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Shenanigans with Scott

Posted by: Age: 13 - 16 then, 36 now Posted on: 22 comments
11 likes 78 views Category: Sex Stories Male Gay Tags: Cum, dick, hump, blowjob, fuck, young, experimental

This is a true story about a life-long friend, let's call him Scott.

My mate Scott and I started having fun together at around when we were quite young.  We often had sleepovers and were not shy to showing our bodies as were in the same class at school and we'd been swimming and changed together many times. We used to play-wrestle were we'd end up with boners and didn't really care as we knew each other very well.   

On one of our play-wrestling sessions, we'd been going at it for a few minutes and noticed something different.  We of course had boners and I became aware how good it felt when our dicks made contact.  I purposely prolonged the boner-on-boner contact as often as I could get him in the right position.  I remember feeling the sudden urge to piss. "Get off a minute, I need to go pee," I exclaimed and ran to the bathroom, pointed my stiff dick towards the toilet and the feeling subsided but, no piss.  We got back to our fooling around and later went outdoors on our bikes. 

On one of the days following this, I was lying in bed and my young imagination was in overdrive and I was recalling that urge to piss and what might have caused it. I'd seen people having sex in films and on television so having a fairly logical mind, put two and two together and worked out it could have been due to the crotch-to-crotch contact. I had a boner so I found a towel, folded it in half and put it on the bed.  I took off my boxers, and positioned myself on the towel and started to slowly grind my dick on the soft material.  This felt good, really good and exactly how it felt with Scott. 

I kept stopping, looking at my dick and going back at it. I decided to keep going and the urge to piss started growing and I almost ran to the bathroom but, it was too late. The feeling was too good and I kept thrusting until it felt as if a huge hole was expanding from under my dick and my body started convulsing with a pulsating feeling behind my balls. I was out of breath and let out a few whimpers and once the feeling past I looked at the towel and it was dry.  I put the towel to one side and felt relaxed, went for a shower, got dressed and went downstairs for breakfast. 

I couldn't wait to tell Scott, it was the weekend so we ended up at the local park and we spent the day doing our usual fooling around. After riding the model train and playing on the swings and zip wire - our local park was, and still is amazing! We got an ice cream and sat on the grass and I told him about reinacting the grinding and getting the urge to piss, I told him it was the best feeling I'd ever had and he must try it.  We'd been at the park all day and it was starting to get dark so we headed back to my place, we went up to my room and watched television.  Mum had made us some dinner and I asked if Scott could stay over, this was never a problem and almost expected on a Friday or Saturday night or during the holidays.  We gave each other a knowing look, finished our dinner and went to the local shops to buy snacks for later. 

Back at the house we went to my room and put on a film, fooled around as usual and got undressed down to our boxers and got comfortable on my bed.  We worked through our snacks and after a couple of films, it was getting late and everyone else in the house had gone to bed so we decided to start our experimentation.

We took off our boxers, put a towel on the bed, I laid down and he laid on top of me, both giggling, we positioned our stiff cocks so they were touching.  Scott started to slowly grind his cock on mine, it felt amazing! After a few minutes he said he needed to piss and was about to jump off me to go to the bathroom and I said to keep going. I put my hands on his ass and tried to match his thrusts.  His breathing changed, his body tensed and he started to whimper as his body convulsed.  He gasped and moaned due to the wonderful sensation radiating from his dick. He kept thrusting as best he could and I felt myself with the urge to piss.  Scott was about to stop so I picked up the pace and I convulsed with the same feelings as before but,  this time, a tiny bit of clear, sticky fluid seeped put of my dick. 

We tried to do it again but, we we too tired so we rolled off each other, slipped our boxers back on and went back watching TV and fell asleep.  

That was the start of our "fun" for years to come. We discovered what we were doing was dry humping and achieving a dry orgasm and learned about wanking and found we could do this alone and by using the hand. Not a day went by without me having dry orgasms until I was able to shoot cum. Scott started around the same time and that's when our fun really started.

After many more sleepovers, dry humping etc. and overhearing the older boys at school talking about wanking and having sex education helped us to understand what we were doing we'd started wanking together, often seeing how far we could fire our cum, had wank races and started trying other ways to have fun. The Internet was in its infancy so access to porn was restricted to porn mags and the occasional dial-up image. 

Sadly, Scott and his family relocated to the south coast and only visited during the school holidays. He'd of course stay at my house and we'd continue with our fooling around when we noticed our dicks had grown considerably and we both had a good helping of pubic hair.  One night he mentioned blow jobs and he'd like to try it. A bit hesitant at first, we decided to give it a go. We sucked each other and dared each other to cum without pulling away.  We'd always chicken out and end up wanking or humping to cum.  Scott's visits were always too short and he of course would have to go home.

In the meantime, I was left with the idea of blowjobs and taking cum in the mouth. At this point I'd never tasted my own cum let alone anyone else's yet, the idea of this turned me on. I had seen a few porn videos by now and had seen it done. It can't be that bad, I though to myself. So, I worked out a load and dabbed my finger in it and tasted it.  I can cope with that, I thought.  I got the idea to cum in my own mouth and the only way I could do this was to stand on my head with my cock positioned over my face.  I got to work and felt I wanted to cum. I opened my mouth, stretched out my tongue and the first globs of cum left my dick and splashed with a splat on my tongue, cheeks, forehead and one drop hitting the pillow.  I quickly swallowed and decided I liked cum. I couldn't wait to tell Scott. 

The school holidays arrived after what seemed like an eternity and Scott was on his way.  He arrived at dinner time so it wasn't long before we were due to go up to my room to bed.   We did our usual fooling around but,  not as much, after all we were getting bigger.  A film was playing and whilst we were watching it I told him I'd cum in my own mouth, "Noooo waayy," Scott exclaimed. I said I wanted to suck him. I didn't have to ask twice and he got out his dick, leant back on the bed and I got to work. Didn't take him long, his hips buckled, "I'm gonna shoot," he gasped and for the first time I felt a cock pulsate between my lips and felt this warm liquid flood my mouth. I quickly swallowed and asked if he wanted to do me. He'd lost interest at that point but, after resting, having some snacks and watching more television, he announced he was ready to try.  

I got my dick out, laid down on the bed and he got to it. I felt myself starting to cum and warned him. I said I wouldn't be offended if he pulled away, he didn't and kept going! "Gonna cum!" I'd never felt myself cum so hard, probably the best orgasm I'd ever had. I was a distance shooter from the day I started and he pulled away coughing as I'd shot down his throat. I laughed as he choked to death, well you'd have thought he was by the noise he was making, and once he'd recovered I asked Scott what he thought. "Wow! Can't wait to do that again," he said whilst wiping the tears from his eyes.

Later that night we were horny again and he asked, "What if I suck you and you suck me at the same time?" I liked the idea and by now, the house was quiet due to it being around 2am and we positioned ourselves on the bed, lying on our sides and started sucking each other. "Put your hands on my ass like I'm doing to you," I said.  Now, this was hot! "Want to take my cum again?" I asked, he said, "Yeah, you take mine?"

"Yeah" I said. Took a little longer this time but he took his mouth off my dick to say, "I'm getting close," I told him to go a little faster on me to get me to the same point. "I can feel it, too," I said.  As soon as I got his dick back into my mouth he shot his load and five seconds later I shot mine. We cleaned up and got into bed and fell asleep.  Again, Scott had to go home.

Scott told me he was coming up for Christmas at his grandparents.  I was so excited as it'd be Easter when he would have been next due to come up.  Inbetween Christmas and new year, he spent a few nights at my place and wow, what a Christmas and Birthday! 

He had changed quite a bit since I last saw him in the summer. He said the same about me. We'd both grown a few inches and stood at around six feet and had filled out a little.  The first night of his stay felt a little different, only three months had past since we last saw each other yet, the usual foolishness wasn't there, in any case, any form of play-wrestling, upstairs in my room probably would have demolished the house! We had the obligatory movie on the TV and we were sat on my bed munching our way through some Christmas chocolates planning what we were going to do over the next few days.  We had a laugh and of course the conversation turned to sex.  Scott told me he'd been wanking in the woods near to his home and he said we should both try it.  Later that night we sucked and wanked each other and went to sleep. 

The following day, we got up at around 8am, (he was an early riser, I wasn't and still not) had breakfast and decided we'd go to the woods. It was freezing but we didn't care.  I let him use one of our spare bikes and we biked it to the local woods.  There wasn't a soul about and we found a good spot. I was hard as iron in my pants, so was he. We opened our jackets and slipped our dicks out and felt each other up whilst constantly looking around for people. This was really turning us both on.  Scott asked, "Wanna try fucking?" I declined at first but, I eventually said, "Go on then!" I turned around and felt his dick in the crack of my ass, pushing on my hole. "Arrghhh, fuck, take it out!" I panicked and told him it killed. I did the same to him and he realised what I meant and we decided to abandon that idea.

After biking it around the woods, with our dicks sticking out under our jackets we found a stone shelter. We entered the shelter and as soon as we were sure the coast was clear we dropped our pants and felt each other up. Our warm bodies in the freezing cold felt awesome. "I have an idea," I said, and stood behind him. "Spread your legs" I asked, and with that I slipped my cock in between his legs. "Close your legs," I said and he did. The heat from his thighs, his cold bum cheeks against my crotch and his hot cock in my hand felt heavenly. "Oh yeaahhh," Scott whispered.  I wanked him whilst I thrusted my dick between his thighs. Scott reached down between his thighs and pushed my dick up against his gooch, this was too much for me... "Gonna cum," I gasped and I within two more thrusts I shot rope after rope of cum and could hear it splatter on the solid floor. "Quick, turn around let me do it to you I'm about to shoot," Scott said. My dick still throbbing I turned around and Scott quickly put his cock between my thighs. "Ohhhh yeaahhhh, that is awesome!" and within a thrust and a half shot his load with great force.  I saw steam rise off the tip of his dick and the floor was covered with our cum. We pulled our pants up, zipped our jackets up and biked around the woods laughing, feeling naughty then headed home for lunch. 

Later the same night, the usual boredom of watching  TV ensued when mum called up saying she, dad and my brother were popping out for a few hours and asked of we wanted to go with them. We decided to stay home and said we'd be ok on our own.  We'd been alone in the house for a little while and we got on to the subject of fucking and toyed with the idea of giving it another try.

I remembered about lube as seen in porn films and went to find something and came back with baby oil. Scott had already got undressed and I followed.  Scott took the oil and  covered his cock and squirted some onto my hole, it trickled down my crack and down my balls and made my body shiver. I was face down on the bed and Scott positioned himself on top. I felt his dick again at my hole. "Slowly!" I pleaded, and he did. I felt the tip then a bit more then it hurt so I told him to pause, ease off and ease back in. After a few times doing this he was sliding in all the way and I gasped so loudly, I'm glad we were alone in the house. It felt awesome, my life-long friend inside me. He started fucking my ass slowly and picking up the pace. "I'm gonna cum," he said whilst out of breath. "Yeah, do it," I said excitedly. I couldn't get to my dick but wanted to wank so I could cum at the same time. Instead, I started humping the bed. Scott immediately reacted, "Ohhh yeah, yeah, it's..." as this made him shoot. I felt myself cumming, "I'm cumming too," I gasped. "Oh yeah, I can feel your ass throbbing," Scott said in amazement. We laid there, spent, for what seemed like ages. He pulled out and stood up, I rolled over and the duvet was soaking with my cum. I stood up and felt his cum run down my leg. "Ohhh shit" I exclaimed and went to the bathroom to clean up. Soon after my parents and brother came home and they'd brought food so we got dressed and went down stairs.

After supper we went back up to my room and watched Titanic, yes, not our usual film of choice but, we soon got bored of it anyhow.  By now we had undressed down to a tee-shirt and boxers and sat on my bed. Scott said, "Hey, look" and pointed towards his boxers. He was flexing his semi-hard dick making it jump up and down, and I soon followed.  It didn't take long before we were both solid and I slipped my dick through the button hole and played around with it, pulling it forward and letting it slap against my belly. Scott did the same and I asked, "Wanna try my dick in your ass?" He hesitated and decided it was safe enough to go for it as the rest of the house was busy.  He slipped off his shirt and boxers, I did the same and he laid face down on the bed. I used the baby oil from before to make things easier and kissed his hole with the tip of my cock. 

"Ready?" I asked. "Yeah, go easy," he said slightly muffled by the duvet. I pushed slowly and my head popped in, Scott let out a gasp and grimaced so I eased out and edged my way in. His ass hole was tight, hot and felt incredible. I was balls-deep inside my friend and it felt right. "You ok?" I asked, "yeah" he responded. "Gonna go a bit faster, tell me if it you want me to stop." 

"Okay," he confirmed. I wanted to feel his dick and asked him to let me slide my hand between his dick and the duvet. The heat around his stiff cock was awesome and I positioned the palm of my hand under his bell end and told him to hump my hand. Now I know why he like me humping as he fucked me earlier, this caused his ass to massage my dick and it sent me over the edge, "You're making me cum, can I cum inside you?"

"Yeah, cum in me," he said with a breathless voice  and I shot deep inside him, shortly followed him cumming too. After a few breaths, I pulled myself out of his ass and rolled off him with my hand still underneath him. "Phew, wow, fuck yes," I panted.  Scott laid there for a while then rolled off my hand to reveal a puddle of cum, some of which had gone all over the duvet. "Sorry" he said, and we started laughing a little and got cleaned up. "I'm hungry again," Scott said.

"Yeah, I am too," I agreed.

"Get your boxers on and we'll go and see what we can find in the kitchen". 

We didn't fuck again but, we loved sucking, humping and wanking and did this a few times before he went home. 

Sadly, that was to be the last time I got to see or be with Scott as his parents moved again and their lifestyle changed altogether. We'd shared so much together from our first years at school to having fun in all respects at home to keeping in touch even after he moved to the south coast. We'd helped each other through our sexual development and had a lot of fun doing so. I hope wherever Scott is today, he is safe and well. It's been almost twenty years and I haven't forgotten you. 



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