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The Carpark
Posted by: SoloTouchArchive
Author: admin
Posted on: 14 Dec 1998
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The Carpark by Creamed33 (creamed@hotmail.com)
I am a life long exhibitionist - try to never miss an oportunity - and getoff on the risk - usually: The folowing story happened this afternoon - itisnt my usual set up scenario which I have come to do so well - but I justcant get it out of my head - or my hand off my didk.
30 degree day - blazing hot sun - driving home from work, pulled intoSafeway carpark in the outer suburbs: Did the usual trolley bit torestock, and staggered back to the car loaded:
The carpark is in front of the store - between the front and the road and Ihad parked close to the road, about 6 rows of cars from the store, justbeside a builders van: The van was hauling the usual lock up tool trailer- hence - builder: When I arrived there was noone in the car: When Ireturned, I didn't notice whether it was occupied or not - until I satbehind the wheel of my car.
I noticed the back of a guy sitting at the wheel of the yellow van: Hekept turning around like he was looking for someone:
People coming and going everywhere:
Watching closer, I noticed the fabric of his shirt crinkling / bucklingjust around his shoulder:I watched and worked out the rhythm and pattern of the movement causing thewrinkles: This guy was sitting there wanking- fairly gently - but wanking:
He would stop when people got near and start up again when a woman or manwalked in front of his car:
Trying to fringe on his scene, I get out of my car, move around to thepassengers door, where he can get a good view in his side mirror - if hechooses - take off my shirt, shoes, undo my jeans and pull them off: Now Iam standing the the carpark in my jocks and socks, rumaging thru a bag forsome shorts: I keep glancing up to see if he is watching - he is from timeto time - obviously not impressed.
However, when I am sure he is watching, I drop my jocks and fold them upand put them away, pull down on my already thickened and lengthened cock,and pull on the shorts - tight up so my balls and bits just about burstthru the leg of the shorts. He watches:
I move back behind the drivers seat, and start to go to town watching him:
He does short frantic bursts of wanking, then stops: Then a few slow longstrokes then stops: Then frantic again - driving me mad:
Two women approach and he stops: They get into the car directly besidehim: One is older, one younger - maybe 20, who starts to load groceriesinto the back seat of her car, closest to his:
I watch him clasp his hands behind his head, and see his knees rise to thedash and fall again, as obviously thrusts his crotch upwards to catch herattention:
As they drive off, he goes into frantic overdrive. By this time, I on thebrink - stroking, pulling, milking pre-cum like mad: I dont really want todiasturb his scene, and he hasnt given me any indication that I would bewelcome, so I just sit there and hump my fist enough to make my car rockand squeek: He notices:
I notice the rhythm of his strokes altering and the movement is a bit moreeratic - his head movements look like he is on the brink - and so am I:
I wank until I am at the last moment - I can feel the cum starting to rise- and I get out of the car, walk past his, and turn adn walk back, blowingthe lot right beside his window 2' from his face: Blue short go dark allaround my cock from the cum soaking thru:
I say something real stupid like 'got a light' as I make sure he gets aneyefull of my soaked crotch, and get a look at his:
His cock is still inside his khaki trousers - not small - maybe7" - and hehas blown his load right thru the fabric: He doesnt try to hide it - justsits back with this wet bulge in his lap and says 'sorry'.
I get back in my car - he drives off and I go for it again.
This is the sort of scene I set up for other guys to see - it rarelyhappens for me to be the voyeur: When it does, I am history - a babblingnervous mess: Obsessed with the image I have jusy seen.
That was 6 hours ago, and I am still aroused, still leaking precum againstill cant get the image out of my mind - it was just so so hot.
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