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Nude Beach Masturbation

Posted by: Author: Age: 27 Posted on: 4 comments
21 likes 1883 views Category: Masturbation Female-Male Tags: party
A fantasy of mine has always been to go to a nude beach. This weekend I made it happen and then some.
When I arrived at the beach, I was very nervous and extremely aroused with anticipation.

There was a mixture of men and women together and single and I wasn't quite ready to just plop down in front of all those people so I decided to ease up the beach for more privacy and return later when I became more accustomed to being naked around every one. A short way up the beach, I found a nice somewhat secluded place, lay out my towel, striped off my bikini and lay down on my stomach. I still wasn't ready for the full exposure.

Laying there totally nude for the first time was making me become more and more aroused. My pussy was starting to pulse and twitch and in response, I would press my mound and clit against my towel, give a little side to side rock and squeeze my ass cheeks together.

I had been doing this for awhile and was extremely worked up when a man comes up and lay down about 10 feet behind me. A moment later another man did the same followed by three more and I'm right in the middle of masturbating!

I rolled over on my back to see what they were up to, I had my legs bent with my knees up and opened slightly. About that time, one guy reached down and gave his cock a few long slow strokes! OMG!!! That sent a jabbing spasm right to my pussy, my legs smacked together several times and I almost had an orgasm right then and there!

I must have given the right signal because right on queue, the others joined right in and started stroking just like they had all done this together before. Although I masturbate all the time, this was the first time I had ever seen one guy let alone five guys masturbate and it was taking it's toll on me!

At this point I was beyond in heat. My chest was heaving, my heart was racing and my legs kept slapping and squeezing together and I knew I was fighting a losing battle. Suddenly I moaned something like 'aw fuck it' and my hands dove to my hot swollen and very wet pussy. The guys started mumbling words of encouragement and my eyes were darting from one guy to the other and I felt like the queen in the middle of a masturbation circle and I'm loving every minute of it.

All our hands were becoming a blur and as they started to cum and shoot all over the place, I started to orgasm over and over. I kept working my pussy as hard as I could so that every time another would cum, I would cum with him until we were all exhausted. We lay there for a while not saying a word, just smiling and giggling and then without a word, they all got up and left.

After they left, I gathered my things and left knowing I will surely be back soon.



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