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Proper Timing

Posted by: Author: Age: 63 Posted on: 1 comments
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I am just an ordinary middle class 63 years old man, husband, father, senior consultant, taxpayer, golf and bridge-player. I sleep seven and a half hours at night in comfort and the remaining fifteen hours I spend with normal activity. There is a gap of one and a half hours I want to talk about

It is Tuesday precisely 09:07. I face a wave controlled clock, which is on the wall behind the screen of the computer. I am alone in my office at home, in the first floor of my single standing house. My wife is playing tennis at the moment. She will return around a quarter past ten. The window to my home office is open. It is sunny outside. The window faces the North and is in shadow. Nobody may look onto my desk, since one big tree guards the view from the house opposite to mine.

As every day, I switch on my computer at 08:45, exactly when my wife leaves the house. Nearly every day I sit at this time of the day at my computer, read stories and get worked up. I especially like reading the participations in 'Solo Touch', it's not that I need a confirmation that masturbation is healthy and pleasant but it is the stimulation I am getting out of this.

I am a fast reader due to my profession and it takes me normally ten minutes to fly over those letters submitted to you. Then I concentrate on those letters which are the most interesting for me, which are the participations of the more mature.

Don't get me wrong: I am not sitting permanently on the computer looking for erotic stuff and stroking myself. I care for my job (dropping by in my office as senior owner at least for two hours a day), I am holding contacts with my grown up 'boys' at least weekly, maintain my home, visit concerts, art exhibitions, play golf and bridge, visit wine tasting and so on. I am a taxpayer, caring husband and father, hopefully a good neighbor, I socialize.

But this hour and a half in the morning is a kind of must for myself, at least from Monday to Thursday, since my wife always plays tennis at this time.

Today I decided to write my 'confession' to your fine site. Yes I love to masturbate, and I like to look at it when doing this rubbing. Just as I hear two neighbors that I know talking on the road under my window, I have pulled down the zipper of my trousers and freed my sex from my white cotton pants. I am not concerned that I am caught, because they cannot look into my room and they cannot know that I masturbate.

I am wearing only white cotton pants. Once my wife bought me black ones (just for a change, she said), but then I realized that the white stains are visible in the black pants, and since my wife does the washing, I refrained from wearing them. I also like to cum into my underwear, but I only allow this sensation when I am on business trips and the laundry is done by the hotel (I do not care what they think about me).

An address to the females reading this: Do you realize that you have two advantages over us men? First you do not have this quantity of ejaculate and secondly if you come wet, you do your own washing. So you are relatively safe. I am not, so I have to avoid the stains in my pants.

I am not an exhibitionist (in public) but as I presently look at my precum leaking prick. He is average in length I have been told. But he is very thick and meaty. It is wonderfully obscene to look at him, with my hand around the shaft I touch as the neighbors talk. Licking my fingers is even more lewd. Oh yes I like to taste all of the liquids that I produce, it is fresh and young. I have tasted my precum (often) and my sperm (it happens).

Now comes the best part of this morning (I still have some 15 minutes left). I think about all those mature women and men, wives and husbands, taxpayers, middle class behaviors that found this moment for themselves: 'Your wife is shopping, your husband is at work, your wife is with friends on a golf course, your husband is visiting a football game and all you others who switched on the computer as you heard the car leaving.'

Be assured that I had a bad feeling at the beginning to even impatiently wait for my wife to leave our home to get this sexual stimulation. But thanks to Solo Touch, I lost the bad feeling. You see I take care about so many things, about the finances, about a trimmed garden, etc. and I realized that I have also to care for my own sexuality, which is strong, and in a way which I like: I like to masturbate. It is the insight, that I have to take my need in my own hands and it is exactly what I am doing now.

I do not have bad feelings that I am thinking about sex without my wife. I have told her that I like her to masturbate (she did occasionally). I have given her erotic books to read and told her fantasies. But all this is more than ten years ago. She does not have this urge as I have. So I do it.

The window is still open, the neighbors have left, the birds are singing so is my mind. There is the squishy noise of wet moving meat and there is the odour of musky smell around me, escaping from my lap. This is a turn on. The foreskin is pulled down and pushed up again. With every move I see this little slit which will be soon flowing with white sticky fluid which will escape. OMG this is good.

I still have five minutes to clean up. Thank you for allowing me to share my solo with you and I hope you share yours with me sometime.

It is time to leave the computer. I hear her car. I am feeling wonderfully evil.



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