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Public Pool

Posted by: Author: Age: 21, 18 then Posted on: 3 comments
10 likes 1809 views Category: Masturbation Female-Male Tags:

I lived in a fairly small town growing up, but there was a public pool near my house that I visited often. I was always very small, no taller than five foot four with a very tiny figure and A-cup breasts. Most people often underestimated my age by a couple of years.

Like I said, I went to the pool a lot growing up. I actually knew the whole staff that worked there by name, and they knew me as well. Admission was cheap, a dollar per swim, so I literally went there like every day. I grew accustomed to seeing the same faces over and over at the pool, but one person that I particularly liked was a lifeguard named Justin. He was tall, blonde, athletic, and super built. He had the prettiest blue eyes I had ever looked into.

I was swimming at the pool one summer afternoon, but the air, and water, was a lot colder than a normal summer afternoon. There wasn't a whole lot of people there, but I had nothing else to do. I always wore a very skimpy bikini, too. It was one that barely covered everything, and the bottoms tied on both sides.

I dove into the water, emerged, and swam to the nearest ladder. I thought nothing of it. Then, I noticed a couple of boys on the side pointing and laughing at me. It took me a while to figure out what was going on, then I looked down. My bottoms were missing. I had lost them on the dive into the pool, and had not noticed the entire time. I blushed and ran into the locker room, which was all the way around the pool, and left my bottoms floating in the water. I had never been so embarrassed in my life.

I sat in a stall in the locker room crying for about fifteen minutes, then I heard a knock on the stall door. I ignored it the first time, but then the person knocked again. 'Go away, I don't want to talk,' I said. 'Okay, then, I'll just leave these here on the bench. Sorry about what happened.'

It was Justin. He had been working that day. At first, I felt even more embarrassed, but then I jumped up and open the stall door and kind of hid behind it. I saw Justin laying my bottoms on the bench across the room. He was getting ready to walk out, then I stopped him. 'Hey, Justin.' He spun around to face me, and seeing that I was still bottomless, even though hidden, he covered his eyes. 'Sorry, again,' he said. 'You don't have to apologize, it wasn't your fault.' 'I know, it's just that you must be really embarrassed and I didn't want you to feel to bad. Is there anything I can do to help you?'

I thought awhile, and I said, 'Yeah, there actually is.' He still had his eyes covered, and had now turned his head sideways. 'Can you tell me how I looked out there?' He now turned to look at me. I was still hidden behind the door. 'Uhh, you mean, like without your bottoms?'

'Yeah. Did you like it?' I questioned.

He paused a moment, then grabbed my bottoms and started to walk them to me. 'Is this a trick question?' He asked. 'No, I really want your honest opinion.' 'Well, I didn't really see you, except when you were running in here, so...'

'I guess you need another glimpse then, huh?' and before he could respond, I stepped out from behind the door. He dropped my bottoms about halfway to the stall. I spun in a circle, and smiled at him. 'So, what do you think?' 'I, I think you are, uhh, very pretty,' he stammered.

I walked over to where he was standing and picked up my bottoms. 'I guess I didn't tie these very tight last time, so, you want to help me put these back on?' I put them in position and I tied one side while he tied the other. I could tell that he had a boner now. 'So, I guess you really did like what you saw,' and I glanced down at the tent he was pitching.

He blushed and tried to hide it, but I told him that it was okay, that I actually liked it. I told him all about how I had always had a crush on him, and that now seemed like a good time to tell him that. He was kind of dumbfounded. I pulled him down to my level and kissed him. Then, I pulled him over to one of the benches and untied his trunks. 'No, wait, not here. I only came in here to check on you. I have to go. Listen, after I get done working, we can go back to my place, okay?'

I agreed, but was still too embarrassed to go back out to the pool, so I just waited in the stall. I must have masturbated for an hour in there before he finally knocked on the door again. We walked out to his car, and we were off to his place, which was only about ten minutes from the pool. While we were in his car, we were both pretty quiet. I noticed that he kept looking at me, mostly my tits and crotch area, so I touched myself every now and again and acted like I didn't know he was looking.

When we got out of his car, he was already hard. We went into the house, and he walked me to his room, which was covered in music posters and pin-ups of bikini models. His room smelled musky, but not in a bad way. It had a fresh scent to it in a way. He was still wearing only trunks, and I was still only in a bikini, so we didn't really have far to go. I was still super horny from masturbating in the locker room stall.

He asked how we should start, and I said that it was best if we didn't have sex yet, and that we should save that for another day. I asked if he masturbated, and he almost laughed. 'Like every day!' he responded. Then he asked me if I did, and I said that I in fact had already done it today, but I didn't tell him it had been only a few minutes ago. I then told him that I thought it would be fun if we sort of exchanged sessions. I would masturbate, and then he would. It would be fun and harmless for a first experience between us.

I took my top off, and threw it off to the side. He started to rub himself through his trunks. I rubbed my tits and moaned. He twitched and shivered, then he leaned back on the bed, propping himself with the other hand. I took my bottoms off, and I was already slightly wet from earlier. I masturbated, and I carried it out for about five minutes before I finally stopped and told him that I would like to see him get off before I finished. He took his trunks off, and his raging hard-on popped out from beneath. He wasn't overly sized by a lot, but he was definitely big. He started to stroke himself and he laid down for a while. I continued to pleasure myself while he was beating off.

He sat up and said that he was about to cum, so I repositioned myself and started to rub myself faster. I was now on my knees in front of him. He finally let loose and came all over my tiny tits, and I orgasmed while he was still cumming.

He fell backwards onto the bed breathing deeply and said, 'Damn that was amazing,' in a low, tired voice. 'Sure was.' I stayed at his house for a while, and we talked about a lot of stuff. We even watched some TV and ate dinner. He was now wearing a T-shirt and gym shorts, but I was still in a bikini. I didn't care though. After about two hours or so, Justin said that he was feeling horny again, and that he needed to get off. He went to the bathroom this time, to do it, and I didn't protest. I still had his now-dried cum on my chest and lower stomach region. I had wiped off the bit that had landed on my face, and what had landed near my crotch, but left the rest there. While he was in the bathroom, I started to masturbate again as well.

He emerged from the bathroom completely naked and caught me in the act. For a reason I still don't know, I was suddenly embarrassed and covered myself again. He said that he couldn't get off, and wanted to know if I would like to help him again. I was feeling horny again, so I asked him what he wanted me to do. He said that if I got naked that he should have no trouble. So, I did.

I stripped off completely right there in the living room and just sat on the couch with my legs spread. He started wanking again, and I started in close behind him. I orgasmed rather quickly, and then he was about five minutes behind me. When he announced that he was about to cum again, he got up and was starting to walk away when I stopped him and got on my knees in front of him again. This time he came even more than before, and most of it landed on my chest. some of it had hit my inner thighs and some had landed on my face. I wiped it from my face, but left the rest. It was a thrill to be covered in cum.

I sat back on the couch and waited for him to clean up, and he brought me back a towel, but I told him that I was fine the way I was. I sat completely naked, and this time, so did he. I think seeing him flaccid turned me on more than seeing him hard. I stayed for about another hour, in total nudity, before I got dressed again and asked him for a ride home. I knew that my parents would not be home this time of day, so I walked right into my house covered in Justin's cum. I got undressed and masturbated again before showering.

Justin and I are still very close.



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