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Server Dowloads

Posted by: Age: 48 Posted on: 5 comments
1 likes 17 views Category: Sex Stories Male Gay Tags: office handjob, colleague, tease, blowjob, descriptive, mutual jackoff, zesty

Fictional account of a work-place hook-up


Hank slumped at his desk – he was still at work despite Gavin giving him hell for working late. Gavin felt that they were living like ships passing in the night – “We might as well be living in different time-zones.” Hank didn't mind so much, and therein lies the problem. He hadn't had an unusually heavy workload recently, in fact his in and out trays were clear. Why was he alone at work after ten?


Like clockwork, at 22:10, the reason for his overtime arrived at the reception desk, clocked in and sauntered over to the server room. The young man was wearing a fetching tight polo shirt with trendy faded hipsters that bulged in all the right places, a deep golden tan that matched his sun-streaked blond shaggy hair and a confident air. IT geeks sure have changed since Hank was in his twenties... Whatever happened to the quintessential nerd that we all remember from the “Saved By the Bell” movies? What was his name again? Screamer? Screecher? something like that.


Well, this guy didn't look like he would do anything as uncool as Screech... but oh, how Hank wished he could pound that fine ass until they both did. “Hey man! working late again?"
“You bet – no rest for the wicked.” Damn! he thought – did that sound too loaded? play it cool Hank. “Have they roped you in to covering the East Asia Commission too then?”
“Nah, just adding finishing touches to the Taiwan job. What time you knocking off then?”
“Well, I just have to shut the server down and update finance records for our American branch and then restart it all again later... takes two hours of waiting for data to up-load – not too long tonight.”
“You mean you run reports and push buttons and it all happens automatically?” Hank's brain was whirring with the ways this man spends those few hours waiting...
“Yeah, pretty much... not a bad arrangement really – gives me time to work on my abs – otherwise I'd never get round to them!”
“Nah, it looks like you're always in the gym – you must be working out at least three times a week – no?” Hank hoped his contracting throat didn't make his voice crack too obviously.
“Thanks – (blushing) I try... I'm Andrew by the way...” He extended a strong hand to Hank who shook it with gusto.
“Hank D'Urbaville” God!- no need to be so formal - Hank chastised himself.
“Like Tess you mean?”
Hank stared blankly at Andrew, for a moment missing the literary reference... Blushing embarrassment Hank relived all those tortuous moments in school when people made fun of him because of the posh-sounding name and the connotations to the Hardy novel.


Trying to move on from the painful reminder of Hank's clumsy formality he staggered back on to the tenuous theme of exercise. “So, you in the gym a lot then? - I try to get in once or twice a week but what with the hours lately I have found it almost impossible.” He swallowed audibly.
“You're not in bad shape though, Hank. If you don't mind me saying so... you are what? 40?”
Hank felt the slight sting of the somewhat backhanded compliment. “45 actually.”
“You see? Well, you're tall, have a good frame and obviously carry your years well.” Was Andrew flirting with him?
“It's all down to the tons of moisturiser I slap on in the morning,” Hank chuckled... he seemed to be loosening up...
“ ...because you're worth it,” Andrew sniggered. “But seriously, I'm sure you have a six-pack hiding under your shirt. ” Andrew smiled. “More like a keg,” replied Hank wryly – where was this leading? “Perhaps you could show me your exercises later – then I can attempt to tame my midriff a little.”
“Sure,” Andrew said, “just wait till I run those reports and shut down... then we can do a little crunching - I need you to log off too – so no more work for you tonight”


Andrew left Hank's cubicle and crossed the open plan office to the server room. Hank could see Andrew glowing in the light of his monitor – was Andrew looking up at him? Hank smiled, and there it was, Andrew flashed a smile back. That was all the confirmation Hank needed. He got up from his desk and glided (or at least it felt like he glided) across the office. An erection was visibly straining against his suit trousers by the time he reached the buzzing dim room. Andrew was still seated but told Hank to take his shirt off... “I want to be able to see the muscles we'll be working.” Hank made a futile attempt to hide the erection which was now a full 7 inches and stiffening even more, but did as he was told – unbuttoning his shirt under the gaze of Andrew's cool green eyes. No doubt remained that the abs weren't the only muscle groups due for a thorough work-out.


Hank's torso – as Andrew had predicted – was well formed. Broad pecs ended in stout nipples almost hidden in forests of dark, wiry hair that trailed down to his navel. Sure, there was a bit extra on Hank's sides – those inevitable love handles that develop when you are less active – but otherwise his physique spoke of a natural athleticism. “It's not fair that I have to undress – you take off your shirt too.” Andrew complied in one smooth motion – revealing the smooth lean, cut torso of a marble Adonis.


“Lie here on the floor” Andrew knelt over him, placing a warm hand on Hank's quivering belly button. “This is where the work has to happen – keep the energy focused here and you'll be on your way. Now, do a crunch – that's good - now hold it there... do you feel it?” Hank was grunting and contracting spasms in agreement as he felt the burn in his abs. Andrew's hand remained hot on his skin and gently roamed downwards to where Hank's trousers began - “Now, here also needs to work – try to tighten up more by lifting your bum slightly off the floor... this really works the lower abs...” Hank, by then almost insane with desire felt his dick sticking out of the top of his trousers – peeping out by the top of his left hipbone. Andrew – he hoped, could not see this.


Andrew kept his hand on Hank's lower abs and absent-mindedly cupped his own pec with his free hand – rubbing the nipple to a pert tip. Hank's nipples responded too – areola puckering nicely to well-defined dugs... this Andrew did notice – brushing his knuckles over Hank's left nipple... “You cold?” - then he saw Hank's dick eagerly jutting out of his dress pants. “No, you probably aren't cold... horny more like...” And with a smooth movement, Andrew released Hank's lovely glowing cock from the confines of the trousers – looking at it admiringly. He stroked slowly – relishing the little flutters of pleasure – the exquisite agony that Hank was experiencing... “just as nice as the rest of you, Hank.”


Hank reached over, kneaded the bulge in Andrew's jeans until the contours of a massive tool stood out clearly... Andrew was blessed in the endowment of his manhood too... unbuttoning Andrew's jeans, Hank reached in and dug out his impressive manhood. A globule of precum, oozing from the tip of Andrew's cock vanished with a quick flicker of Hank's almost prehensile tongue - Hank soon gorged entirely on Andrew's cock – Andrew reciprocated eagerly... There was a sudden noise outside the server room... “Shit! - it's the cleaner!” whispered Hank earnestly.
Andrew peered through the blinds - “It's Joe – he's cool – hung like a donkey!”
“You mean you and him have...?” Hank looked disbelievingly at Andrew...
Andrew smiled - “Hey! he also needed work on his “abs.” 


Just then, Joe walked in, turned the light on and as a result of what he saw, dropped his bucket, duster and his trousers...



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