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The New Neighbors (Adventures With Sam) **REPOSTED FROM LUSH STORIES**

Posted by: Age: 20s - 30s Posted on: 0 comments
0 likes 4 views Category: Sex Stories Fetish Tags: foursome, friends, m/m wrestling, bet, swap, restraints, jackoff, blowjob, cum in mouth, humiliation, cuckold,

"Adventures with Sam" is an ongoing fantasy series written in the first person.

Whether you are a sub or a Dom, I hope you enjoy my stories.


We met a great couple a year or so ago when they moved in just down the street. We connected right away and we’ve become good friends.


Sam (Samantha) and I agreed, they aren't at all bad to look at. Dave and Jackie both have blonde hair, average heights, and fit bodies. Jackie has sultry good looks – a slim body, medium-sized boobs, long legs, shoulder-length hair, and deep blue eyes. When we first met; it was difficult for me not to stare.  Despite being blonde, Dave has a “man’s man” chiseled face with well-defined jaw bones, blue eyes, and a great smile that’s often brought about for no reason at all. Sam likes the way Dave looks. She says he’s got a superb ass.



We've had them over a few times for dinner and/or drinks and they've reciprocated. They're laid-back people, open to friendly banter with a good sense of humor, but we have serious, open-minded conversations as well. We always have fun with them.



More recently, our relationship has become a little flirtatious - mostly on their part, but Sam and I have enjoyed the attention so we’ve gone along with the innuendos. It stirred some fantasies for Sam and me, arousing our curiosity as to whether or not they might swing.



Sam and Jackie have become good friends. They’ve gone shopping together, had lunch, stopped at a pub for drinks, etc. In light of this recent flirtatiousness, I couldn’t help but what Sam and Jackie talked about when Dave and I weren't around.






About two weeks ago, Sam and I played strip poker. She won all my clothes before she was naked but she said she wanted to continue.



She said, “Since you’re already naked, let’s bet for the right to decide what fantasy we'll live out. If you win enough to get me naked, one final hand will determine the outcome.”



“Okay, I like that. So, you want to give me another chance to still win this game? You’re too kind, honey.”



Sam chuckled.



“And”...she said, “It would also include living out another fantasy. I want you to think about a crazy fantasy you’d like to live out – something we’ve never done, and I’ll do the same. The winner will name the fantasy at the point of victory and determine when and where it will take place…anything goes.”



“Wow, that sounds like wild fun, but I’m not sure I want to link both fantasies to just this game since you’re already ahead. Maybe we should…”



“Have I ever made you do something you didn’t thoroughly enjoy?” she interrupted.



“Well, no but…”



“Trust me on this baby, I’ve got something very special in mind,” she interrupted again.



“What’s that?”



“You’ll know when I win.”



 Regardless of what she had in mind, I knew it would be exciting, so I agreed.



Sam only had her bra and panties left. I won her bra but as the odds dictated, I lost the game. I didn't care. All of her fantasies are fun for me too.



She said, "I’m going to tie you to the bed and use you as my sex toy. I'm the Dom. You’re the slave. I might fuck you. I might make you jerk off for me. I might make you eat me to orgasm. I don't give a fuck what you want. I'll do whatever I want and you won't have any say in the matter."



I know how that works so I was good with all of it. “What’s the other fantasy,” I asked.



She shyly responded, “Well…you and Dave are going to wrestle each other for the right to make love to Jackie and me at the same time.”



"Holy crap! Did you clear this with Jackie and Dave?" I asked while trying to catch my breath.



She said, “It was Jackie's idea. She said Dave would go along with it. I don’t know how it started, but recently we’ve had conversations more sexual in nature. We’ve even discussed the possibility of the four of us getting together for a foursome. As it turns out, Jackie and Dave had the same kinds of fantasies about us that we’ve had about them.”



Sam went on. “I told Jackie that you wrestled in high school. Jackie said wrestling would serve as the perfect enticement to convince Dave to go along with it. Dave had been a wrestler too. I think it would be a great match to watch, and so exciting because of the stakes. Wouldn’t you love to fuck Jackie and me at the same time?”



When Sam mentioned having her and Jackie, I felt a twinge and my cock began to stiffen. I could hardly collect my thoughts. I was a good wrestler in high school and I probably outweigh Dave by at least 20 lbs. I didn’t need to give it much thought. I agreed.



“Look at you. You’re getting excited just thinking about it,” she said. “I’ll confirm with Jackie and figure out when we can do it. I’m sure there will be some details to work out but I’m thrilled that you like the idea. Oh my God! To have you two fighting for us…this is so exciting!”



I knew Jackie and Dave had a membership at a gym but little did I know, the gym has a boxing ring in a room separate from the equipment. The ring could be reserved by members during off hours for private use. We, of course, had to sign a disclaimer that would relieve the gym of any responsibility for injuries or damages. We expected that.



A couple of days later, Sam and Jackie decided on a day and time. Jackie would reserve the gym for the upcoming Friday if it was available. That was still five days off.



The gym was available and everything was set.



During those next five days, my mind focused on this crazy wrestling match I’d gotten myself into. When I wasn’t thinking about the match, I was fantasizing about the prize. Though I still work out a little and try to jog, or at least walk every day, Dave was six years younger to say nothing of working out regularly. The fitness part gave me pause. Still, I had my wrestling background, and the fact that I was taller and heavier seemed to bring the odds back in my favor.



Friday came. Our reservations were for 10 pm and we'd have the gym to ourselves. We rode with Jackie and Dave to the gym. When we got out of the car, Dave unlocked the door to the gym, let us in, and locked the door behind us.



Sam brought a small tote bag. She reached into the bag and with a sweet, suggestive smile; pulled out a black jockstrap and said, “Go go put this on.”



"I'm not going to wrestle him in that. I have my gym shorts on."



She smiled and pulled out a pink jock strap. "How 'bout this one then?" she asked.



"Very funny," I said, "But I'm not wearing a jock strap when I wrestle him."



Her demeanor changed slightly when she said sweetly, but in no uncertain terms, "Look honey, a bet is a bet and you lost. You'll wear what I tell you to wear. This is one of those details I told you we had to work out."



What?" I asked in surprise.



She said, "You remember...the details...the details I told you we still had to work out. We had to decide what you’d wear."



I asked, "Why didn't you tell me before tonight?"



She said, "You didn't ask."



“You still could’ve told me.”



“Look, I won the bet, and I want to watch you two wrestle in jock straps, okay?”



Frustrated, I grabbed the jock and headed for the men's locker room where I could change in private.



My mind was racing. Why do I have to wrestle another man wearing only a jock strap? I wasn't comfortable with this and Sam knew it. I’m sure she was counting on the fact that I've never denied her of her fantasies when she won a sexual bet. This was beginning to feel like our nights with Rick and Laurel. When I gave it a little more thought, however, the idea of wrestling half-naked in front of Sam and Jackie felt pretty sexy.



When I came out, Dave was wearing a blue jock strap. He wore it under his clothes on the way over. He removed his clothes while I was in the locker room changing. Sam and Jackie wore tiny string bikinis. They wore them under their clothes as well.



Jackie looked me up and down and said, “You look hot!” That gave me a thrill and a bit of an ego boost.



The girls looked incredible. With all of us half-naked, we were already enjoying visual treats. I was beginning to imagine all kinds of sexual situations. Dave appeared confident. He didn't seem the least bit apprehensive, but wearing a jock strap while wrestling him made me a little anxious.



Dave was ripped. He wasn't bulked up, but every muscle in his body was clearly defined. He appeared to be in great shape and fitter than I. In addition to his muscular frame, I couldn't help but notice his sizeable bulge.



Jackie climbed into the ring. Dave and I followed and met in the center while she explained the rules.



"No punching or kicking - strictly wrestling,” she said. ”No eye pokes and no hands to the face. No strikes to the groin, but all holds are otherwise legal." Those were the rules Jackie laid out.



I was chuckling when I looked at Dave, partly because of the rules, partly because his body was so admirable, and partly due to the stakes. It was surreal and funny as hell. What made it even funnier was that Dave was staring back at me and he wasn't laughing. He missed the joke.



She said, “You lose if you submit due to pain. You win when you are a clear, dominant winner.”



Wow, that seemed vague enough. I wasn’t sure what she meant. I laughed even more, but it might have been a nervous laugh as I began feeling apprehensive. This was going to be a serious fight.



I focused on the prize, fantasizing about getting it on with two beautiful women.



Jackie said, “Remain in your corners until I say, "Fight."



Sam pulled herself up onto the apron in my corner just outside of the ropes.  She whispered, "Jackie told me, Dave's bisexual. Isn't that cool?"



Jackie said, "Fight!"



Dave and I began circling the ring. We were sizing each other up. Fearful thoughts flowed in waves. He's bi? What's that got to do with anything? What makes it cool? Why are we wrestling in jocks? This whole scenario feels like more than I bargained for. Oh Sam, you can be such a devious, little imp, but maybe that’s something I love about you.



I wondered how much Dave would enjoy wrestling me with our bare asses hanging out. I wasn’t comfortable, yet the thought of wrestling half-naked in front of Sam and Jackie was titillating.



My legs were shaking. Butterflies invaded my belly. I'd never done anything like this before. I had to maintain focus and put everything else out of my mind.



I lunged for a takedown. He was quick and stepped back to avoid it. Then he went for a take-down in response and got a hold of one of my legs. I quickly turned and twisted it free from his grasp. We continued to circle.



I went for another take-down and got a hold of his leg. I lifted with all I had but despite my height advantage, he kept his balance, hopping on one foot until we slammed into the ropes. I realized I wasn't going to take him down so I let go.



We lunged at each other, back and forth until he shot in and grabbed both of my legs. I fell backward with him landing on top of me. I tried rolling one way, then the other to escape but he was very strong.



He grabbed my arm and tried to pull it behind my back. I got it free but he spun around quickly and put my head into a scissor hold with my face buried in his crotch. It was tight. I had a hard time breathing. Then, came the surprise.



While he had control, he reached back and pulled at the pouch of my jockstrap, feeling me up and exposing one of my balls in the process. The girls cheered him on.



I squirmed with all my might and escaped.



I yelled, "What the fuck was that about?"



Before Dave could answer, Sam yelled, "That's just another one of those details I mentioned!"



A wave of panic hit me. I wasn't sure of anything. I was no longer sure of the rules. If one guy is stripped naked, does the other guy win, or does winning require a submission? It was obvious the girls wanted to see one or both of us naked. For the moment, I think the girls didn't care who won.



I had to pay off my bet with Sam. She made it clear when we made our bet, "Anything goes." I agreed to it. I had no choice but to continue fighting.



When I pulled my jock back to cover my balls, I felt an adrenaline rush. It was no longer funny.  I was about to beat Dave’s ass and win the prize.



Again, I lunged at Dave. He quickly stepped back and I missed. Then he lunged at me and I made him miss. I felt I was holding my own. He lunged again. I made him miss again, but this time, I stepped to the side, jumped on top and he fell to the mat.



I went to roll him over to get behind him but he grabbed the back waistband of my jock and pulled it down below my ass. In the same motion, he rolled and pulled me off to the side. The girls laughed and clapped as he got back up.



I said, "You little fucker, if that's the game, I'm going to have you naked in no time."



We went back and forth. We charged at each other at the same time, ending in a clinch against the ropes. I turned him so his back was toward the center of the ring, put my leg behind his, drove forward, and shoved him to the mat with me on top.



I spun around and put him into a head scissors just as he’d done to me. When I grabbed the front of his jock, the girls cheered. Sam and Jackie were excited to watch when I pulled it down far enough, his cock popped out above the waistband. They cheered for me to strip him giving me the impression they wanted me to win.



Dave's cock was growing. It was surprisingly thick. When Sam caught a glimpse of the size of his cock, she changed her tune and began cheering for Dave.



I was glad to have gained the upper hand, but it was demoralizing when Sam rooted for Dave. She made it obvious she wanted to fuck that big cock. Still, I was not to be denied. I was determined to reap the rewards of victory and fuck both women.



I pulled his jock down farther; attempting to secure what I thought would be my victory. Dave's now fully erect cock popped out in full view. I momentarily lost concentration and my grip. Dave escaped



Fully exposing him didn't give me victory. He stood up and pulled up his jock. I was getting winded but even with that in mind, I proved I could gain the upper hand.



The waistband on Dave's jock got stretched when I pulled on it. His jock was hanging down on one side and he kept pulling it back up as we circled the ring again. He should’ve taken it off. His hard-on was sticking out above the waistband anyway.



Like a charging bull, he lunged hard into my gut and drove me back toward the ropes. I was going to fall on my ass so I extended my arms back to catch my fall, but my arms swung over the top rope. Dave quickly pulled the middle rope over the top of my arms and I was ensnared. I tried to get free but couldn't.



He strutted back and forth in front of me saying, "I gotcha now."



The girls clapped.



He moved in, grabbed my ankles, and pulled my feet out from under me. I was defenselessly suspended in the ropes. I tried to get back to my feet but he kept pulling my legs out from under me leaving me hanging, arms trapped and extended behind me.



He looked at the girls as if to ask, what would you like me to do with him? Their chant was clear so he turned toward me and began pulling my jock strap down.



He reached down the front and pushed the jock down slowly as he was feeling my cock. Then he grabbed my ass with the other hand.  He reached between my legs and fondled my balls from behind.



It was humiliating to be in such a vulnerable position while being molested by another man - especially with the girls watching. Despite my degradation - or maybe because of it, my cock hardened. I didn't want to get hard but I couldn't help it. This was the feared scenario that played out in my head just minutes earlier.



His finger began probing my ass. I was frantically pulling at the ropes. I made multiple attempts to free my arms but to no avail. He stopped briefly to look around at the girls again.



They were chanting for him to strip me. "Take it off! Strip him!" Jackie said, "Show me his cock baby. I want to see him naked and helpless. He’s done. He can't defend himself."



Sam and Jackie were enjoying my humiliating dilemma. I was getting off on the humiliation. Dave began stroking my cock still within the pouch with one hand while forcefully probing my ass with the other. While it was humiliating to be molested by a man in front of the girls, it was also purely lustful and exciting.



I was still squirming, trying to free myself from the ropes when Dave let go of me. When he pulled my jock strap lower, my cock popped straight up in the air. He removed the jock strap.



Jackie said, "Excited much?"



It was embarrassing, yet arousing because the girls were enjoying it, I couldn't help it. I had a raging hard-on.



Dave walked around the ring holding my jock in the air claiming, "I'm gonna fuck your girlfriend...and my wife...and you’re gonna hang there and watch."



I said, “It wasn't fair. I never fought in a ring before and I wasn't aware of how one guy could trap another guy in the ropes. I would have beaten you if you hadn't done that."



He said, "Quit whining. You’re making excuses. You can't beat me."



I said, "If there's a next time, I'll thump your ass."



Dave paused for a moment and thought about what I just said.



"I tell you what,” he said. “I’ll free you and give you another chance. We'll wrestle again and the prize will be sort of a double-or-nothing deal. If you win, you get the girls and I'll watch. If I win, I get the girls...and you."



Oh man, I thought, I don't want to do this. What if he wins? I might end up being some sort of gay sex slave…but the thought of having both Jackie and Sam was still at the forefront of my thinking. I'd have another chance. It was a no-brainer so I agreed.



Dave released my arms. I took a minute to shake them out after they'd been stuck in the ropes for a while.



Jackie got back into the ring. She positioned us in opposite corners again, then left the ring and yelled, "Fight!"



Again, we circled the ring, but now I was bare-assed naked with a raging hard-on — a hard-on that was brought about by the touch of a man I still had to wrestle while two beautiful women watched. It messed with my head a bit that Dave got me so turned on.



I didn't hold anything back. I charged him with all I had and took him down. He landed on his back again but he managed to turn over and raise himself to his hands and knees. I shoved him back down to the mat on his belly. I had good control, so I grabbed the back of his jock and pulled it down for all I was worth. My thumb slipped out of the waistband and caught the strap around his ass, tearing it away from the pouch. His pouch began flopping around giving peek-a-boo views of his massive member which had become considerable in size.



When I rolled him onto his back, his cock popped out of his jock and the girls witnessed the two of us, excited to be fighting for them. The degradation I felt from being forcibly stripped excited me, but I was even more turned on now that I was in control.



I felt the urge to get even with him for trapping me in the ropes. I spun around and planted my cock in his face. He turned away at first but I grabbed his head and turned it back so my balls were tight against his mouth. To my surprise, he grabbed my cock and began sucking it. That was not what I expected. The girls cheered him on.



My first reaction was to pull away but before I knew it, I was humping in and out of Dave's mouth. I couldn't help it. The way he sucked my cock felt incredible. He knew exactly what to do to me and I became lost in the sensations. I was enjoying my victory and anticipating the prize.



Suddenly, he spun out from under me and escaped back to his feet. He caught me completely off guard. I thought I’d won the match. I was wrong.



As I was getting back to my feet, he rammed me back toward the ropes again and the same thing happened as before.



Instinctively, I threw my arms back to catch my fall but this time, my arms went over the middle rope instead of the top rope and he pulled the bottom rope over my arms. Once again he trapped me, only this time, I was sitting on the mat with my arms caught in the ropes. I was degrading and exhilarating. My cock was still hard.



Sam and Jackie came into the ring so Dave could collect his prize.



Jackie kissed Dave and said, “Good job baby.”



Sam strutted back and forth in front of me with that small tote. Then she pulled out the straps with the Velcro ends. She attached the Velcro ends around my ankles and tied the other ends to the bottom rope forcing me into a spread-eagle position.



"Feeling vulnerable?" she asked.



I didn't reply.



She said, "I'm going to give you a show baby."



She walked in front of Dave and dropped to her knees, pulled what was left of his jock strap to the floor, and began sucking his cock. It had to be the fattest cock she’d ever had in her mouth. The size of his cock looked disproportionately large compared to her head.



All I could do was watch, but the sight of Sam, excited to be making love to Dave's massive cock kept me hard.



Jackie had Dave spread his legs so she could fondle his balls with each hand - one from the front and one from the back. It was obvious Sam was enjoying her control over Dave's massive hard-on.



Dave reached down and untied the strings behind Sam's neck. Her top dropped, exposing her beautiful breasts. He bent over and untied the back strings, fondling her tits as her top fell to the mat.



Sam stopped long enough to look up at Dave's expression. His eyes were glued to her as he held the back of her head. She smiled and went back at it.



Jackie removed her top to reveal her perfectly shaped, medium-sized breasts.



After Sam had a good taste of Dave's cock, she stopped sucking and lay on her back in front of him with her legs spread wide. She untied the sides of her bikini bottom but left it in place still covering her pussy.



Dave moved in between her legs and began feeling Sam's pussy as he gradually pushed her bikini bottom to the mat. She was soaking wet. Dave lowered himself on top of her and entered slowly.



By the look on her face, Sam felt some discomfort due to Dave’s size, but he went slowly and gently, watching her expression so he wouldn’t cause much pain. Once he was in and Sam became comfortable, they began humping in rhythm, Sam seemed to embrace a feeling she’d never before experienced, making sounds that were a mixture of grunts, pants, and coos.



When Jackie dropped to her knees to suck on Sam’s tits, Sam’s eyes shuttered. Jackie stroked Sam's clit, causing her to gyrate wildly at times while humping against Dave's rhythm.



I longed to fuck someone, something, or at least have someone touch me. I wanted any kind of stimulation. Held by my restraints, I couldn't even touch myself. Nevertheless, I maintained a full erection by what was taking place before my eyes.



Sam humped wildly under Dave and Jackie’s assault. With all the stimulation from the two of them, Sam couldn't take much more. She'd never seen a cock that thick let alone fucked one.



Her moans became louder. The rate of her breathing increased, her back arched and she grabbed Dave by the hair as she erupted into an explosive orgasm. Dave pumped on her hard as Jackie stroked her clit. Dave never missed a beat, increasing the rate of his humping to match the intensity of Sam's orgasm.



I can't remember Sam ever cumming so quickly or so hard. She was delirious; eyes trained on Dave's face one second and rolled back in her head the next. She twitched as she humped. She opened her mouth wide and eked out a scream then grit her teeth and groaned deeply as if holding back a scream. Watching Sam give in to that extent was the sexiest thing I’d ever witnessed.



Finally, Sam was done. She grabbed Dave's shoulders and begged him to stop. When he stopped to relieve her of her torture, Jackie pushed Dave back and he rose to his knees. Dave didn’t catch much of a break. As Sam lay on the mat still quaking, Jackie pushed Dave onto his back and mounted him.



Jackie rode him like she couldn’t get enough and once Sam collected herself, she rose to her knees to fondle and suck on Jackie's tits. When Dave reached up to fondle Jackie's tits, Sam turned to stroking Jackie's clit and rubbed her ass crack with the other hand.



Jackie looked intently at me trapped in the ropes as she rode Dave. She was a magnificent sight, panting and breathing heavily. Her superb tits bounced and juggled with the rhythm of her undulations. Mesmerized by the sight of me restrained with a stiff cock, her stare was intense.



I looked down at my cock. There was pre-cum all over the tip and a little had even dripped on the mat. When I looked back up at Jackie, she was still staring at me. She was getting off on being watched and appreciated.



Loudly she asked, "You like watching me? You wanna watch me cum for you? You poor boy. You can’t even touch yourself. You watch! I'm gonna cum for you!”



Sam moved behind Jackie and straddled Dave. She wrapped both arms around Jackie, fondling Jackie’s tits with one hand while stroking her clit with the other.



Jackie tensed up. She was straining and grunting. Then it hit her. She arched her back and had the most incredible orgasm while never taking her eyes off me.



"Watch me cum!" she yelled.



Sam squeezed Jackie’s tits and continued stroking her with the other hand. Dave kept pumping.



Jackie was sweating. Her eyes drooped. She twitched and jerked her way through her orgasm until she was exhausted. When Jackie could take no more, she rolled off of Dave. I was honored to have been able to see that.



Sam bent over and sucked Jackie's juices off of Dave's cock, keeping him rock hard. After she'd gotten a good taste, she mounted him again.



Dave's stamina was amazing. He'd already satisfied two women and Sam was going back for seconds. This time, Dave's cock penetrated Sam easily as she lowered herself onto him. Dave began feeling Sam's tits and Sam stroked her own clit.



Jackie crawled next to me and said, " You look like you could use some help - all tied up and no place to go. You don’t have any control over what happens, do you? Your dick says you like it like that. I like it like that. I'll control you now."



She began stroking my cock as we watched our significant others go at it no more than four feet away from us.



Jackie had a superb touch but every time I was getting ready to cum, she'd stop stroking and let go of my cock. With a mischievous grin on her face, she watched it tighten, then release as it throbbed uncontrollably. She looked me in the eye and said in a sexy tone, "Do you like watching Sam get fucked by my husband? Let me make you cum," but she didn't allow me to cum. The torture was unbearable.



Sam continued to ride Dave. He showed no signs of slowing down.



Sam began rubbing and squeezing her tits. Dave humped harder and faster as he watched Sam experience new pleasures. He reached down to get his thumb on Sam's clit and began stroking her.



Sam held her breath and bore down until she finally released, screaming and moaning, squeezing her tits and gritting her teeth as she humped hard on Dave's cock. Her second orgasm seemed even more intense than the first.



Sam finally collapsed on top of Dave. He continued to hump. Her orgasm was gradually fading beyond the peak. She moaned and twitched from the aftershocks. Dave kept humping as Sam became a rag doll stuck on his cock.



Finally, Sam had to pull off. She could take no more. It didn’t take long, however, before she rose to her knees and began sucking his cock again.



She was crazed with lust. Lost in another world, she couldn’t get enough.



Jackie continued tormenting me. She was driving me crazy. I got to watch Sam have two orgasms while fucking Jackie's husband. Lust had completely overtaken me, but I was denied the one thing I was desperate for.



I begged. “Please make me cum. I gotta to cum…please.” But Jackie wouldn’t allow it.



All of a sudden, Sam stopped sucking Dave and stood up. She motioned for Dave to get up and he did. They stood right in front of me and watched Jackie inflict her torture on me.



Sam looked at me and said, "Look at the size of that cock." She led Dave in front of me and said, "You need to finalize your prize. Give him a taste of me, and give Jackie and me the show we’ve been dying to see. She looked at me and said, “I know you love the subordinate role honey, and I know how you love to show off. This’ll be a great show.”



Dave moved in and shoved his massive cock in my face. I became nervous, but Jackie continued stroking to keep me hard as a rock.



Sam said, "Open your mouth. Dave wants to collect."



I turned to one side, then the other to avoid the inevitable, but I was fantasizing about what the girls wanted. My resistance gradually weakened.



"Open your mouth I told you."



I obeyed. Dave shoved his cock into my mouth and began humping. I could taste a hint of Sam's delicious juices still lingering even after Sam had sucked his cock.



Sam stood alongside him, reaching in from behind to fondle his balls. I applied pressure to the underside of his cock with my tongue. He was worked up even more from humping my mouth than he was when he fucked the girls.



Jackie stroked my cock with one hand and massaged my balls with the other.



She said, "My goodness. Don’t you love sucking cock for us? Look at what you're doing. Your dignity has been taken from you and you’re about to cum because of it. Cum for us. Immerse yourself in that degrading feeling you so love. I want to see it. I want to watch you give it up for us."



I could feel Dave's cock tightening. It wasn't releasing. It just kept tightening. He was breathing heavily and grunting.



Jackie began stroking me with intensity. She caressed my hip as she moved her other hand toward my ass. She fondled my balls and my ass until she inserted a finger about one knuckle deep.



My humiliation only added to my excitement. I was ready to cum when Dave let loose in my mouth. I kept the pressure on his cock with my tongue as I tensed up. I felt the squirt at the back of my throat and began to swallow as much as I could. I reached the point of no return.



"Cum for me,” Jackie said.  “I want to see you cum while sucking Dave's cock. Suck his cock and cum for me."



I could take no more.



Sam fondled Dave's balls as he was shooting his load into my mouth. Jackie stroked fast and hard until I came while Dave was still squirting into the back of my throat.



"Keep sucking," Jackie said. "Suck that cock and cum for me."



The humiliation was ecstatic. I was cumming in front of two beautiful women while sucking on another man's cock. I swallowed all I could, but some was dripping down my chin.



Jackie finally slowed down her pace, but my jizz became a lubricant and her strokes tormented my overly sensitive cock.



Dave's cock flopped out of my mouth when I began screaming. He turned away and collapsed on the mat while I was focused on trying to escape Jackie’s hand. When she finally decided I’d had enough, she slowed her strokes.  She turned to lightly caressing my balls, soothing me until I regained a level of normalcy.



At that point, the discomfort from my arms being caught in the ropes and having my legs spread so far apart was becoming painful. I asked Jackie to release me and she did. I dropped flat on the mat next to Dave. He was spent and so was I.



Dave said, "I was second at the state wrestling championships in 2011. You made me work pretty hard. You done good."



I said to Dave, "I still believe I can beat you."



Dave said, "Anytime you feel lucky, I'll give you a rematch for the same stakes."



 "You're on," I said.



Sam and Jackie joined Dave and me on the mat. Amazement and exhaustion were the words we expressed. We finally got up to clean ourselves and the ring before heading home.



On the way home, Sam kept pestering me to set a date when we'd have the rematch. Jackie also wanted to know but I was still pretty ragged out. I wasn't ready to commit to anything.



I told them, "I need time to get over what just happened to me...we'll see."



My girlfriend loves seeing me suck cock, especially one that just fucked her. Strangely enough, I got off on it too. I don’t want a man, but I’ll do anything for a woman…and love it.



It was amazing to watch Jackie get off while watching my humiliated self, and I loved watching Sam orgasm on a cock thicker than any cock she’d ever seen. That says nothing of watching Jackie's long slim body orgasm. It was amazing. I lost the fight, but in so many ways, I still won.



As I've experienced the degradation of these sexual romps with other couples, I've come to realize, this experience isn’t so unlikely anymore. I've become Sam's willing slave and cuckold. I’ll look forward to whatever fantasies she dreams up. As long as it's good for her, it's good for me. That rematch just might come sooner than later.




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