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Payoff with Sunni
Posted by: SoloTouchArchive
Author: Just_me
Posted on: 17 Jan 2005
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Long build up to a long story. I think it pays off in the end though. True events.
Back story: I was separated from my wife of 13 years, living in an apartment in a hi-rise in the midtown Atlanta area while attending Art School. I first met Sunni poolside.
It was mid-afternoon on a hot early spring day in Atlanta. I had no classes that day, and had finished my workout in the gym facility available to the residents of our complex. I had my headphones, a book, and a joint.
I first saw her as she walked out onto the pool deck, which overlooked the skyscrapers of Atlanta; she was in a silvery bikini that complemented her bronze skin. Her dark hair reached nearly to her waist, and she had tattoos of Asian characters on her shoulder blade and on the small of her back. I took a good look through my mirrored sunglasses, and tried to return my attention to my book, thinking to myself "Damn, what a gorgeous creature!" and quickly assumed that she would have nothing to do with me.
She laid herself down carefully on a lounge chair 15 feet or so from where I was, and proceeded to oil herself up. I was fascinated with her presence and her beauty; an Asian girl of unusual stature and outstanding curves. I listened to my tunes, and tried to immerse myself in my book, all the while casting glances in her direction, trying to be discreet.
After some time had passed, I had almost managed to forget her presence, and lit up the joint I had waiting for me. It was not an unusual act at that place at that time: most of the people in the building who frequented the pool area indulged in drinking or smoking to some degree, and toleration was the norm.
I had taken several hits on the joint, and was relaxing into a pleasant state, when I became aware of a presence hovering over me. It was her, and she smiled at me and asked if she could have a hit...
She scooted her lounge chair over next to mine, and we shared the rest of my joint slowly. I found out that her name was Son Hui (Korean) and she went by the affectation of Sunni. She was about 10 years younger than I (I was 34 at the time), and an Art student at a different school than the one I attended. We chitchatted about different things, and went our separate ways an hour or so later -- which meant I went to my apartment and masturbated furiously to the memory of her taught body and beautiful face.
Over the next few weeks I saw Sunni occasionally in the Lobby or on the elevator, and I also found out from friends in the building that she lived with her boyfriend. As spring progressed into summer, I saw her several more times on the pool deck -- always alone. I never thought that I might get any closer to her -- she was 'out of my league'.
Then came the Fourth of July party.
Several of the 'regulars' on the pool deck came together and had a barbecue going on, with drinks flowing and joints being smoked. We had food, music and fun, and when the sun went down we retired to somebody's apartment near the top floor to watch the fireworks show that was going to happen downtown. Shortly before the fireworks started, Sunni came in. For me the world froze for a moment: it was like she took the breath out of the room. The party continued for a bit, food, drink and laughter. Sunni was teasing everyone: I could tell that she knew her sexual attraction and was getting off on the power she exerted. After the firework show had ended, she played the tease again, kissing several of the gay men (of which there were quite a few, given the area of Atlanta we were in) deeply. When it came to my turn on the rotation of kisses, she hesitated when my neighbor shouted out "But he's straight!"
I never got that kiss, much to my dismay.
Flash forward to several weeks later. By now I knew a bit more about Sunni. I knew she was an 'exotic dancer' (stripper) at a classy club, and that she and her boyfriend were having some troubles. I had also run across her several times in the workout room of our building: me working hard on my pecs, she kickboxing to maintain her figure and give her the nicely rounded legs and ass that many Asian girls lack. Sunni was always very nice to me and we chatted about many things.
Then one day I hit the pool for some sun, and Sunni was there. She approached me and we talked a bit, and then listened to some music while basking in the sunshine. Suddenly she began to tell me that she was moving out from her boyfriends place (I had still not ever seen the man) and was in need of a place to stay. Being both a gentleman, and intensely infatuated with her, I offered my apartment as a temporary place to crash.
To my surprise and delight she took me up on the offer, and showed up at my door several hours later with a bag or two full of her stuff. I was fully aware that she was taking advantage of me and using her sexuality to manipulate me, but it did not matter. The sun seemed brighter when she was around, and I could not help but to smile in her presence.
I gave her my bed that first night, and slept on the couch in the living room. I went to class the next morning with a certain glow about me -- I had an excruciatingly sexy young woman in my bed, even thought I had not touched her.
Later that day I returned home to my apartment. Sunni was not there, but her stuff still was, and I could smell her scent in the air. While I resisted the temptation to dig though her bags in search of used panties, I couldn't resist the urge to smell the scent she left on my sheets. I lay back on my bed and freed my cock from my pants, masturbating with abandon. I shot my load all over my chest and stomach and reveled in the knowledge that Sunni would later lie down where I had been.
I then went about my homework, and fixed some dinner. Sunni showed up at about the right time, and we ate together. Then she prepared for work. After a lengthy shower, she walked out of my place looking like a million bucks. I spent several hours on the computer working on stuff for school and dreaming of her breasts.
Sunni returned about 1:00 that morning, looking tired, but pleased. I knew she probably had enough money tucked in her garter to pay my rent for several months, but I merely said, "Welcome back". In the entire time I knew her, I never, ever mentioned her work, asked her to dance for me, or spoke of the men she was manipulating for the money she made.
That night, Sunni took another long shower, and then coming out of my bathroom with one of my green Egyptian cotton towels wrapped around her (which barely covered her breasts and rode very high on her hips, giving me glimpses of her neatly trimmed pussy) and asked for a massage.
I had sworn to her that I would not ask for any 'favors' in return for her staying with me, but she seemed to be putting me to the test. To this day, I do not know for certain if I passed or failed that test. What I did was light a candle next to my bed as Sunni laid down on top of the towel. She was completely naked, and I marveled at the sight of her as she stretched out over my bed. I warmed the Jasmine scented oil in my hands, and proceeded to massage her back while trying desperately to ignore the pressure in my jeans as my cock was fully engorged. I spent time on her shoulder muscles, and worked down her back slowly. I got to her ass, and spent some time massaging the firm muscles there, before sliding my hands south down her thighs and to her claves. I then spent some tie concentrating my attentions on her feet, massaging the sole and tweaking each toe in turn. I knew that she had been wearing some 'Fuck Me' heels all evening, and paid particular attention to her feet. If I hadn't promised the 'no favors', I would have happily sucked on her toes and caressed the soles of her feet with my tongue, but I was restraining myself. I still could hardly believe my good fortune in having this vibrant sexy woman paying attention to, plus I was extremely unused to the dating scene and unsure of how (or if at all) to proceed.
Then she turned over.
Oh crap! I was ready to cum just looking at her naked body, and now she wanted me to proceed with the massage on her front. I managed to get some more oil and pour it onto her taught belly; it pooled in her belly button, and I started to spread it around her torso. As my hands circled her breasts, my will failed. I had promised not to do or ask anything from her, and I could not continue. I removed my hands from her body, looked down at her and said: "I'm sorry, I can't keep going under these circumstances". I left the room and huddled on the couch with my poor cock straining against my jeans. I fell into a fitful sleep with visions of Sunni's breasts oiled and gleaming in the candlelight dancing in my mind. I cursed myself for a fool, but I have always tried to stand by my word.
Sunni made arrangements for a new apartment closer to her school, and she didn't even need my help moving. She did take me to look over the new place, and she let me drive her white Miata while she rode in the passenger seat. Oh my God was that great! I felt like king of the world as we pulled out of the parking garage. She was wearing jeans and a white tube top, her nipples clearly showing and her hair blowing in the wind as we accelerated down the street. I wanted to circle the block a hundred times just to prolong the experience and to hopefully let someone I knew see me with this gorgeous creature. It was like being a rock star, and she bore a strong resemblance to Asia Carrera (to give you an idea).
Flash-forward again to several months later. I had figured that Sunni had finished with me, knowing she had manipulated me for a place to stay. I figured she would drop me since I was no longer of any use, but I was admittedly still infatuated with her. To my surprise she continued to stay in touch with me, and I was privileged to come visit her a good number of times. I'll skip the specifics, but we chatted quite a bit and I helped her out with computer issues. I gave her one of my photographs in a frame to hang in her new place, and she gave me several pieces of her glasswork. She would sometimes take a shower while I was there, and I would always make some crack about helping her wash her back.
Then one night she called me. I had pretty much giver her up as gone and a nice memory. She wanted me to come by and despite the lateness of the hour I readily agreed. She was packing for a trip to an exotic island with (I assumed) some high-paying customer, or a boyfriend.
We watched a stupid movie and I watched her pack her stuff (oh God, if I could just have one of those thongs or bikini tops now...). Eventually she turned to me and asked me for some help with something. I was tired, but of course I answered 'Yes". She then took her top off and asked me to help her put the barbells back into her nipples. I knew she had pierced nipples, but she hadn't been wearing them lately. Now I was faced with Sunni's incredibly wonderful breasts, her nipples jutting out, and the prospect of putting the metal barbs through them.
I was in surreal-land as first she tried to put the barbell though her nipple. I was watching as she attempted to find the hole in the delicate flesh of her nipple and insert the metal rod. She kept pushing her breast closer to my eyes, and poking ineffectually at her nipple. I finally grabbed the piece of jewelry and tried to insert it into her erect flesh, but it was resisting a bit. On an inspiration, I just flicked my tongue out and licked her prominent nipple, which caused it to become just a bit firmer and lubricated the metal just enough for it to slide through. She stiffened a bit for a moment, and I wondered if she had just had an orgasm.
I leaned over and placed my lips on her other breast, and sucked for just a moment on her nipple. Then I pulled back and slid the other piece of metal through. She shivered all over and I think she had orgasm number two right there. I know my cock was as hard as the steel rods I had been pushing through her nipples.
We both sort of collapsed on the couch and tried to collect ourselves. She pulled a thin white t-shirt over her chest, and snuggled into my arms briefly as we watched absolutely nothing on the TV. I could see the barbell-style ornaments that were sticking through her nipples clearly, and my cock was trying to make an escape from my jeans.
I knew she was most likely putting the jewelry on to please whoever was paying for her trip to the islands, and figured I was done now. I'd go home with a hard-on and remember how her firm breast felt in my hands.
Then she leaned over to me and said, "I'm going to take a shower". I of course, made my usual crack about washing her back, and was dumbfounded when she said," Yes, please do".
She placed her hands on my chest and straddled me for a second, the jewelry in her nipples right in my face.
"Do you have a condom?"
Oh fuck. No, I didn't.
Sunni sent me to the store at something like 2:00 am on a weeknight to get condoms. "Be sure to get the ribbed ones!" were her last words as I raced for my car.
I returned about 20 minutes later with ribbed condoms in hand. Sunni was reclined on the couch with her nipples showing through the t-shirt and a grin on her face like the cat that had the canary.
"I'm going to shower now, you can come in in a minute or two"
I sat down on the couch and took my shoes and socks off (not only was I wanting to be comfortable, but she insisted on the shoe removal thing -- she was Korean after all, so I guess it sprung from there), while she headed to the bathroom and I could hear the water start.
I tried to collect my wits. It was obvious that something was going to happen, but I also knew that it would be on her terms. It wasn't that she was some kind of dominatrix, but working the sex industry, her involvement with men with lots of money, and other factors had led to where we were.
Once again, I was firmly aware that I was being used, but for the chance to make love to this extremely beautiful younger girl I was willing to put up with a lot. She never asked me for money (which I knew she could get from any of her 'clients') it helped that she was also an artistic type and we could talk about things of that nature. At one time she had shown me pictures of herself when she won an award as a Hawaiian Tropic girl. God she was sexy, and just being in the same room with her made my life seem a little brighter.
Then I heard her voice coming from the bathroom: "you can wash my back now!"
I tossed aside all of my considerations and trotted obediently down the hallway into her bathroom. It was steamy and when Sunni pulled back the shower curtain from the tub enclosure a warm moist draft blew across my face. She stood there under the spray from the shower, gloriously naked. Her jet black hair was running down her back almost to her firm rounded ass, and her tits were shining with water droplets; the jewelry we had so laboriously inserted into her erect nipples shone in the light.
"Wash my back right here" she said over the sound of the running water, moving her hair out of the way. I slid my shirt off and grabbed the loofah. It was already slippery with soap, and I slid it across her back. Water was sprinkling all over me and onto the floor, but I had my hands on a naked woman I had been lusting over for months; I didn't care. Sunni just let me scrub her back in silence.
I ran that loofah up and down her back, from her neck to the crease her buttocks made. I had my hand on her shoulder for support, but now and then she would sway a bit or move, and my hand might brush against her breast. I then knelt down and began scrubbing her legs. As I ran the loofah around her thighs, she let out a small moan, barely audible over the sound of the water pounding over her. I looked up to see her manipulating her own nipples and massaging her breasts.
She quivered a bit as I stared at her hands working on those beautiful breasts, my ministrations with the loofah temporarily stilled as I saw her twist the barbells in her nipples and run her other hand down her stomach towards the small patch of pubic hair that topped her otherwise clean shaven pussy. I saw her fingers brush across the top of her vaginal opening and then two slipped in between her lips.
I was dying from pleasure and frustration. I had not been celibate during the time I knew Sunni, and with almost any other woman I would have been in the shower with my jeans on and my hands everywhere and my cock out.
With Sunni, it was a bit more delicate. She made the rules, but unfortunately for me she didn't publicize them. I knew I was a pet or a plaything of some sort, but every time I'd convince myself that I was sick of being used, she would come up with some statement about how much she liked spending time with me or that sort of thing.
But for now, Sunni sighed in a relaxed manner as the humidity in the air made clouds of steam around her. I placed the loofah on the rim of the tub and took a long, long look at her beautiful body and face. She could easily have graced the cover or centerfold of Playboy, but she was more the Hustler type in many ways.
I watched as she slid her fingers back out of her pussy, and turned the water off. She reached for a towel and the stood for a second with it dangling in her hands, covering her belly and her crotch, but leaving her breasts exposed and I could see water droplets dripping from her erect nipples and the metal the pierced them.
She reached out and tousled my wet hair, and then grabbed a second towel and tossed it to me.
"You can't come to bed wet like that, can you?"
We both worked on toweling ourselves off for a couple of minutes. She paid particular attention to her long flowing black hair; I paid attention to getting my soaked jeans off. I stood looking at her with no clothes on and my cock jutting out towards her in confines of her small bathroom. She wrapped the towel around her damp hair and brushed past me brushing her hip across my shaft as she went.
She walked the 10 feet or so to the entrance of her bedroom, and then she beckoned to me.
"C'mon" was all she said.
She was seated on the edge of the bed and was rummaging in a drawer in the nightstand.
I walked into her inner sanctum with the towel in my hand and my cock at full attention.
"OK, here are the rules" she said.
"No kissing, no playing with my pussy. No oral either way. I am going to fuck myself with this" and she produced a black silicone dildo that must have been 10 inches long. It definitely made me feel small in comparison.
"You will wear a condom and fuck my ass. You may play with my tits"
I knew I was being used as a living, breathing sex toy, and I didn't care. My cock throbbed in anticipation as Sunni slowly rolled one of the ribbed condoms over the head.
The lights were all on, and as I stood next to the bed and Sunni prepared me for action, I drank in the sight of her body. The towel had slipped from her hair, and it dangled around her pretty face as she worked on rolling the condom down my shaft. Time slowed down for me as I watched her hands around my shaft.
Then time returned to normal as she grabbed a bottle of lube and squirted it onto my latex encased cock. She then climbed all the way onto the bed and struck a pose with her ass in the air and her tits rubbing on the pillows. She gave the tube of lube a squeeze, shooting slippery fluid into the crack of her ass.
She looked over at me, as I stood frozen next to the bed, the tip of my latex wrapped cock pulsing to the rhythm of my heart. She ran her fingers all around her crotch, spreading lube and pussy juices. She took the large black dildo in her hands and placed the tip slightly above the entrance of her pussy, letting it rest on her clitoris.
I climbed into bed with her and positioned myself to take advantage of her exposed anus. We shifted positions for a few seconds or so getting all lined up, and when we finished the head of my cock was at the entrance of her ass. She also had the black dildo stuck in her pussy, and she moaned in anticipation.
As Sunni thrust backwards I thrust forwards, and I was suddenly in her ass. There was plenty of lube and I buried my cock inside of her. She had her back arched and her ass in the air to accommodate me, but now she started to slide the big black dildo in and out of her pussy. I could feel it as she fucked herself with this gigantic toy. The head would brush against the underside of my cock through the flesh that separated her artificial cock from me on its journey back and forth.
We worked ourselves into a rhythm that had me going in as the dildo went out. Sunni was squirming underneath me and I could tell her orgasm was building quickly. That was a good thing, because the friction of her tight ass combined with the latex cock and the knowledge that I was fucking a woman that most men would be unable to approach, I was building quickly towards mine.
I wanted so badly to get my fingers on her lips and feel the dildo sliding in and out of her. I wanted to slide my middle finger across her clit while holding the lips spread. But that was against the rules.
I settled for thrusting even harder and deeper, which got a nice shiver of delight from Sunni. I pressed my body weight down on her a bit and she slid down from having her ass up in the air to being lying on her stomach on the bed. The dildo was firmly in her, and my cock was thrusting in and out of her ass. We were both right on the edge. Her hands were trapped underneath her to some extent. She could no longer thrust the dildo in and out, but she could wiggle her fingers on her clitoris.
I continued to thrust into her ass and reached my right hand around to her right nipple, finding the hard nub with its piece of metal. At the same time I was wrapping her long silky hair around the fist of my left hand.
Now I was in control, although still within the rules.
In a coordinated movement I pulled back on her hair with my left hand and twisted the barbell in her nipple with my right. I was also at the depth of my thrust into her ass.
Sunni came.
I could feel her twist underneath me and she was crying out in Korean into the pillow. Her involuntary movements thrust the big black dildo out of her pussy, and she spread her arms out, no longer able to bear the contact of her fingers on herself. I pulled as far out as I could, feeling the ring of muscles in her ass around the head of my cock. I gave her nipple one more twist with my right hand and she cried out "Ahh! Yes!" and I could feel her orgasm for the second time. I drove my cock as far into her as I could, feeling the muscles of her kickboxing trained ass clench around me. It was all over: I came, filling the tip of the ribbed condom with my seed. We both ground against each other for a little while, but eventually I slid out of her ass.
Although I was caught up in bliss from our experience, I pulled the condom off and got out of bed to put it in the trash. Sunni was still gasping for breath when I returned to the bed. The lights were still on, and she looked me in the eyes and said "Two in a row like that... never before".
"Just part of the service Miss"
She pulled me down on top of her and we exchanged a long slow kiss. Then we snuggled up together and fell asleep in her bed.
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