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Nudist Beach Fun

Posted by: Age: 19 then Posted on: 8 comments
15 likes 61 views Category: Masturbation Female-Male Tags: Female-Male, Masturbation Female-Male, friends masturbating, watching, seeing cum in the water, guys dicks, nude sunbathing, Voyeur

we visit a nudist beach and masturbate in the sea

Two bottles of wine between the four of us as we ate lunch and then enjoying a playful hour masturbating our own partners on the double bed had left us all relaxed and happy rather than drunk. I am into visual stimuli and although my orgasm with Kyle had been good I was slightly disappointed that I had not actually seem Marc cum...he and El had finished just before us at a time when I was fully pre-occupied.......but now the sun was shining, the beach beckoned and I was still a little horny......

Brighton has two universities based there so is geared up to young people, we all wanted to visit the local nudist beach and anticipating that we might join in we were careful to leave most of our money and things in the house. The nude area is near the marina and about a 20 minute stroll from the pier, plenty of opportunity to get ice creams and two more bottles of wine before we passed the signs saying that clothes were optional. (I cannot honestly say the main attraction was the liberation of enjoying the sun and sea without the restriction of clothes, the way I felt then was more akin to the "you show me yours and I'll show you mine" mentality.)

I had sunbathed nude before but only with a small group of friends in secluded areas so this was something new, I was not sure what to expect but was hoping that there would be lots of fit guys around my age and even if they were not horny its always hot to see dicks in real life and let your imagination picture them hard and spurting cum.

It wasn't particularly busy and there was a broad range of ages with many of the older people obviously being regulars as they had no tan lines at all, the younger element tended to be nearer the water's edge and we picked a spot there. I guess the percentage of guys to girls was 65:35 which was fine by me and I did notice that while most of the guys were totally naked (and soft) many of the girls had kept their panties on and were just topless and although there were one or two groups of just guys all the girls had guys with them. None of this really mattered but it did make me feel comfortable and safe if that makes sense.

The nearest group to us were four guys all naked and probably students, they smiled and said hi as we laid our towels down but quickly returned to chatting and drinking from beer cans. We all sat down and I took off my tshirt and shorts and was left in my bikini which I had put on at the house, El had done the same. The boys had already taken off everything and were sitting up holding one open bottle of wine and four plastic cups, Kyle held one out for me but I told him I would take off my top first and he smiled and said okay, again El did the same.

For the first few minutes we sat and chatted and drank the wine, the four guys nearby occasionally looked over but maybe no more than if we had all been dressed, just a natural "looking around" action. The sun had lost most of its oppressive heat and with just a slight breeze coming off the sea it was very pleasant, I felt good and leant over and gave Kyle a quick kiss. I looked over to El and motioned that I was going to take my bikini panties off and she nodded and slipped hers off before I had. At first it felt just a little bit weird being totally naked but the world around me continued as normal.......including Kyle who looked me up and down and smiled.

A few minutes later the four guys picked up a football and went down to the water's edge, I could clearly see their dicks bouncing about as they kicked and threw the ball to each other and I asked El which one she thought would be the best boyfriend, she laughed and said the tallest one as his dick was probably the longest when it was hard and we laughed and I wondered if that would be true.

The wine was good but I was ready for a cold drink, there was a McDonalds just a few minutes' walk away near the marina and Marc and El said they would go and look at the boats and bring us all milkshakes back so they put on put on their shorts and tshirts and walked over.

Kyle moved a little closer and told me I looked good then asked could he see "all of me" so I leaned back supporting myself on my arms and opened my legs, I could feel the sun and sea breeze on my vag which was a totally new experience for me.... it felt quite exhilarating and just a little bit "rude" which gave a touch of excitement. I could also feel that the wine I had been drinking (about 3 glasses over 3 hours so not excessive) had contributed to me feeling relaxed and happy and it was obvious that Kyle was also happy as his dick was no longer fully soft.

The four guys who had been down to the shoreline were coming back, I sat up and instinctively closed my legs together but Kyle said why not stay as I had been and see if the guys reacted in any way, a tingle of excitement went through me as I lay back again. Kyle turned onto his side facing me, I reached over and squeezed his dick a couple of times then we held hands as the guys got nearer.

I think they walked closer and slower than they would have if we had been dressed and they glanced over and said hi as they went past. Kyle spoke back but I just smiled...and looked, four guys and four dicks, all nice but different......do guys compare themselves to each other?......this was the first time I had seen a "bunch of dicks"  together (thinking of bananas now .....and not in a sexual way just as a similar collective-noun, I had never masturbated with a banana ..yet).

Kyle was still facing me, his soft-ish dick was laying on the sand and he looked really fit, my nipples responded first and then my vag let me know it agreed. I turned onto my side so we were facing each other, he reached across and  brushed my boobs which felt  good but was not what I wanted. My libido was wide awake and responding to all the different stimuli..... perfect weather, the sound and smell of the sea, naked bodies all around, lazy hours to fill and Kyle....a guy who had helped me explore and develop my own sexuality and given me the confidence to be myself.

Although we could hardly have been in a more public place I wanted some time with just him, I took his hand and said we should go and see how warm the water was. He smiled and placed our phones in his small backpack, there was hardly anyone between us and the sea and we play-chased each other till the water was lapping against our ankles. We were both laughing as we looked out to sea and got our breath back, Kyle took my hand and pulled me into him, his hard dick pressed against my tummy as we kissed.

This was perfect, we were the only people actually in the sea anywhere near this section of the beach, my hormones were telling me that I wanted to watch a guy cum rather than me being watched and Kyle said that sounded like fun.

We stood really close with me on his left, mainly facing out to sea but also slightly towards each other somewhat like a wide V, Kyle finds it much easier masturbating with his right hand (whether himself or me) and while I am right handed for most things my left hand is no stranger between my legs...but it was his hand that went there first. He smiled as his fingers entered me, it felt so good but I thought he had misunderstood what I wanted until he kissed me and said my wetness was the perfect lube for his dry dick.

When I looked down his dick was glistening with pre-cum so whether he was teasing me or not I didn't know but it did mean that when my fingers replaced his my clit was already wide-awake.  Normally when I watched him jerk off I liked to glance at his face and see how his expressions and grimaces told me when he was about to cum but that time I didn't want to take the risk of missing his actual ejaculation so my eyes remained focused on his dick.

My fingers tried to match the rhythm of his hand and it wasn't long before we were both nearly there, he turned to face me and held his dick so that his cum spurted onto my fingers, pubes and tummy which triggered my own electrifying orgasm. He later told me I gave out a little yelp, I cannot remember that but I do remember us hugging tightly and then him standing back and looking as he rubbed his cum over my clit and vulva, he wanted to take a picture on his phone and I said okay...I probably would have agreed to anything he asked at that moment as I felt so good.

One of the benefits of sexual fun in water is that its easy to clean up, a couple of minutes later we saw Marc and El coming back with the milkshakes so we walked back and I deliberately went past the four guys. My nipples and vag lips were still aroused but I had made sure that there were no traces of cum there (Kyle had insisted on doing the "final check" whilst we were still in the sea) and I wondered if they had watched and guessed what we had been doing. I do not consider myself as an exhibitionist but sometimes its like having a new hairstyle or a posh dress and you hope people notice and compliment your choice....their "approval" reinforces  your own feeling of satisfaction rather than being the cause of it.

The guys were sitting down and drinking beers again, we all said hi to each other and one of them playfully threw their ball to Kyle who by a stroke of luck kicked it back quite accurately, one of the other guys jumped up and stopped it and said we could join them for a kick-around if we wanted but I laughed and said thanks but no. It was a fun bit of flirting, his dick was in a similar state to Kyle's - neither fully soft nor hard - I preferred Kyle's and just brushed my fingers over it as we moved off.

The milkshakes were just what we needed, Kyle and I held all four of them while Marc and El stripped off again and then we all enjoyed a couple of hours relaxing and chatting before we got dressed and went for a drink in town.

It was Marc and El's last night before returning to France and they wanted to do something typically English so we bought take-away fish and chips and headed back to the beach.......I will tell you about the fun we had next time...



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