I had gotten close to one of my customers and at 55 years old she had never seen a guy masturbate
Over several years I had become close to one of my customers. A still fit and attractive lady about 10 years older than me. Sex became a regular topic and I eventually confided that my sex life mostly consisted of my right hand. She confessed that she usually did without but on very rare occasions she met her own needs.
Over the weeks that we got more personal I realized that I wanted to perform for her. We set a date and I met her and we drove to a secluded area in her truck. We each had a beer and chatted while I built my nerve. Finally I just unzipped my pants and pulled them down, along with my boxers. My cock was growing and she just smiled and said "Oh my".
She leaned into me and I started stroking. My left arm around her shoulders and my right hand stroking my now fully erect cock. I leaned back and she surprised me by laying her head on my stomach. My cock was inches from her face and she said that she didn't realize how erotic it would be to just watch. I slid my hand inside the back of her pants and tickled her ass and then reached her wet pussy.
She moaned when I slid a finger inside her and I couldn't believe this was really happening. She leaned slightly forward and I felt her tongue on my cock. I wanted to let her suck me, it happened a couple of weeks later anyway, but I stopped her and said this was a show for her. I had to slow down because I wanted this to last and I was almost there after 5 minutes.
I managed to make it last about 15 minutes and I couldn't hold back any more. I was barely able to get the words out and said "here it comes". My cock throbbed and I shot the first spurt onto her cheek. The rest shot up and landed on my belly.
She played with my cum as my cock pulsed and throbbed and she thanked me and said that I could watch her next time. I kissed her cheek and licked up my cum. We kissed and she said that next time she would taste it from my cock and not my lips. She said "you can move your hand now". I didn't even realize I had two fingers buried in her pussy!
Since that time I have masturbated with three other women and several guys. This is my first story and I would like to hear what you think.
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She Watched For The First Time
Posted by: curious31792
Age: 45 then Posted on: 20 Mar 2014
8 likes 3986 views Category: Masturbation Male-Female Tags: older, watching, public,
8 likes 3986 views Category: Masturbation Male-Female Tags: older, watching, public,
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