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Sarah And David Chapter 1

Posted by: Age: 46 Posted on: 8 comments
8 likes 91 views Category: Sex Stories First Time Tags: First time, naivety, cousin, masterbation, orgasm

A true story of how my cousin and I found out about sex and fell deeply in love with each other over subsequent years. There are no unnecessary swear words or anything like that, just a true and honest description of sex and love at its best. There are a lot of chapters and if you want to read more please tell me, otherwise there is no point in me posting them.


Thank you for reading



Chapter One.


I had a sense of wonder about the female body as far back as I can remember. I have two girl cousins and we used to play together when we were growing up. I would often find myself staring hard at them and wondering what they looked like 'down there', between their legs. That secret, sensitive place that was not to be mentioned and that was considered to be 'dirty' in some way. I had never thought of it to be dirty at all. To me it was a place of wonder. I often went to my room and locked my door and took off all my clothes. I would stand in front of a full-size mirror on the wardrobe door and look at my body. I was fascinated by the way that my penis, or 'willie' would stand hard against my belly. It felt good as I touched it but strangely, I never touched it long enough or maybe not in the right way to produce that exquisite felling that was destined to remain elusive for several more years.




When my brother was born more of my mother's time was taken up with the new baby and I had even more opportunities now to spend time with my cousins, one in particular who is called Sarah. She is the same age as myself and she is an exquisitely beautiful girl. She has the kind of beauty that is ageless. She will look as good when she is seventy or even eighty years old as she does today. Her mother is a very beautiful woman and her father is tall and handsome, so it was clear that Sarah was going to be gorgeous and she is. I had always wanted to be close to her and one day I plucked up enough courage to ask her if she would like to see me naked. I half expected Sarah to run away and tell her mother, or mine, what I had just suggested but she didn't, she just giggled and nodded her head. We were at her home. Her mother and mine were in the next room so we decided to go to her bedroom. We knew we would have to tell our parents that we were going upstairs and we hoped that they would allow us to go but we needn't have worried, they just told us not to make too much noise.





As we walked up the stairs I could feel a thousand butterflies in my stomach and my legs felt so weak and wobbly, as if they had turned to jelly. A strange sensation gripped my whole body and it became an effort to breathe properly. When we got into her room I had to sit down on the bed. Sarah just stood there watching me and as I became less light-headed I stood up and started to take off my clothes. I was naked in seconds and my willie was standing hard and erect as usual. Sarah gasped as she saw it. I asked her if she had ever seen a boy naked before. She said she hadn't and suddenly she dropped to her knees so that she was staring directly at me, her eyes just inches from my secret place that no one except my parents had ever seen before.





The tightness in my chest made it hard to breathe and my legs were weak again as I stood in front of her beautiful, blue, searching eyes. A throbbing sensation in my willie made it twitch and Sarah giggled as she saw it. She reached out now and I felt her soft hand touch me, oh so delicately. Her hand slowly passed down from the wet tip, down my aching shaft and then to my testicles. She stroked the hard scrotum and squeezed a little but not enough to hurt me. My willie twitched again. Sarah pulled it away from the vertical erect position, pointing at the ceiling, and then let go so that it sprang back, slapping against my belly. She giggled again at that. I'm not circumcised, most males in the UK are not, and she moved the foreskin very, very slightly up and down. The sensations I was feeling were exquisite. "Is it always like this"? Her question brought me back from a place I hadn't been before, where feelings I hadn't felt before were beginning to make themselves known. "W-what do you mean"? I stammered. "Like this, all hard and stiff and standing up"? "N-no, it's sometimes soft." As I said the words the thought came to me that she was almost right; most of the time it was hard like this, but maybe not when I was doing my homework or doing chores for my mum. "I want to see it soft," she said. There was no way I could make that happen for her. Sarah was stroking and caressing my throbbing, hard shaft which kept twitching involuntarily, and  made her giggle so sexily. "I c-can't make it go soft just now," I said.




My desire to see Sarah naked overwhelmed me and I asked her if she would take off her things too. She had been kneeling in front of me all this time but now she stood and shook her head. She stepped back a little but never for a second did she avert her eyes from the object that fascinated her. I reached down and touched my hard shaft. Slowly I moved my hand up and down, just like she had done. Those strange sensations started again. It was a feeling I hadn't experienced before. All the times I had spent in my room, looking at my hardness in the mirror, touching it, but I had never felt this strange, urgent need to go on and on, moving my hand up and down, faster now, faster.




And then, footsteps on the stairs, someone calling Sarah's name. In an instant she was gone, closing the door as she went and crashing headlong into her mum who was, by now at the top of the stairs. The clean laundry that her mum was carrying went flying all over the place. "Oh Sarah, be careful, help me pick this up". I realised that Sarah was trying to give me time to get dressed and I leaped off the bed and started to pull my clothing on. I had said to Sarah that she could see me naked and I had stripped off completely, even my shoes and socks, and it was these that were now proving to be the most awkward. In my blind panic I couldn't find the opening to get my socks on, I was sure that Sarah's mum would open the door at any moment and wonder what the heck I was doing. I just managed to get my shoes on when she came in. "David, your lunch is ready, you too Sarah, that's what I came to tell you before this clumsy madam knocked me over". She hadn't suspected anything, wow, what an escape. My shoe laces were still not tied but she hadn't noticed. "OK Mum," said Sarah, "we're coming down now." I finished tying my laces and we went down to lunch. I thought to myself "well Sarah, if you looked now you would certainly be able to see it when it's soft".




To be continued.




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