I am embarrassed and a bit ashamed of myself to be telling you my story but after discovering this site I decided you might like to hear it. My daughter Arlene is thirteen and is the oldest of my three children. I recently gave birth to my third child and am nursing her from my breasts. One evening recently while Arlene and I were watching TV she asked me something during a commercial which set me aback and for several seconds I had no idea what to say. She asked me if she could taste my breast milk. I didn't answer and then I heard, "please." I said OK and told her to get a small glass cup from the kitchen. She came back with the cup and I was prepared to pump a bit into the cup to let her taste it. Arlene didn't hand me the cup but asked me if she could suck like the baby. Now I was really at a loss for words. Again I listened to a "please." Against my better judgement I relented and said, "OK but not too long." I brought out one breast and saw Arlene's eyes open like saucers. My areolae were still huge and very dark from my pregnancy. My nipple was thick and protruded out nearly an inch. The nipple looked almost blue. Her head went to my breast at once and she began to suck quite hard. She would suck and then swallow and then, much to my surprise she toyed with my nipple for a few seconds with her tongue. Soon I said that's enough, and she let go and went right to my other breast. I didn't stop her and as she sucked I felt like hundreds of little needles were lightly pricking me all around my pussy. I just couldn't believe that I was being sexually stimulated by this. I put my hand to my other breast and felt my nipple. It was very hard. This was not supposed to be happening. I told Arlene to stop. A few drops of milk escaped from her mouth. Arlene tried to describe the taste of my milk but my mind was on how I was feeling. I actually didn't want her to stop. What is wrong with me I thought. That night I declined sex with my husband and instead I went into the bathroom and masturbated thinking about what happened. I allowed Arlene to do it again the next day after school but I stopped her when she started to fondle my nipple while sucking on the other one. She even asked me if it felt nice. This could have gotten totally out of hand but I think I stopped it in time. I'm just so ashamed of myself for allowing it to happen a second time. I let her do it because I wanted to be stimulated and that's just what happened again except more so. Again that evening I masturbated. Arlene asked me the next day if she could do it just one more time and I emphatically said. "no." she wanted to know why and I told her that she found out what it tastes like and she didn't need to do it any more. She got very pouty and said, "I don't care about the taste, I just like to do it." I again told her no more. I'm not really a bad person I just let things go a little too far. I probably should never have let her suck in the first place and now I know that she was interested in more than just tasting my milk. Why in the world would a thirteen year old girl want to suck her mom's nipples??
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Tasting My Milk
Posted by: SoloTouchArchive
Author: Pennie
Posted on: 12 Feb 2014
12 likes 10382 views Category: Masturbation Female Solo Tags: Breast, Suck, Nipple, Arousal
12 likes 10382 views Category: Masturbation Female Solo Tags: Breast, Suck, Nipple, Arousal
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