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The Kiss List
Posted by: SoloTouchArchive
Author: sweet_chick
Posted on: 27 Jun 2003
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A bit of background info for future posts
My childhood home was a very quiet place to be. I have an older brother who was out of the house by the time I was 12, and once he left, the family arguments dwindled down and my parents and I did our own thing, usually in separate rooms. I spent a lot of time in my room reading and writing, and I started keeping a journal when I was 14. I kept writing after I moved out of the house and now have journals dating back to 1990.
Around the time I was 16, I read in Cosmo (I think) that American women kiss an average of 76 men before they marry, so I thought it might be fun to start a "kiss list" to see how I measured up (a little "girly" maybe, but I'm so glad I did it). I made a cryptic list of my "conquests" and kept the paper in my journal, adding to it every so often and transferring the paper to each of my new journals. I actually ran out of room on the original list (one does not have much foresight at 16 I suppose), and a few years back transferred the list to a page in one of my journals. But eventually I had to get a new journal, so every time I had an addition, I had to dig the old one out of my closet and write it in.
Last year for my birthday, a good friend (the one who rescued me from homelessness when my new house was full of bugs) took me to a bookstore and let me pick out an awesome jade green tiled journal with recycled paper. I was so excited to write in it that I abandoned my other journal, though it was one of my favorites to date.
When I started this new one, I decided to use the remaining pages of the old one to expand on my kiss list. I sat up late two nights in a row writing in names and giving a paragraph-long description of what I remembered most about the kiss and the guy. It turned out to be a lot of fun, and it brought back a lot of memories. So this post is a sort of precursor to future posts inspired by the infamous kiss list...
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