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The Wrong Side Of Anna

Posted by: Age: 24 Posted on: 10 comments
7 likes 48 views Category: Sex Stories Couples Tags: Sex, non-consensual video

I have debated whether to write about this or not. I’ll say now at the very start, it doesn’t show me at my best, and some will say I overreacted. But part of the reason I started writing here in the beginning was to explore myself and my sexuality fully. This is part of that. 

A one night stand. One of those no-strings-attached, full-on fuckfests that leaves one in a fine dew of perspiration and satisfaction. The wedding ring on his finger, and the multiple pictures of him and his wife in his lovely home told me that he wanted the same as me. A quick, uncomplicated fuck. I imagined on the way upstairs that he wanted things his wife either can’t or won’t do, and I adore being fucked by an older married man. 

And so it turned out. Oh we had that usual shy/embarrased communication thing where he stumbled over asking freely and openly for things, and I was the same, especially when I asked for a pair of his wife’s panties. He’d mentioned how much he’d love to see her with another woman, so I gave him the next best thing and incorporated her cum into our fun. All in all, a very entertaining and pleasurable couple of hours. He wanted to lose his anal virginity - I was happy to oblige. He wanted a girl to pee on him, and again, why not? 



No, I have nothing to say about the sex. It was what you would expect from a man who clearly has a far higher sex drive than his wife and wants to experience more things before either age or prostate gets in the way. Good for him. I often wonder how many marriages there are out there when one party or the other effectively rules the sex. ‘I don’t want it, so neither do you.” “I don’t like it like that..so neither do you.” Whichever partner says it, it’s controlling behaviour and somehow, somewhere, it will out itself. In this case, with a horny 24 year old girl who is up for anything. 


But….it’s funny what your brain takes in but consciously you don’t. I felt joyously happy with the sex. Although he was clearly desperate, he was an attentive, thoughtful and kind partner, and yet…..somewhere in my head the ‘something’s not right’ light was flashing. Tig taught me many, many years ago how to make sure a sexual partner wasn’t carrying anything medically concerning…so it wasn’t that….the sex  was fabulous…and yet…..something had triggered Miss Brain, and she wasn’t about to let it go. True, there was an urgency, almost teenage boy-like urgency to the sex. Like he hadn’t fucked a girl for a long time, but that only added to the thrill. 



In the post-coital resting, where two sweaty bodies are half dozing in each others arms, I wasn’t half dozing. I was scanning the room. Like an itch you can’t scratch, I couldn’t shake that feeling that something wasn’t right. And once I located it, it was sooo obvious! 


His home was immaculate. Not a thing out of place. In fact it looked like a show home…one of those places where, when they move a picture frame to dust a surface, the measure where it was so they can put it back exactly in the right place. So why that pile of clothes on the dresser. Neatly folded…apart from the jumper on the top which wasn’t folded flat like the rest of the pile. I got up, wandered around picking up my clothing, and accidentally brushed against the pile. It fell over….and took the GoPro with it. 


Being filmed? No problem. Being filmed covertly? Fucking big problem. He was half out of the bed when I took one step closer to him and grabbed his scrotum and squeezed….hard. We both ended up on our knees, but I didn’t release my grip. Miss Brain was telling me something. This wasn’t the first time he’d done this. This was a practised move. It was also what one of my lovely builders calls a ‘cunt’s trick’. And I wasn’t having it. 


I’d love to say it was ‘the sisterhood’ in action, and maybe there was a bit of that. All I know is that my voice was low, almost quiet, but the intensity filled the room. “Now. Some questions. And don’t lie. I’ll know, and the consequences (a slight, brief increase in squeeze) will be unpleasant. I am quite capable of hospitalising you, which would take some explaining to your dear wife. Now, here’s the deal. I thoroughly enjoyed sex with you, including your explorations of the wilder side. I would have thoroughly enjoyed being videoed….IF you had asked first. But this…(nodding towards the GoPro is as bad as rape in my book. (Squeeze) and I don’t like cowardly cunts who prey on women. Now, ready for the questions?”


I can’t say I enjoy watching a man cry, but yes, there were tears of pain by now. “Am I the first girl you’ve videoed? “ A shake of the head. “Ok. Good. So far, you will walk away with one testicle. Now, where are the other videos?” He told me they were hidden on memory cards in a sock in his drawer. “Very good. See? Honesty does pay. You’re up to one and a half balls now. I’m taking the camera, and all the cards. Is that ok with you?” A hasty, urgent nod. “Now. Before I let you go, you need to know something. I am highly trained in self defence. Higher than you could possibly imagine. If you even think about attempting to stopping me from leaving, or trying to grab the camera or cards back, I will break both your arms. Do you believe me?” A nod. 


So, I let him go and he folded down onto the carpet. He watched me dress, find the cards and pick up the camera. By the time I was dressed and ready, he’d recovered sufficiently to have climbed into his clothes too, although he couldn’t quite manage to stand upright. I reached the bedroom door when he said ‘Anna, I am really sorry. You don’t know…probably will never know….what it’s like living in a sexless marriage..and I mean sexless. Masturbation is all I have, and it’s not long when even that stops working. You get so far…fuck, you can even get to the very point of orgasm…then your brain reminds you that this is it….this is all there is….unless you get ‘lucky’ like tonight…like the previous two girls. The…videos….give me something to remember…something to hope for.” 


I regarded him for a second or two. Late middle age, but definitely sexy as fuck. I can well imagine what the other two saw in him. I think quite a few girls have ‘older man’ fantasies. He fills them to perfection. You could play teacher/student, daddy/daughter with absolute realism. Still….i meant what I said. To video a girl without her knowledge and consent is a sexual assault in my book. What if his wife found them? What if, in a fit of revenge, she posted them online? There are plenty of ‘home porn’ websites. No. Covert filming is totally unacceptable. I understand where he’s coming from, and as I said earlier, for one side or the other to turn the sex tap off is simply cruel. 


Suppose I was married to a man and for whatever reason, I either couldn’t have, or didn’t want sex anymore. How dare I sentence him to it as well. If I loved him, I would want him to take his pleasure where he could…knowing me, I’d probably set it up for him. And take Emily and me. We spend around 7 months of the year apart. This year, it’s looking more like 8 months plus. Not for one second did either of us demand the other ‘stay faithful’. Em has a high sex drive as do I. We revel in one another’s pleasure. I’ve seen Emily cum four times when I just described something I’d done with Dani. The reverse is true also. When Em (with consent) videos herself with a room service girl, I don’t have a single jealous cell in my body. I just want her to go for it…climb the peak….because I’m right there with her. 


So while, if it’s true, I understand how grim his situation is, if his wife really is denying him any form of sex….no…it still isn’t ok.  For the first time in a very long time, I physically hurt someone. His balls will be aching for a long time, and there will probably be bruising too.  Overreaction? 






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