So, following our escapades in the garden, and our descent into what can only be called depravity, I was about to get a tattoo; a Tramp Stamp!
I suspect that there is something different when one goes for a tattoo that is for sexual purposes rather than just for general body adornment. Of course, I don't know, but for me it was certainly an erotic walk into town and to the tattooist.
There is something, oh I don't know, is violent and appropriate word? So, I met my artist who was covered, literally covered in tattoos and piercings. He would not have looked out of place in a biker film. I explained what I wanted and asked a lot of questions about hygeine. He was patient and friendly and at no point did I get the impression that he was evasive. Then, there was the deed itself. I wanted a tribal design from literally the top of my ass up to my lower spine. That of course, meant me lying face down with my jeans and knickers half way down my ass. I felt him tuck a paper towel down over my knickers and, I thought, cop a little feel of my ass crack too. Then I felt something incredibly cold as he cleaned the area. There was a little light pressure as he sketched out the design (or something.. I dont really know what he did.) Then he said 'OK...if it gets too painful, tell me and I will stop. We don't have to complete this in one go.'
Then my world exploded in pain! I had no idea what to expect, but this felt like a permanent wasp sting!! He started over the bony part of my lower back and FUCK it hurt! I lay there trying to be brave and hoped I woud get used to it.
Strangely, after a few minutes, the feeling changed completely. I came over all warm and buzzy and I began to enjoy the pain. (I have heard people say that body art is the love of pain)
He was working away at me and I thought about how I must look. Face down, semi naked with a rough man piercing me with needles. I also began to fantasize. What if he pulled my jeans and knickers down to my thighs? What if he fucked me from behind... what if he DIDN'T use my vagina? All this got me highly aroused, and I mean HIGHLY aroused. I could feel my own wetness and knew damn well I couldn't do a thing about it.
After a little over an hour, he had finished, dressed the tattoo and gave me advice on aftercare. I walked out into the sunshine with my lower back feeling like it had been sandpapered, and my knickers feeling like I needed to take them off!
A little further down the same street is a piercer and I decided that I wanted to get a tummy piercing. As I looked at the various options (I had NO idea there were so many!!) I got to thinking about having more than one! (You see, pain IS addictive.)
After looking through the catalogues I decided I would have a threesome..(no NOT like that!) I had my left nipple, my tummy and my clit pierced!
Oh, I know the piercer would see how aroused I was when she got 'down below' but I have to be honest, that was the point! The nipple and tummy weren't too bad at all. Then she said 'OK.. are you sure about this?' I said I was and she asked me to strip from the waist and sit on the couch with my legs spread like I was having a smear test. She did a double take when she saw my vagina and I blushed... a LOT. She said 'Its ok. A lot of women get aroused before and even during this. Don't worry. I've seen it all before.' I felt her swab me and I also felt her latexed finger slip in a little.. not far (enough!) but definitely in between. Then I was told to lie back and take three slow deep breaths. I thought that it would come on the third exhale but as I inhaled the third time BANG. My whole clit exploded! A little fiddling around and I had a VHC!
OK I admit it. Walking home was... er... sensitive. My back was hot my nipple was tingly and my clit.. hmm.. my clit ached!
So, home. And there in the garden again was Allan.
I turned my back on him and slipped my t shirt off. I heard the intake of breath and he said 'Now THAT looks really slutty!' Then I undid my jeans and, still with my back to him took them and my knickers off. Then, very slowly I turned around. I made sure he saw my left breast, then tummy then....
He sat there open mouthed and barely able to speak. Now I knew I couldn't fuck at that precise moment, but I wanted to cum so I said 'Let's just sit and look at each other and wank ourselves off'. And that is what we did. It was lovely.
The next thing is happening tomorrow. I have arranged something for Allan although he has no idea what it is. I have arranged for a friend to come around and she is going to get him off. With me watching!
I look back. I came from a very wealthy and privilleged background. I went to one of the most exclusive schools in the UK. I was well bred, well brought up and very well educated. My school got me into Oxford where I obtained a double first.
Now? Now I am revelling in the depravity of rough sex, of piercings, and I know I want to explore pain more. A LOT more! The bottom line is, I find I am enjoying being a whore.
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Posted by: SoloTouchArchive
Author: Helen
Age: 26 Posted on: 02 May 2020
3 likes 865 views Category: Masturbation Female-Male Tags:
3 likes 865 views Category: Masturbation Female-Male Tags:
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