickers and tights elastic on bare skin, my ears and cock both prick up at this point and her middle sister in her naive voice saying quietly “hmm why wont you just fit ” and then the unmistakable ..lip biting and girl whimpering followed by a few short squeezing gasps, followed by some really wet sloshy sounds and sharp almost crying whimpers and a “please ...please” whispers from the middle sisters room.



Well at this point im super horny, lay in the middle bedroom listening to two different sisters each in their own rooms desperately trying to masturbate and beat their pussies, clearly at very different stages of development but still hot as hell. I stopped rubbing and listening for a second and knew this had to be a set up from my girlfriend, I was expecting one or both of them to cum in my room and ask for a hand any second I was going through in my head all the different ways I was going to have to talk them down whilst desperately trying not to give into my girl friends trickery and non stop testing, whilst half wondering what the consequences would be if we did have sex with one or both sisters...But they didn’t move ...they just kept torturing me with the sounds of their masturbating.



At this point I was soo turned on I could have cum right there listening to both of them getting themselves off, but decided, if this was a set up, and I could do nothing else but listen. I was at least going to get my own back on both sisters.



I started moaning really lightly, gasping as the pre cum bounced off my cock head and then loudly slapping my rock hard cock against my leg and belly, we teased each other ferociously with masturbation noises all now fully aware, we were egging the other on, from our own rooms with filthy noises until finally. A deep wince and fast panting erupted, along with more bed bustlingly fast click click click click now coming from the younger sisters room and with a whimpered cry of pleasure, still gasping into her pillow we all knew she had given in and cummed first.



I was next I could hear the merciless slapping of what I thought were 2 or 3 fingers beating a soaking fanny from the middle sisters room. Judging by her deep wetness and rhythmic gasping her hymen had gone long ago and she was pounding herself deep inside. This sent me over the edge and on one of the few occasions, I erupted senselessly shaking, as a geyser of cum went all over the bed, my chest and I teased the remaining cum around my penis head and it dribbled down my shaft and hands.



I could still hear the middle sister competing furiously with me, pounding her pussy desperately trying to get that release, having been tortured by listening to both are cums before her. I quietly jumped out of bed and made out like I was going to the toilet looking in to the youngest sisters room I could see her legs stretch out under the sheet, a huge smile on her half asleep face as she faced the wall with her eyes closed she was clearly in that dreamy post orgasm bliss, turning the other way and looking into the middle sisters room I got the shock of my life.



There was this dripping, sweat covered, small framed 17 year old girl, spread eagled on all fours on her bed with her titties hanging out from the top of her black lacy bra, shaking loosely below her, rock hard, red raw nipples, but my eyes were immediately drawn lower ... to her nude ass... shaking below this wet bare bottom ... a soaking wet pair of thin black leggings stretched out knee to knee.



Her whole body quivering as she mercilessly shoved a ribbed, black hair brush (so not fingers but that explains the hymen, oww soo deeply squelching) in and out of her bright red pussy lips as fast as she could desperately manage, to ram it in and out and she defiantly wasn't about to stop just because I was watching, she was clearly enjoying being caught in such an embarrassing position.



As she looked up and our eyes met, she relished the shock in my face, as she smiled knowingly and started to cry out in pleasure. Pushing that hair brush out of her pussy forcefully with no hands to be-caught by her stretched leggings below, she withered and bucked her bare ass up in the air and tried to put her hand over her now pulsating hole as the biggest squirt of girl cum and pee gushed out.



Flowing like a river from her hole, down her red raw pussy lips, soaking her inner thighs legs dripping on her curled up feet and toes and with a good splattering over her leggings. She collapsed onto the bed lay there smiling at me and spasming in orgasmic pleasure.



I looked up smiled back at her and said breakfast? as I walked off down the landing, she laughed.



Little did I know this teenage encounter would spark a life long love for squirting and sex with tights or leggings.



After I made breakfast, both sisters got up we all got showered separately and no one said anything of are naughty morning masturbation session until the middle sister was leaving she whispered in my ear “you have to tell my older sister about the wanking session, you know she was testing you don’t you. .. I nodded in agreement when she smiled and said but don’t mention my little show though you weren't meant to watch ...its just this was the first time I got my hairbrush the whole way in and well ..iim sorry I just couldn’t stop mid flow”. She winked at me smiled and left.



As my girlfriend got home from work I confronted her with hints at how her sisters had “an interesting morning” and how her tempting and testing of me was becoming boring that I wouldn't sleep with anyone else but her while we were together.”



My girlfriend of course denied all knowledge of her plotting, instead grinned from ear to ear and said something about they wouldn't do that ...but with her sarcastic grin and neither me, the girlfriend or her sisters mentioned that morning ever again.



I knew from that moment on I could control the worst of life's lustful temptations. I'm so glad I didn’t sleep with her sisters. 20 years later, me and the girlfriend split up long ago and both are in separate relationships and don’t talk any more. But occasionally her middle sister still sends me a wink emoji that makes me laugh.



I cant help but be thankful I didn’t give in to temptation or how complicated things could have got, one day I might pluck up the courage to thank her sister for shaping some of my favourite sexual fetishes.



Funnily enough Three Wicked Sisters seems to be a reoccurring ritual in my life. Isn't it amazing how early teenage experiences can shape sex lives and perspectives well into adult hood?




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