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Posted by: Age: 23 Posted on: 4 comments
5 likes 18 views Category: Masturbation Female Solo Tags: Thoughts, masturbation, anal beads
Maybe THIS is spring? Oh, I really hope so. 

New life outside, and now, new life inside. Every time my tummy bubbles or flutters I kid myself it’s my baby….it’s too early for all that, of course, but a girl can dream, right? 

So, news? 

Well, Dani has been to bed with The Lovely Chris. She said it “….felt very different”. I’m not at all sure, now she’s had time to think about it, that she was overly impressed by cock, but then, even I found it an acquired taste. 

Sorry guys, but cocks are invasive, sometimes actually a little painful, and no-one can deny that they are messy. All that semen, once inside, has to come out again! Oh don’t misunderstand me, I do love cock….now….but as I said, it took some getting used to. Even the most gentle male lover can go for it when they get close, and more than once’s my pubic region has taken a bruising. Again, not a complaint, more an observation.

Girl/girl sex can be messy too, especially if one or both are squirters, or if, like me, one or both are sometimes into pee sex. 

I remember Alison, my sister, once telling me that she “….felt weird when I pee.” I immediately thought she might have an infection -matter all - girls tend to get UTIs more readily than guys do, but a little clarification helps. “No, it’s not that…it doesn’t sting or anything….just sometimes, if I’m feeling sexy and I have a pee…well….somehow it makes me feel more sexy.” She was 15 when she said that. Since then, she’s learned from me that releasing anything down there during an orgasm is enhancing. 

I’ve been thinking a lot about my emergent sexual years. I seem to recall that half way through my 13th year something shifted…oh I’d had sexy feelings, of course, and I knew what they were, but they happened all on their own. Half way through that year I wanted to make them happen. 

There was a little voice of rebellion too. Being bought a trainer bra was very nice, and made me feel grown up, but deciding to go without it now and then, well, that felt empowering….and sexy. You can imagine what opting to go without panties did for me! Oh, that first ‘commando’ day! The tingle of excitement in my tummy….the fear that something would happen and people would know…especially the school staff….but also the excitement that they would find out. Then sitting in that circle on the school field at lunchtime, grabbing furtive glances up the other girls’ skirts…..seeing vulvas in various stages of hairiness….wow! What a lunchtime that was! 

I’m in the paddock now. You know, I think I might fill my stables too. I’ll talk to Emily about it later. It’s not hot today by any means, but it’s not cold or windy either. There’s still a little snow around in places where the sun doesn’t get to. 

My mind roams over my lower half. I’ve had sex vaginally and anally, and adored both! Anal, at first, is something you need to adapt to, but after a while, it becomes easier. I can take The Lovely Chris up my bum now with nothing more than our natural lubrication to assist. 

Sorry, but I’ve just remembered what a friend said about anal sex. Lisa said “It’s like taking an orgasm-inducing shit”. Well, each to their own, I suppose. Me? Oh it’s all about the perversity of it. The ‘forbidden’…the “….sexual intercourse other than by way of the vagina is the Devil’s work, girls.” You know, perhaps that old nun was actually deliberately implanting the idea that we could fuck in other ways? Hmm…hadn’t thought of that before. 

Fuck…I’m really horny now. I can almost feel TLC pushing up my bum. Wish he was here now. Damn…now I’ve got a mental image of the time I introduced Alison to anal sex, and watched him as he slowly, oh, so very slowly pushed his cock ip my sister’s arse…..and now I’ve got the taste of Alison’s sex in my head. 

That summer….locked down yes, but in a home like this one….huge and on nearly two acres of land….hardly confining, and yet we did sort of huddle together….never going far from one another. The night Ali crept into my room…..our first tentative sexual exploration. Watching each other masturbate in the lounge, and then the first time we touched one another. It wasn’t so much what we did, than the fact we were sisters. Incest. How quickly it grew from masturbation only to full-on lesbianism with all its possibilities, and yes, the time I made her cum so hard in the shower that she spontaneously peed on my leg. A few days later we discussed my dirty little habit of, plenty wetting, and she had tried that too. We kissed, sucked and  tongued each others holes, and, when the mood was upon us, peed on each other two. We lived a whole range of fantasies…role playing scenarios dreamed up by us both. We pretended to be other people, we pretended to be dominatrixes. We did oh, so much….and I know we both miss one another in that way. A few months ago, I visited home again, and well, the circumstances were just right, and Ali and I enjoyed a mutual masturbation session together, making one another cum several times in her room. Ali said how much she’d missed this, and she’s right. I miss sex with her too. 

Are we really, as a species, supposed to be monogamous? Or is it merely an imposed societal condition? Who can say they have never seen another guy or girl and felt an attraction, even if they were married to someone else? Oh, on that matter, TLC wants to sit and watch Ali and me together….he might be surprised at what we do. 

And ah yes….the tennis court ‘incident’ with my dad. Playing tennis with a naked guy is, (aorta guys) fucking hilarious! My boobs don’t bounce when I run…..no sports bras needed here, but watching. Cock and two balls flapping around as he ran for my shots….well..you had to be there I suppose, but it looked hilarious…and painful. 

We had both worked up a sweat, and the family dynamic had been altered by lockdown. Mum and dad both knew their daughters had turned lesbian with one another, and it seemed to breathe new life into their sex lives too….the fantasies (which I could hear through the vents in my closet) became wider, and wilder, and yes, I knew they role played both Alison and me. I even knew, or at least strongly suspected, that our underwear played a part too.

And so, as I bent to pick up the tennis balls and felt him press ever so lightly against me from behind, he was still soft, but oh, how quickly that changed! And then, just like that….he simply pressed inside me. I’d long been masturbating when mum and dad had sex imagining watching, imagining seeing firsthand what they did, and later supplanting mum for me. I’d timed my orgasms for when he told her he was going to cum, and mmmmmmmm…….and now he was really inside me…..really fucking me……it didn’t last long at all, but we both came. I had that deliciously dirty feeling of his semen running down my thighs. Salacious, dirty, glorious. 

Then meeting Emily, and falling helplessly for her in every way. Her unquestioning acceptance of my bi-sexuality, both our need for sex while the other is away, yet hiding nothing. The times one of us has masturbated while the other told of an encounter. Now and then, little gifts too…a pair of moist panties from a hotel maid, or me supplying Dani’s to Emily. 

And Dani. What a privilege to watch her sexual emergence which is far from over. 

Sex…glorious, wonderful, all-fulfilling sex! Suck me, finger me, fuck me. And speaking of which, it is time. 

You see, I’m not in the paddock entirely au-naturelle, so to speak. Yes, I’m in a dress and panties, but I’m hiding something….something I haven’t tried before. I have a string of anal beads in, and it’s made me so wet! I have my right hand in my panties how, and my left has worked out how to pull the beads. I had to pull the crotch of my undies aside, but I like that anyway. Fuck, this is building so fast. I could cum right now. Hang on….brb, as they say. 

Fucking HELL! So, I came, of course, but each bead as it came out seemed to send a massive shockwave through an already intense orgasm. I peed my panties of course, but I assure you, not intentionally. I just couldn’t help it, but then even that raised it to a whole new level. That was the most intense masturbatory orgasm I’ve ever had, and believe me, I’ve had a few strong ones in my life. What a fucking mess! I’m wet down the inside of my thighs, my panties are soaking, and my bum feels empty now! I wonder who thought of making something like this? Next time, I won’t just pull them out, I’ll try fucking my self up the arse with them…that might keep it going forever! 

The Coroner asks the pathologist “How did Anna die?”

“She died of pleasure, your honour. She died having an endless orgasm. I found her with a smile on her face and anal beads up her arse. She had clearly been fucking herself, Sir, and her vagina, even in death, was still convulsing.” 

Not the worst way to go!



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