The last time I had visited this therapist, it seemed totally legitimate. The ending was happy but mainly because I got watched as I masturbated myself to orgasm. The weather outside was warmer but she was still wearing a long heavy knit sweater. Her pretty hair was hanging down when she greeted me at the door and invited me in. She asked me if I was thirsty and I said I could use a drink of water. She took me to the room and told me I could start getting ready so while she left the room, I started taking off my clothes. By the time she returned I was down to my underwear. Still not sure of everything, I stood there when she entered but she said, "Well, almost ready. Go ahead and then you can have your drink."
I stripped off my boxer briefs and stood there naked. I took the glass of water and stood there sipping it as we talked. The situation made me start to get a bit aroused and so as my penis rose from hanging flaccid, I noted that her eyes kept looking at it. She was busying herself getting the oil ready, prepping the table with the sheets and all, but she seemed to do it so she was always facing me. I'll admit it was very erotic to be naked in front of a woman like that. I was in good shape then and felt confident so it was a turn on to get to show it off. Eventually she had everything ready and I was mostly hard. "Well, looks like were all ready then," she said, staring straight at my penis. I climbed up on the massage table and lay face down. Again, she did not drape me and at first continued to talk to me while running her hands up and down my body very lightly. When she went over my ribs, I felt the tickle and moved in response but when she went over my butt cheeks and inner thighs, I couldn't help but move my butt and moan. I could tell she approved because she then focused exclusively on my inner thighs and butt with these slow light strokes.
The massage then began, she got quiet, and used lots of oil so I was in heaven. She was really good on my shoulders and back. As she moved down to my butt, she poured the oil directly on my cheeks and then down my crack. I made a sound and moved my butt. "Doesn't that feel so good, like a sexy tickle?" she asked. I admitted it felt really good and sent a shiver up my spine. "No other shivers anywhere else?" she teased. I assured her that there were plenty of shivers elsewhere. As she massaged my buttocks, she also worked the inner thighs, and then ran her fingers between my cheeks several times, then pressed and massaged the space behind my balls. It was wonderful but the rubbing on my taint actually helped my sexual tension to be reduced so I felt less tense. The massage on my legs kind of hurt at times because they were sore from running. By the time she had me turn over, I was not fully hard because of that pain and glad for it, in a way.
She started at my head and that felt so good that my erection started back up. I kept opening my eyes and sometimes she was looking at my face and others she seemed to be looking down at my growing erection. With the soft touches to my face, my temples, the back of my neck, I felt myself throbbing before she was done. Leaning over me to work, she started doing my chest. Rather than avoid my nipples as she did my chest like the first time I came for a massage, she focused on them, at first just rubbing over them which resulted in my very hard penis jumping and me inhaling audibly. Looking in my eyes, she then started playing with them by flicking them, and as she saw in my face that I liked that, she pinched them and looked down at my penis then back to my face, then she pulled gently at them. "Ooh, you're sensitive there, aren't you?" she noted. She spread the massage out to my sides, did my arms, and then worked my belly. I had been dripping precum so that there was a good amount right by my belly button. She rubbed my stomach, commenting that she liked how I was lean and stayed in shape, then her hands went right down to the base of my penis through the precum. She rubbed it around, then put more oil on her one hand, then rubbed the area again. "More oil is helpful because that man goo can get sticky as it dries, you know," she explained.
As she moved down and rubbed my legs, this time she was not careful like she was last time. She went right up to my balls and even held them out of the way as she rubbed the inner thighs. As she finished my feet, she took each one and pressed the leg all the way up to my chest and rubbed the butt cheek and thigh muscle as she held it there. Her fingers each time drifted into the area behind my balls and over the anus, which made me so aroused I wanted to ask her to keep rubbing that area. Finally she did some long strokes all up and down my body, avoiding directly touching my aching penis, and then she asked me if everything was good as she was pretty much done. Like I had the first time, I asked her for some oil to finish relaxing myself because I was so hard. "Well, that's fine and very enjoyable to see but would you rather have help from me to relax that too?" she asked me with a wry grin on her face. I told her that it would be great to have her do that for me. This was the first time I had gone for a massage where that was offered and I was in awe.
Unlike other massages with happy endings that I've had since, she didn't rush. She used so much oil that it ran down between my thighs, she rubbed my testicles scrotum really well, pulling them gently away from my body, and rubbed the clean shaven area around the base of my penis. Then, as she used one hand to hold it upright by the head, she rubbed the shaft, focusing on the underside with one thumb as she squeezed tightly up and down. Because she wasn't stimulating the head at all, I was getting more and more aroused without feeling the edge of the climax approaching. Changing hand positions, she used more oil and rubbed my nipple again and used the other hand to touch my penis up and down with feather strokes, again avoiding the head. What was weird was the from the time she started touching me down there, she began to ask me about vacations and talked about vacations she and her husband had enjoyed, how she loved their visit to Yellowstone, how she and he were planning to go to Yosemite someday.
"Are you ready, you know, to finish?" she asked me. I told her I was and she commented that we'd gone over our official hour time by quite a bit and though this was fun she needed to get ready for another appointment so it was best if she made me "cream." Now she took hold of my balls with one hand and used the other to make the usual jerking off motion up and down, but slowly and firmly. I felt myself building to climax but not in the rushed way and it was intense. I told her I was going to cum, and she said, "Good, go ahead and cream, for your health, its good to cum, let it all out." And, I did. First a big gush oozed out over her hand, unusual for me because I typically squirt. She giggled and then I squirted a high hard long rope of semen into the air, followed by several more. She had changed her strokes from being long to short firm ones focusing on the head alone and she continued them until I was drained and starting to go soft. But she didn't stop. She kept going, slow and firm, and I regained almost total stiffness, then had another mini orgasm where I just oozed some more cum.
"Feel better," she asked. I told her I did and thanked her for the best feeling I had in a long time. "I think you can come back any time, it's been fun," she said as she let go of my penis and rubbed the semen that was floating on my oily body.
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Part 2 Seemed Like a Legitimate Massage
Posted by: shashtzoh
Age: 27 Posted on: 31 Oct 2016
9 likes 1109 views Category: Masturbation Female-Male Tags: Massage, Gentle, Oil, Club
9 likes 1109 views Category: Masturbation Female-Male Tags: Massage, Gentle, Oil, Club
When had visited this massage therapist and was allowed to masturbate at the end, she had told me that if I came back I wouldnt have to do it for myself. I booked another appointment as soon as I could afford it.
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