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Stacy's Breasts

Posted by: Age: 50+/- Posted on: 0 comments
0 likes 106 views Category: Masturbation Stories Tags: Masturbate, breasts, adult breastfeeding

Thought I'd share an unusual event from a couple of weeks ago. The event is true but like I have always claimed, I did exaggerate and embellish the details.


April and I are closer to 50 than we'd like to be but one of our mutual friend, Stacie is in her early 30s and recently had her first child. The child's father decided he didn't want to be a dad so he ran off about halfway through the pregnancy. Since he left we have made it a point to have Stacie and the baby over several evenings a month for dinner and visit. 

Since we have two young adult children, Stacy looks to my wife as a mentor mom. Basically someone other than her own mother to get help and advice from. April thrives in that role.

A couple of weekends ago we had Stacy and the kid over and naturally the conversation always seems to end up focused on the baby. Obviously, I don't typically have anything useful to contribute so I grabbed a glass and a bottle of bourbon and excuse myself to the tv room. Besides, the girls could easily talk for hours.

After about an hour Stacy walked into the room and sat down. April was in the other room changing the baby because they would be leaving soon. We made some smalltalk about her ex and current legal matters that seemed to have stalled. The father was of course being an ass. 

"Your wife said that you used to suck on her nipples when she had clogged milk ducts..." 

Completely out of the blue and no where near our current conversational topic, it was more of a statement than a question. I was caught completely off guard. Stunned, my knee-jerk initial reaction was to act like I didn't know what she was talking about.

In reality, what she said was true. Not only was it true but with both pregnancies Aprils breasts were so engorged that when her ducts weren't clogged they would leak. It was during one of her early clogged milk duct fiascos that we both realized that we got turned on from it. Suckling on her breasts quickly became a regular part of our sex life and then evolved to more of a normal part of life. Usually in the evening after the kid was done and put down for the evening, was our time together. It became less involved in our sex life although it still usually resulted in that but more about us. Admittedly the appeal was also that our intial foray and what became a somewhat long term practice was taboo. 

Thankfully even in her overzealous efforts to be the mom with all the answers, April had omitted the details of our adult breastfeeding.

After a few moments of shock I was able to recompose myself and play it off as an amusing, matter of fact and perfectly reasonable solution to Aprils chronically clogged ducts. As it turns out, Stacy was obviously struggling with the same uncomfortable issue.

Stacy shuffled in her chair a little before standing up and walking over in front of me.

"I don't know how to ask you this and I'm embarrassed. But would you be willing to do that for me?" Stacy pulled her shirt up and held it with her chin and started un-clasping her nursing bra unveiling both engorged breasts and dark nipples in front of me! Her face was bright red and mine hot. The blood in my face pulsed with every heartbeat and my eyes jutted around looking for April. Stacy's obvious desperation made her request somehow seem reasonable. At least to her.

"Please? Just try? At least a little??"

Stacy stepped closer when I sharply replied. As I slid to the edge of my recliner Stacy brought her right nipple to my face holding it with one hand in a pre-latching position. It was a little humorous. I obviously knew how to properly latch on. Stacy's not bad looking but she's no Instagram model and not my type. However what she does have is large, very nice breasts. Of course I was more than aroused!

At this point you may not believe me but I'm more of an ass man! 

I took her nipple into my mouth and positioned my tongue so that I could press it against the roof of my mouth as I started to suck. It had been a long time since I last had experienced such nervous excitement. After only moments of squeezing and suckling the small streams of milk slowly turned into big ones and flooded my mouth. Stacy let out a deep sigh in relief as I swallowed mouthfuls of her milk. She pulled her nipple from my mouth and looked down and smiled at me as she invited my lips to her other swollen nipple. It didn't take long for me to clear the obstructions in that one either. Stacy didn't really say anything but she was obviously relieved. My mouth would fill almost faster than I could swallow and I had developed an erection as rigid as could be achieved without medication. 

"Okay... ummm... we're not going there!"

Stacy pulled her nipple from my mouth with an audible smack of my lips. It was only then that I realized that out of habit I had stopped suckling her nipple and had started circling and teasing it in the same manner that I do when April and I are having sex! As Stacy clasped the flaps of her bra I stood and looked around. Stumbling on every word I apologized for overstepping and felt embarrassed.

"I'm sorry that I asked. It's weird and I feel like a freak." I reassured her that it was fine and rationalized to her that it was a perfectly practical solution when warming pads and breast pumps failed.

Humans can rationalize anything.

Let's just not talk about it.

Stacy agreed and after a final small adjustment of her shirt and bra walked out of the room. I leaned back into my recliner as I replayed the event in my head. Did that just happen? That was dumb. 

As some of you already know my wife is the jealous type. I felt like I should tell her what transpired. I'm sure her initial reaction would be shock and disappointment but it was her own fault for sharing such private details and planting that stupid idea in Stacy's brain in the first place, right??

I went into the bathroom and dropped my pants. Standing over the sink I jerked off as I again replayed the events in my brain. By the time I got out Stacy had left and I found April in our bedroom changing and getting into bed. As I did the same she looked up at me and smiled. "So did you do it? Did you unclog Stacy's milk ducts?" 

So she didn't just plant the idea she actually her suggestion to ask me to do it!! 

I nodded and told her it wasn't a big deal. She smirked as she turned her attention more towards Etsey on her smart phone.

I layed my head across her lap and lifted her shirt revealing her braless breasts, latched on to a nipple and fell asleep.



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