It was a secluded beach, so we didn't have to observe any protocol. You know what I mean. At a lot of public nude beaches, you can't have sex, or even masturbate. In fact, at some places, if a man erects, he has to hide it.
So the nine of us, five men and four women, all avid frisbee free stylers, all friends, but none of us lovers, went to the semi-private, unregulated nude beach on a hot afternoon. I think we all were a bit horny, but none wanted to disclose that to the others.
We did strip, put on a lot of sun block, and we did practice all our frisbee things for 20 minutes or so. We men were careful not to get erections. It's from experience I think. As I'm sure you know, one can pretty much control erections after the teen years, and in a situation in which it might be deemed inappropriate, an experienced man can be naked among others with very little concern about popping a boner. Like in men's locker rooms, and on public nude beaches, of course.
I'm pretty sure all five of us would have gladly sprung boners, and done more, perhaps masturbate, while looking at the girls or the other guys, or maybe even do something with the others - something sexual perhaps. But I think we all figured that nothing of the sort would happen. We didn't want to alarm the girls. Or maybe more generally than that: We just figured getting all sexual was inappropriate - for some reason. If you had asked any of the seven of us why showing our horniness in any way would be inappropriate, I don't think you'd get any sort of intelligent answer.
Especially not from Paul. He wasn't quite like the rest of us. He was just a bit retarded. I don't know quite the extent or the name of his affliction. He is able to do great things with a frisbee, but his facial expression is usually kind of dull, set in stone. He doesn't seem to know anything about politics, math, science, or society. He does seem to know a lot about all the popular TV shows. He works at McDonalds, sweeping the floor, cleaning tables, and so on. He's kind of like a child in some aspects.
We liked Paul, and supported him in a way. We fully allowed him into our little informal frisbee freestyle society. Now, this being the first time we all decided to meet on the nude beach, we were quite concerned to invite Paul, but then again, we couldn't exclude him, could we? We just figured he wouldn't show up. But he did.
But here's what Paul did for us that day.
And after twenty minutes or so, some of us suddenly noticed he was sprouting wood! At first no one said anything about it. Finally, Paul broke the ice himself by pointing to his dick waving in the breeze, and said, "It's OK, isn't it?"
We all laughed, and said, "Yes, of course, Paul!" Seeing him boned up, had an effect on me. Now, I thought I could stay soft in any socially nude situation, but no, not today. I started to get hard. And alarmed. I started frantically looking around for a place to hide, but running off into the bushes would have been weird, and obvious. I thought about laying face down on the sand. I finally thought, "What the hell?" I can do this. So, I boldly continued throwing the disk around with a rapidly growing dick.
Now, I can be kind of thick at times too. It took me probably all of ten more minutes to realize that:
1) The other guys had all become erect also, and following Paul's lead, like I did, they were pretending that having erections while manipulating flying disks was just ordinary in every way.
2) The girls had all quit playing with their disks, and had sat down in a shady spot in the sand, and were starting to massage each other. Hey wait, two of them were kissing. And, a moment later, all four were massaging each others tits. They then moved on to each other's butts.
I was flabbergasted. It was obviously partly a show for our (the guys) entertainment. So we all stopped, came over to the girls, and stood around them watching. It was quite geometrical, really. If you could have seen it from the air, you would see a nucleus of four girls all now masturbating each other. Around that nucleus, each of us five guys was standing, equally spread apart around the girls, each facing the girls with our boners pointing to the middle of the circle. I'll remember that scene forever. Even though I was part of it, in my memory/imagination, I see it from the air as if I was an outside observer.
Again, Paul was the leader. He joined the girls. In a flash, they were gently touching his balls and stroking his cock. I don't know how he managed not cumming right away. Moments later, the other three guys and I joined the clump.
Sue stated that she didn't want to do anything that would get her pregnant, which was a good thing to say. We unanimously agreed to do only masturbatory things - no penetration of any sort.
As you can imagine, the frisbees were forgotten, and we spent the rest of the afternoon in absolute bliss. We had a masturbation orgy of nine. I think all of us guys came at least twice. The scene was just too wonderful to cum only once. Now I think I can speak for most guys when I say that in ordinary, everyday masturbation, once you cum, you lose your erection, you lose interest, and want to go home, or move on to other activities. But when the situation is extraordinary, you either don't lose your erection, or it comes back within a few minutes, and you're ready for more.
Interestingly, after most of us had our first orgasms, the girls turned their attention back to each other. That left us guys kind of wondering what to do. At that point, Paul reached out and cupped Jason's balls in his hand. Moments later, the guys were all doing what they always wanted to be free enough to do: We were masturbating each other. How very nice of Paul to break the taboo for us, too!
We all said we'd like to return to the beach and do it again. That happened three weeks ago. I thought we were going to get back together like in a few days, but it hasn't happened yet. Instead, we've been spending our afternoons with the frisbees on the campus lawn, as usual. I think we're all suffering some sort of je n'est ce quas - fear, guilt, shyness? Something from our upbringing that is actually out of place and holding us back. But it will happen again. I know that. And, there are other members of our group. Will we have others join us? There's this one girl I'd really like to have come to the beach with us. Her name is Georgette. She is friendly, especially to me, and she is a looker. I mean, she looks great in her bikini top and short shorts. I wonder how she'll look on the nude beach?
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The Stupid Guy Turned Out to Be the Smart One
Posted by: jstfrths
Age: 36 Posted on: 28 Aug 2015
7 likes 4669 views Category: Masturbation Male-Female Tags: nude beach, masturbation, orgy, group
7 likes 4669 views Category: Masturbation Male-Female Tags: nude beach, masturbation, orgy, group
Nine of us decided to meet up at the nude beach.
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