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Swingtime Masturbation (& more)
Posted by: SoloTouchArchive
Author: echokilo
Posted on: 15 Dec 2019
3 likes views Category: Sex Stories Group Co-ed Tags:
3 likes views Category: Sex Stories Group Co-ed Tags:
MarthaP asked me in chat to write about some of our swing experiences. So, for this first post, let me first spend some time describing the venue. For discretionary reasons, details such as the actual location, names and such have been altered in accordance with the privacy rules of our swing club. As in our other stories, "I" is mr. ek and my wife is "K."
The Mansion is located in a suburb in the Puget Sound region; an area of tall conifer forest nestled amongst apartment complexes and mainstream America subdivisions. The grounds around the buildings are secluded and private, which permits nude sunbathing and outdoor sex when the weather is fine. A passing motorist would idly note that the gated complex might have commercial interests, and they would be correct; the owners of this swing club also must make a living. For nearly all swingers, swinging is a hobby that is pursued when the demands of life, work and family permit, despite the vanilla notions of the "lifestyle" being some sort of an all-consuming way of living.
On this particular Fall evening, we arrive somewhat out of breath, having spent the afternoon at soccer matches in which our two children were playing. Eager for a glass of wine, we quickly pay for the evening, stow our bottles of wine in the refrigerator (large enough to park a light aircraft in) and head for the locker room to store our bag of "play supplies" and for K to change into her "slutwear." This is a swinger's ritual that always makes us smile. Care must be taken to arrive home wearing the same clothing the baby sitter saw you leave in. As we walk down the hall to the locker room (a coed arrangement, of course) we glance out the windows at the hot tub and see a naked couple kissing passionately and enjoying a pre-dinner soak.
K is now wearing a very low cut black dress with no brassiere that is also slit up the back to only an inch or two from exposing her ass. She is perched up on her 4-inch Bandolinos and the only underthing is her black Hanky Panky thong, pulled tight between her cheeks.
We make our way back to the Great Room; a combination dining area and dance hall, with a mezzanine balcony that has additional seating and a smaller dance floor (I'll tell about the time we danced naked there in another story). The fire is lit in the enormous fireplace. We note that this will be a small party, as not very many tables are set. All tables seat at least six to promote socialization. It is amazing how even amongst swingers, people tend to keep to themselves. We do this too, at times, and it makes us laugh at ourselves.
A small party! Only maybe 60 to 80 couples; unlike New Year's or Halloween when upwards of 300 couples will swell the Mansion to a throng. These are our favorites; the small ones. Play tends to be more intimate when the club is not crowded.
A couple that we had met previously eventually joined us for dinner. We do not play with them, but we do enjoy their company. She likes to dress outrageously and sometimes we do not even recognize her with all the get-up. They told us about the renovations they are making to their home now that their kids are out of the house. They said that the lower levels stay locked now, so we surmise they may be going so far as to outfit a dungeon. Not our thing, but they were obviously excited about it.
The band starts to play and we dance some. We notice a couple that we watched in the playrooms at a previous party. Their sex was entertaining and we had talked a bit about them since. They, and in particular, she, was very much into the "watch and be watched" aspects and this attracted us, as exhibitionism and voyeurism are huge turn-ons for both of us. They are excellent dancers and we admire them as they show off their moves.
Soon, we make our way back to the locker room with intentions of soaking a bit in the hot tub. We take our clothes off and grab our towels. We love getting naked. As we move toward the hot tub, the couple we had been admiring is heading to the lockers, too, and we smile at them. A few minutes after we slip into the hot tub, they join us. We can admire their nudity and note that she does not wax or shave. This is relatively uncommon in modern swing circles, but we both still appreciate a shapely bush on a pussy; even though K now waxes regularly and only has the landing strip above her clit left of her pussy bush.
We start talking with them and I mention how much we enjoyed watching them play at the previous party. They did not recall seeing us at that time and we are not sure if they are interested in playing with us.
We do not want to stay in the hot tub long, as it becomes too relaxing rather quickly and we are eager for some sex. We say, "Hope to see you upstairs," as we dry ourselves and let them look us over. We climb the stairs to the play areas and start to look around. There are several rooms with multiple large mattresses on the floor that attract group play, but being early on a small party night, there are few people here. We head to our favorite area, which is newly refurbished. Everything is red, including the lighting. The beds have been constructed on multiple levels and many accommodate only one couple easily, although a close foursome is possible. The tiers are arranged for maximum visibility. We are in our element. Come, people; watch us fuck!
We take a high bed that has a commanding view of at least 8 other beds and partial visibility of another 4 or 5. It is arranged head to head with another mattress on the same level. We lay out our towels and get down to what we are here for. I lick K's pussy and rub my cock until she is wet and I am very hard. I mount her in our favorite position: matrimonial, with me on my knees and K's legs spread very wide. I hold myself off of her chest so she can play with her clit. We are starting to really turn each other on when we notice the couple from the hot tub walking past, below, clearly looking for a place to play. I catch their eye and point to the mattress above our heads and say, "Up here!"
To our delight, up they climb. The girl says, "This is one of the few places I can plug in my Magic Wand," and proceeds to lie down on her back so that she and K are head to head. Her guy starts sexing her, licking her pussy and using her toys (she has a LOT of toys). It is obvious that she comes easily and often.
K and I are fucking away and I whisper, "Put your hand over you head." K does and her hand is now inches away from the other girl's hand which is also over her head. Both women are ramping up to another orgasm and just as we hear her start to come, K's hand makes contact with hers and they lock their fingers together, sharing the intensity of their orgasms as they reach their most intense climaxes yet this evening.
We pause to rest, my cock still buried in K's cunt and the girl rolls over with this huge smile on her face. We introduce ourselves. She is D, he J. J starts sucking on D's tits and we can see she can take tremendous stimulation through her nipples. He is sucking very hard and we realize he is pulling on her nips with his teeth, too. They become incredibly distended; at least an inch long from his tit play.
She offers her tits to us with a wiggle and asks, "This OK?"
We both say, "Yes!!" and each take a nipple in our mouths and suck on her simultaneously.
I am fucking K hard again, and she is rubbing her clit, too. D looks at this and says, "Oh! You are touching yourself!"
K says, "Of course!"
In a deliberate movement, D reaches out her hand and strokes it over my ass as I pump cock up K's cunt. "Mmmmmmm..." she says, obviously pleased with the firmness of my ass as I energetically fuck K.
D then announces that she wants to have her Magic Wand. K and I (whose minds think alike) say, "Can we watch?" at the same time.
D says, "Sure," and turns around and flops on her back, spreading her legs widely and giving us both a beautiful view of her entire pussy (we have shifted now so that we can both watch to the side as we continue to fuck).
"Pretty cunt!" K whispers in my ear and I nod in agreement. D has nice full labia minora that are pouting and ready for more sex.
D has taken control of the Magic Wand while the three of us watch (we are getting the impression J is not as enthusiastic as D is, but he does seem to be enjoying himself). She turns the Wand on and starts pressing it on her clit. K reaches out and strokes her hand up D's nearest foot and then on upward; stroking her calf. D has gorgeous legs: dancer's legs. D is starting to go wild now. The amount of stimulation she can take is amazing. K told me later that she could feel the vibrations from the Wand all the way down in D's calf. D has both hands on the Wand now and is grinding the thing into her clit. Her first orgasm with the Wand hits and she starts making a lot of cumming sounds. "Uhnnn!" and "Ohhh!" The room is alive with people having sex now and all this mixes in like harmony.
To our amazement, after D's orgasm she rests only a few seconds and then starts rubbing the Wand (which she has never turned off) all over her beautiful cunt, not just on her clit. She is using it to stimulate every part of her pussy and this seems to ramp her right back up the orgasm ladder. Within only a minute or two she is bringing herself off to an even more intense (and noisier) climax. K comes again, too; feeling the orgasm in D with her hand on her leg.
K and I are pretty exhausted from fucking at this point. We usually take one or two breaks during the evening to go grab another glass of wine and some diet soda (the caffeine helps build the endurance and intensity of our sex). We thank J and D for the experience, put on practically nothing and make our way back to the refreshment area.
We are catching our breath and sipping our drinks in the lounge area when D and J come down from the play areas, dressed in street clothes and obviously heading home for the night. D bounces over to us and gives us both a kiss. We all say goodnight, and as D walks away we see a skip bounce into her stride; clearly still riding that sexual high.
We are ready for more now and head back up to the playrooms. We again occupy a high bed in the red room, opposite where we had been before. Slightly below and very near us the girls of two couples are locked in some of the most passionate girl-girl sex we have ever seen. They are French kissing each other deeply and their hands are in each other's cunts. Their men are sitting nearby and enjoying the passion of the girl's sexing. The girls vocalize very little, as their mouths and tongues, when not locked in a French kiss, are licking and sucking each other's pussies. We are getting very hot and turned on by this, but what really sends us is another couple that is now in the location where we had been previously. They are clearly as horny as we are and also very much into watching and being watched. I am pounding K's sopping cunt and staring into the eyes of the other woman, who is returning my gaze with passion, but she is getting fucked so hard from behind that she drops her head as he shoves his cock in and out of her. Then she raises her head to look at us and we lock eyes again. She shakes her head in a way that seems to say, "God, I can't believe how hot this is / you are / and how hard we are all going to cum really soon!" She is right, as we are now fucking in almost perfect unison; very hard and pounding sex. The kind that can only end with cocks exploding. And we do, both filling our beautiful wives with our hot cum as their cunts orgasm along with us.
We collapse in sweat and heat. Our hearts are pounding. My cock is still very hard and I continue to flex my shaft in K's cunt. She loves this and I love being able to fuck in my own cum for a while after flooding her cunt. Ahhhh, bliss.
Time to go home for this night.
[sig]Language itself is the headiest brew, and staying drunk is divine.[/sig]
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