The Joy of aPlastic Sandwich Bag by Ozzie Ron
I masturbate regularly and with many variationsto keep from the same old boring routine. All techniques involvea couple of common denominators: The plastic sandwich bag, somesoap and water plus a little K-Y or "Wet Stuff" gel.The bag has 2 main uses; firstly to provide a fine vaginalsimulation and secondly to eliminate any mess.
To prepare the bag, the gusset where the bag isfolded over at the top may be carefully torn open. This makes thewhole thing symmetrical and adds extra depth. In Oz, we have the"Glad" brand which I've found to have the best textureand strength. Use a bar of wet soap to coat the interior of thebag with soapy water. Add a dollop of K-Y to really make thingsslippery. (either one or the other on their own is not as good)
1. The quiet fingerfuck:
My favourite! This is a near as possible towhat girls must experience when they finger themselves. Here, thebag is used to catch the copious quantities of jism and toprovide a ready source of lubrication. This is a good method touse when you are in a place where you might not feel free to makelots of noise but still want to get off!
Firstly, curl up in a semi-foetal position.Push your penis and balls behind and between your thighs so thatthe there is a nice tight space between you cock and the top ofyour scrotum. This is actually best done whilst only semi-erect.Wet the space between your penis and your scrotum and slide yourfingers in and out of it as if it were a vagina. You have toreach around behind your thigh to do this whilst keeping yourlegs together. Enclose your cock and balls within the wetsandwich bag in such a way that when you come, it will stay inthe bag. Just allow some room at the upper side for your fingersto get in. . Pay particular attention to the spot just under thetip where the glans forms two little lobes. Then stroke long anddeep along the underside of the penis. You'll find that theorgasm from this method is unbelievable. For extra fun, you canwet your anus and do some rimming as well. Another variation isto stay in the foetal position but get up on your knees with yourass in the air and cock pushed through behind your thighs and useboth hands from behind, one stroking the underside of your penisand the other doing it to your sensitive anal orifice. Thisvariation gets a little noisier!
2. The simulated fuck:
When you are enduring a long drought from thereal thing, this can feel so much like it that you can get byquite nicely thanks. It is also a way of practicing to improveyour performance with a real partner.
A couple more props are necessary besides thatwonderful Glad Bag; A couple of pillows, preferably the old lumpytype, and a sheet of bubblewrap. Roll the bubblewrap into a tightcylinder, then bend it in half to form a nice tight omega shape.tie it with a shoelace or tape it to stay that way. This nowforms the orifice structure. Separate the filling in a pillow sothat you can fold it in half. Leave some filling at the top ofthe fold to approximate a pelvis. Put the bubblewrap omega intothe folded pillow and poke the Glad Bag through the orifice,leaving a couple of inches of wing outside. Arrange the otherpillow so you can lay on it, then enter and go for it! Make surethe bag's nice and wet with both soap and a little lubricant. Youmight need to rearrange pillows and things till you get it justright, but when you! You can try lying on your back andletting the pillow go on top for a variation, ....phew that canbe a toe-curler too!
There are other tricks I have learned which Ican send in the future. I'm sure after you have tried these,you'll want to hear about them.
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The Joy of aPlastic Sandwich Bag
Posted by: SoloTouchArchive
Author: admin
Posted on: 11 Oct 1997
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