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Oh I love the sun!

Posted by: Age: 22 Posted on: 5 comments
8 likes 22 views Category: Masturbation Female Solo Tags: Outdoors, naked, masturbation,
Countryside, farmer’s fields and me. 

I deserve a break. I’ve just finished amalgamating six individual coffee shops into one business, spent two weeks training the staff in what I want (and firing one of them), and they open today. Oh, I’ll check up, of course I shall, but I don’t believe in micromanaging. The incentive scheme I’ve set up is generous, and should ensure my standards are maintained, as well as my ethos. 

So I took today off. And what a glorious day! Sun shining brightly, much warmer than usual, and the countryside beckons. 

As did my thinnest summer dress, and not a stitch more. No bra, no panties. I adore this time of year, the first flowers are out, and already bees are stocking up. The birdsong is quite deafening as they build nests and attract mates. The local wildlife are nesting too….in fact it seems to me like all of nature is having sex! What’s not to like? 

Look over there. Two doves. Every so often the male flutters onto the back of the female. She extends her head and he enters her. The coupling is brief by design, they are after all, prey animals rather than hunters. 

I wander along the dusty track by the field. Already the ground is cracking for want of rainfall. In the far distance, my parents’ home stands baking in the sun, although I know that inside it is cool. The entire home is computer controlled and each room is individually climate controlled. Walking in there on a scorching hot summer afternoon is like walking into a fridge. I debate paying them a visit, and I may, but first there’s something I want to do. I unbutton the front of my dress and just let it flow open as I walk. I’m already sweaty and the breeze generated by me walking cools me…oh, I know, I’m exposing myself in public, and that too has the desired effect. My clit tingles, my breasts firm up, my nipples become erect and a familiar wetness makes it’s presence felt both in feeling and scent. 

I walk for a while getting wetter and wetter by the second. I feel my inner thighs become slippery and then I feel motivated to do something new, even for me. I pause a moment, reach between my legs and scoop my wetness into the palm of my hand, employing some vaginal squeezing to ensure it is well covered. Then I rub it on my lower tummy. Again, I scoop up some female nectar and rub it onto my boobs. It doesn’t evaporate as quickly as water would, since it’s consistency is more slick, more lubricative. 

But oh, the scent! I smell of pure sex! My clit seems to leap for the joy of it. Time to lose the dress. Two choices….carry it with me over my arm, or leave it here, and I’ll collect it on the way back. I’m sure no-one will come this way. I duck off the path, lean over a wire fence and hang it on a handy tree branch. 

Then I walk on, revelling in my nakedness. There’s something about being naked outdoors. It’s like getting back to nature, like becoming one with nature. We weren’t born clothed. Skinny dipping is the same. If you’ve never swum naked, you really should give it a go. It is especially erotic in a group. Yes, the boys sometimes get erections, and don’t believe for a second that the girls in he group aren’t turned on…but sex may, or may not happen. Who knows what decides? I’ve skinny dipped in both situations.

By now, my tree with my dress is barely distinguishable. I feel electrified. And I’m almost ready. Miss Brain has been like a predatory shark circling ever tighter until she has decided what I will think about when the moment comes. I know better than to try to force the issue one way or another. Where masturbation is concerned, Miss Brain will provide. 

Somehow, I know when the moment is right. I take a few paces into the field itself. The wheat is still only round my ankles, but late summer, this will be over waist height, and rustling gently with the breeze. I spread my feet a little. Just enough so when I bend my knees, it feels….crude….unladylike. And ‘crude’ is definitely what Miss Brain is going for today. 

I cup my titties. (I almost giggle at the word. Emily never says boobs, or breasts, it’s always titties…and I love it). My titties are rock solid, the nipples hard points that beg to be touched, and each touch, even if it’s only a thumb gliding over it, produces shockwaves of pleasure and a miniature flood between my legs  oh, how I love being wet there! My vagina was born to be wet, and I love it. Yes, I know there are days when someone passing close to me will be able to smell my vagina. I love that too….hell…I actively encourage it! 

But now, I must attend to other things. Miss Brain reminds me of when I saw Dani, naked and masturbating by the pool, except for some reason, she equips Dani with a pair of plain white cotton panties that, she tells me, are mine. I close my eyes, the better to see the image. I’m looking through the screen of my video camera at Dani, lying on the lounger, in white cotton panties. (Miss Brain often does this…takes something real and changes it in some way.)

I’m zoomed in so Dani fills  the screen. She opens her legs and like a slap across the face I realise that those panties are mine…and that they’re dirty. Dani has taken them from the laundry, pulled them on so my wetness is next to hers. Then she slips her hand under the waistband and I get to watch as she masturbates. And as she does, so too do I. I mimic her movements and circle my clit. Oh I could cum so easily…in seconds, in fact, but somehow, I know Miss Brain has more for me. 

My eyes are tightly closed as I think of Dani. I remember how her back arched off the sunlounger as she became more and more aroused, and in my minds eye, she does it again. God, I’m close! I so want to cum, but Miss Brain makes me edge. How many times I could have just let the orgasm take me? I have no idea, it’s like a swelling tide, or waves on the beach that get bigger and bigger until they inevitably roll over everything on the shore. 

And then….oh, and then….the trigger image! In my mind’s eye, I see Dani spread her legs wide, the soles of her feet together, and her heels almost touching her bum. I can see the crotch of my panties stretched tight against Dani’s sex. I can see the discolouration from my wetness the day before. Discolouration that came from being aroused all day, and four delicious orgasms into my panties.  Then with her left hand, she pushes the material inside herself. She cums. 

And in that field, a tremendous orgasm shakes my core. I’m cumming to the most erotic vision, and I’m doing it totally naked, in public, miles from the safety of my dress. Squirt? Oh, yes! Repeatedly. I just let the orgasm take me and roll over me. I keep going until the last vestige of it has died away. 

When it does so, I realise my throat is a little sore. I’ve been shouting obscenities. I do this sometimes, and it’s usually when the focus of my masturbation is someone like Dani, a virgin, or someone inexperienced in sex. Someone who I would love to hear dirty words on their lips. 

I slowly straighten up and walk, relaxed and still throbbing inside, back to my dress. Part of me wondered what I’d do if it had gone, but I know the answer. I would simply have walked, naked, across the field to our back gate and gone home. Nakedness doesn’t bother me. If I’m outdoors naked, it means by definition that I don’t mind if I’m seen. Who knows, it may mean more….it may mean that someone seeing me might be offered more than simply to watch. 

This summer will be…spectacular. 

As I open the gate and walk into my back garden I see Dani at the kitchen window. It’s 10:50, and she will be making morning coffee. Miss Brain reminds me how much I’d love to hear that soft gentle voice of hers say something really dirty. Even if it wasn’t with my hand between her legs, I’d just love to have her looking directly at me and mouthing obscenities. Maybe I’ll try to engineer that. 



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