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submissive masterbation game with my online friend Jessie
Posted by: SoloTouchArchive
Author: njexplorer
Posted on: 30 Jan 2005
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I met this girl Jessie online a few months ago. She is a very horny girl and really loved to be submissive. We have swapped many emails and a few phone calls. I decided to put her through a series of tasks to see if she truly wanted me to be her daddy :) I worte 9 seperate emails to her. She was to complete one at a time and email me back with details.
BELOW is a summary of her day, I made "HER" write this summary as a part of task #9 and email it to me. Have fun reading, it was very arousing playing...
From: CJ
Sent: Monday, January 24, 2005 7:51 AM
That was the first email I received from CJ today, and there were eight more that I had left to open. Each email was a task CJ had assigned for me, all a part of this little game we play. I had no idea what was in store for me, but it didn't matter. All I knew was that today was my day, and I had to do EVERYTHING that CJ asked of me.
CJ and I play a masturbation game. This game is on twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. We masturbate for points, and assign each other certain tasks to make the game more interesting. We even reward each other bonus points for applying risk, creativity, and perversion to our little solo-sessions. One day out of each week, we choose to be our "task day". Basically, we surrender all power to the other person, and they get to have their way. I had figured that anything CJ could have planned for me couldn't be THAT bad- it's hard to make a girl like me squirm! I was totally up for the challenge. So there I was, CJ's "nasty little girl" for the day, and CJ was now my "Daddy"....
Sent: Monday, January 24, 2005 7:40 AM
Subject: TASK #1
First thing you need to do: Go to the bathroom. If you need to go #2, I strongly recommend you get it out of the way. Go now and email me when complete.
Go drink a large glass of water. Read 4 stories on Solotouch.com
PS: Oh yeah, one little thing- YOU ARE NO LONGER ALLOWED TO USE THE TOILET. I have taken away this privilege....more details to come
PPS: You are no longer allowed to touch yourself...I will reward you if you're a good girl.
Though I regretted having the two cups of tea I had earlier, that was no big deal. Daddy would have to do a lot better than that to make me squirm. Done. No toilet, no touching myself- TASK #1 complete! I reported back to CJ and let him know that I was on to TASK #2, with confidence.
From: CJ
Sent: Monday, January 24, 2005 7:42 AM
Subject: TASK #2
Drink another large glass of water.
Go buy an instant camera. You know what kind I'm talking about. Point and click and a floppy picture pours out. You will be reimbursed. Email me when complete.
Oh shit.....didn't like where this was going, but I had to do what CJ asked of me. I hopped into my car and made my way to the store, my knuckles white and teeth clenched...I knew that Daddy had some plans for his nasty little girl, and I wasn't going to like it. When I returned home, I sat down in front of my computer and just stared at the screen. I still had six more tasks, and I wasn't as eager to open them as I was before. Also, I kind of had to pee.....so I sent CJ a little reply to let him know I completed his shitty little task...
To: CJ
Sent: Monday, January 24, 2005 10:57 AM
Subject: RE: TASK #2
Hi Daddy...
Instant polaroid camera: $26.99
Instant polaroid film: $10.99
The satisfaction I will have when it's CJ's turn: PRICELESS
I love you Daddy
From: CJ
Sent: Monday, January 24, 2005 7:43 AM
Subject: TASK #3
Drink a large glass of water
Read two more stories on Solotouch
Go into the bathroom with the instant camera. Take off all your clothes excpet for your bra and panties. Look into the mirror and hold the camera up. Take a picture of yourself, making sure the camera is away from your face, because I want you to smile like a naughty girl. Put your clothes back on and go back to the computer. See how the picture looks and put it into an envelope. Address the envelope to me and put a stamp on it. Email me when complete.
ASSHOLE! Oh my god, I was LIVID. This was only TASK #3! I instantly envisioned myself performing TASK #7, bending over on my front lawn naked, straddling the garden hose, taking pictures for my freakishly twisted friend CJ. This was not how I was expecting my day to be like....but I had to hand it to him though- he made me squirm. So I did what he asked, and went back to the computer to deliver him a not-so-nice email...
To: CJ
Sent: Monday, January 24, 2005 11:00 AM
Subject: RE: TASK #3
Hi Daddy...
I'm demoting you to "Cousin"
Task #3 complete
I love you Daddy
I was starting to become defiant, obviously, but I have to say, I was enjoying every second of it. I liked the control CJ had over me. I had never taken a picture of myself like that in my life! He was definitely pushing me to the limit, and I loved it. Despite my bladder being about ready to burst, I started to get really turned on- but Daddy said I couldn't touch myself.....so I resisted.
From: CJ
Sent: Monday, January 24, 2005 7:43 AM
Subject: TASK #4
Drink another large glass of water.
Read two more stories on Solotouch.
Now, you are not allowed to use the toilet. You have to pee in the tub until 3 PM today. Anytime you have to pee, I want you to take off all your clothes, go into the tub, spread your legs, and pee. If you have to pee now, go into the bathroom with the camera. Go into the tub, and do not sqwat. Stand up straight, spread your legs, and pee. Hold the camera up in front of yourself and take a picture. Action pee-shot is what I'm looking for. Now, the pee might have dribbled down your leg like a nasty girl, so clean yourself off- shower, do whatever you have to do. Place the picture in the envelope, but DO NOT LOOK AT IT.
PS: I'm counting all pictures and all pictures need to be accounted for. Trust me. Put clothes back on and read two more stories on Solotouch. Keep doing what I say and there will be a very nice reward for you. Email me when complete.
HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!!!!! In his fucking dreams! Funny, at that moment, I suddenly didn't have to pee! It was time for this naughty little girl to let her Daddy know exactly where he could shove his TASK #4.....
To: CJ
Sent: Monday, January 24, 2005 11:20 AM
Subject: RE: TASK #4
Hi Daddy...
I haven't peed yet, and I swear on all things I find sacred, I will hold this piss inside of me and give myself the worst urinary tract infection EVER before I do that for you.
I love you Daddy
Mind over matter, mind over matter, mind over matter.....that had become my mantra. I really had to pee- but no pee, no pee shot! No way in HELL was I going to bare my pussy- not even for Daddy. I was patting myself on the back in all my glory- knew he couldn't get the better of me!
From: CJ
Sent: Monday, January 24, 2005 7:45 AM
Subject: TASK #5
Drink a large glass of water.
Read two more stories on Solotouch.
Now, get a magazine and your camera and go back into the bathroom. Take off all your clothes, go get a razor or electirc shaver. I want you to sit on the floor with the magazine underneath you and dry shave your pussy so the hairs fall into the magazine. Take a before and after pic of your pussy. Do not look at the pictures, and place them in the envelope. TRUST me. Now take all the shavings and place them in the envelope too. Put your clothes back on and read two more stories on Solotouch. Email me when complete.
"FUCK! Fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK!" I screamed at the screen. It all became clear as to why CJ made me stop shaving myself a week earlier. I spoke too soon. I felt my eyes well up with tears. I guess most people would have thrown in the towel at this point, but I just couldn't. Amid all my discomfort, both mental AND physical, I wanted to please CJ. I knew it was only a matter of time before my bladder would explode, but I wanted to show him my strength AND my defiance.....I guess part of me was hoping I'd be punished.....masochism at its best! It seemed that every email I opened from CJ, the more respect I'd gain for him. He truly had me right where he wanted me: naked and trembling, sitting on the latest issue of Log Home Living, razor in hand, DRY SHAVING my pussy. I was fuming, I was anxious, I was EXCITED.....and I really, REALLY had to fucking pee.....suddenly, my cell phone rang. It was CJ.
"So? How are you doing?" he asked. His voice sounded a bit harsh, very authoritative. I wasn't pleased with him, and I let him know this.
"Oh, GREAT. I'm just TERRIFIC....." I was sniffling a little bit. I felt very vulnerable, and a bit silly.....
"Are you pouting?" he asked. Whoa....I was speechless. That turned my ass around. It wasn't CJ that had called me, it was Daddy. Had to answer him like a good little girl.
"No...." I softly replied
"Good." he said, "Now, what's with this 'Cousin' stuff?" I was silent. I didn't know what to say. I sensed that I was in trouble.....heeheehee.....I was in TROUBLE. I let out a frustrated huff, loud enough for him to hear. He then said, "Well that wasn't a very nice thing to say, was it?"
Wow.....he had me hanging my head in shame. How could I have said such a thing to my Daddy?
"No Daddy....." I replied, "I was just mad... I'm sorry." He could hear the quiver in my voice, and he softened his tone a bit. He asked me what I was doing at that present moment, and as I held back my tears, I said, "I'm DRY SHAVING my PUSSY.....and I'm in PAIN."
He sympathized with me and allowed me to stop. He said that as long as there were enough shavings there to prove that I did it, then I could just place them in the envelope and be done with it. I thanked him.
"Well listen," he said, "I have to get back to work now. You're doing really well. No more pouting- be a good girl. I'll call you in a little bit, ok?"
"Ok Daddy....."
When I hung up the phone, I felt so much better. It was nice to just hear his voice. It put me at ease somehow. I knew I had to keep going and finish what I had started. I only had a few more tasks to go.....
From: CJ
Sent: Monday, January 24, 2005 7:45 AM
Subject: TASK #6
Drink another large glass of water
Read two more stories on Solotouch
Do you need to pee again? If so, you know what to do. Go into the shower and take a close-up of your pussy while peeing. The picture goes in the envelope- DO NOT LOOK AT THESE PICTURES.
Do you want to get off yet? You are very close...you are being such a good girl. You are going to be rewarded.
Now, I want you to go get a sex toy. I want an action shot of you sucking on the toy and looking into the camera. Put the picture in the envelope, and do not peek. Read two more stories on Solotouch and email me when complete.
SEX TOY? I don't even OWN a sex toy, and it's not like I could have gone down the road to the nearest Quick Check to pick up a DILDO or anything. I needed something.....a lollipop. I always found lollipops to be increcibly erotic- I figured why not. It just had to be something for me to play with sexually. It would work.
So I went down the street to the store and bought my 35-cent sex toy. I went back home and into the bathroom. I unwrapped the lollipop and put it into my mouth. I moved my tongue around it gently and found myself becoming a little excited. With a devlish little grin, I snapped the picture and put it in the envelope- haha, Daddy was going to love that one!
From: CJ
Sent: Monday, January 24, 2005 7:55 AM
Subject: TASK #7
Drink another large glass of water and seal the envelope.
Walk to the nearest mailbox and drop it off. PLEASE trust me with these. I'm going to send them back to you!!! I promise!!!
Read two more stories on Solotouch and email me when complete.
Well, the good news was, I could seal the envelope! TASK #4 INCOMPLETE DUE TO NASTY LITTLE GIRL'S
REFUSAL TO PEE! This will DEFINITELY get me into trouble! But the bad news was, I had to pee so bad I could hardly breathe, let alone walk down the road to the mailbox- but I was determined. It was the longest walk of my life- two blocks there, two blocks back. I went immediately back into my house, up the stairs, and into the bathroom. I ripped off my clothes, hopped into the tub, and took the longest pee of my life. It's hard to even describe the overwhelming sense of relief I felt. It was almost orgasmic. Well, I was thinking much more clearly at that point! One more task left, plus my reward! I threw my clothes back on and ran to my computer.
From: CJ
Sent: Monday, January 24, 2005 7:48 AM
Subject: TASK # 8 + reward
You are to write a story entitled "Masturbation Game With CJ". This story you will submit to Solotouch.com. In this story, explain about our game, how it made you feel, and how you want to get off and want me to give you permission to rub your pussy! Email me the story you wrote.
Now rub your pussy.....how does it feel? Mmmmm....rub your clit like a nasty girl. You've bee so dirty all day and I want you to finger yourself thinking about how nasty you have been.....
Do you know what I'm going to do with your pictures? I'm going to CUM on each one of them and then send them back to you!!!
Get off for me.....scream my name....CJ CJ CJ....
Do you want me to fuck you? Come on, cum for CJ
Email me when your cum is complete.
OH MY GOD! This was fucking BRILLIANT! If CJ were here right now, I'd kiss the ground he walked on. Needless to say, this entire ordeal has been a massive turn-on, and I think I'm ready to receive my reward- but I guess that all depends on whether or not CJ likes my story. I really hope he does, because I've been a RELATIVELY good girl all day, I REALLY want to get off, and I REALLY want CJ to give me permission to touch myself!!!!
A wave of wetness poured out of me as I read my final email from CJ. I got up from the computer, grabbed my lollipop I had left in the bathroom, and laid down on my couch. I pulled my pants down and began rubbing my clit. I was aching...throbbing...I put the lollipop in my mouth and started sucking on it. It was so sweet and it felt so good to have something in my mouth to play with. All I could think about was the man that got me into this state- CJ. How I wanted him to touch me- to feel how wet he had made me. How I wanted him to fuck me, to make me scream out his name. I took the lollipop out of my mouth and moved it down to my pussy. I slowly circled it around my clit, covering it with my wetness. I put the lollipop back in my mouth to taste myself. I thought of CJ, my Daddy, taking my lollipop away and replacing it with something else. My fingers began to rub my clit faster and faster. I heard the name "CJ" creep out of my mouth in a labored whisper over and over again until I came. The orgasm was EXPLOSIVE- the kind that takes your breathe away....
I then took the lollipop from my mouth and returned it back down to my pussy, dipping it in and out, cirlcling it around and around. I then wrapped it back up, placed it in an envelope and addressed it to CJ. Thought he would appreciate a little taste of the fun-filled day he gave me.
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