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Self Satisfaction with Machines
Posted by: SoloTouchArchive
Author: admin
Posted on: 18 Oct 2000
0 likes views Category: Sex Stories Male Gay Tags:
0 likes views Category: Sex Stories Male Gay Tags:
by Michael My name is Michael and I would like to tell you about my experience with Self Satisfaction. When I was about 16, My Grandpa used to work with an old well water drilling rig that hammers the ground in a pipe casing to crush the earth for well pumps. I remember when my Grandpa was using it to drill some wells the entire rig would bounce up and down and side to side and when he gets deeper and deeper in the earth the rig would bounce more and more. One time just for the hell of it I snuck around to the cab of the engine and got into the passenger side of the rig while it was bouncing around. I sat down and found out that I was liking the way that my entire body felt in that cab while every thing was being shaken including me. I was wearing loose shorts at the time and my dick was bouncing around in my hanes french cut underwear. That gives you a mental picture of how the truck was bouncing around. I started getting hard so I slipped my shorts and underwear down to my ankles where I was wearing nothing at all except for my tank top. My dick was getting thrown around ,hitting my legs and my stomach which really felt good. I had pre cum getting thrown in my face including every other place and I am telling you, that lasted about an hour or so until I cummed the most intense load that I have ever felt with out touching my dick what so ever. I went with my Grandpa every weekend to so called help him with the drilling rig and I was back up there in the cab enjoying the pleasures of the bouncing around. Every time I would wear loser clothes until I was wearing silk boxers only and that was even better except for the pre cum stains on my shorts. I finally had to stop enjoying my only sexual desire when I was 20 years old when I moved into my own apartment. I found that I was craving the same sensation that I felt with the rig so I had to think about how I can do this. I actually found out by mistake when I was running out of ideas. I would go to the nearest dollar store and by 3 cheap 10 dollar ceiling fans. I would put them all together without the blades and the extension post. Buy a box of simple dry wall screws about 3 to 5 inches long (The longer the better) and If you have a raised bed, I would attach all of them to the box spring, having two of them in the front and 1 or two of them ,if you bought 4 of them, to the middle of the bed. Make sure that all fans are attached really tight and the electricity plug is hooked up correctly and away from the blades. Take one blade attachment of each fan from the box. Get four socks from your drawer and different types of weights. The weights can be anything that has cushion to it and small enough to fit in the socks. Put each weight in the socks and tie them to each blade attachment. Fasten the blade attachments to each fan tightly. Depending on the way your bed is made you may have to elevate the front with a box or something sturdy but only in the middle where nothing will hit it and your bed can be pushed down on its sides. Of course some beds naturally shake when you get on it and fuck your partner. Now plug in all the cords to a surge protector or an extension cord and turn each fan on different speeds to your desired bed movement. You will notice that your bed will go back and forth shaking side to side viciously. Lay down with your partner or yourself and watch each other's body parts move like they have never moved before. Try different sexual positions and share the most intense orgasm you have ever had with me by e-mail or icq @ 6826240. If I can only tell you how many times I released my load doing this. I remember one time, I turned two of the fans on hi and the other two fans on medium and had my dick so hard that it through the sheets that were covering me on the floor. I am horny now so I need to go and get on the wild bed ride but write or icq me and just let me know what you think.
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