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Naked At Last: Teen Bator Puts On A Show

Posted by: Age: 58 Posted on: 14 comments
21 likes 135 views Category: Masturbation Male Solo Tags: masturbation, exhibitionism, cfnm, mom

This is a fantasy, about a teenage exhibitionist chronic masturbator and his dream of exposing himself coming true. It is based on a fantasy I had since my own teens, when I came home dying to beat off only to find mom hosting the ladies' bridge club. I said hello, then went in my room and took care of business, this fantasy in my head.

I practically ran the last block home from school that afternoon, taking a shortcut through Ms. Myers' yard and into our backyard. Confined in school clothes all day, my 14-year-old self did not think I would ever finally get home. I let out a sigh of relief as I stepped inside the sliding glass door and closed it behind me. I dropped my backpack to the floor, then unbuckled my belt, unsnapped my school dress shorts, unzipped, then put a thumb in either side of the pants and underwear and started pushing down. The pants were down to my thighs, the top of my ass crack showing and my 6-inch hard pecker nearly free when I froze in his tracks -- eye to eye with mom. "Joey, what are you doing, honey -- we've got company."

 Then I remembered: first Wednesday of the month. Mom's day to host the ladies circle. I now noticed the feminine small talk and light laughter coming from the living room, from which mom had entered the room. My disappointment registered clearly on my face. "Sorry, sweetie, I should have reminded you this morning." I was a few seconds from being completely nude, finally. At last. And now this. Mom noticed the wet spot and the tenting in the crotch of my shorts, my look of dejection in having my naked time interrupted. She smiled sympathetically. I looked at her with pleading eyes, knowing there was fix to this. Some days are easier than others, but I had been thinking about nothing else but tearing all my clothes off since second period gym this day. I started to plead, "I just wanted to get nake ... " But mom cut me off. 


"Where are your manners,” she said. “You have to come say hello to my friends. Aunt Jenny's here and she's dying to see you." "But, but ... " Then mom got a sparkle in her blue eyes, smiled mischievously at me. I was still frozen with my thumbs in my lowered pants and underwear. Mom made an expression like a light bulb just went off over her head. "Um, what I meant is, I expect you to be a good boy and be polite and courteous to my friends. But, if you need to, you know, get out of those clothes first, that would be fine. But then I expect you to come say hello."


I gulped. It was one thing to expose myself naked to my beautiful auburn-haired mom. I had been a practicing nudist at home for several months now, since the third time mom caught me naked. “Horny little exhibitionist is more like it,’ she quipped when I first expressed a desire to be a nudist. “But if it makes you happy, I don’t see any harm in it.” At that age I was hard almost all the time and the urge to masturbate was overpowering.  But mom realized her boy was an exhibitionist and figured best to let me get it out of my system at home than to get in trouble elsewhere. But now she had just upped the ante. 


But to show myself naked to Aunt Jenny? To Mrs. Johnson, the mother of my friend Caleb? To Ms. Myers, the 40-something blonde neighbor, a divorce like mom? And to Stephanie, the 30-something professor at the local college? The thought of it took my breath. And made my dick twitch in its confines. But did I have the courage to go through with it? I smiled. Yes! 

"You mean it, Mom? Really?" "Well, they're liable to find out sooner or later. I figured you might outgrow this, but it's been months now and you're still thrilled as ever with your own nudity." She winked at me. "Now run along to your room and get out of those clothes. And hurry back." She looked over her shoulder with an encouraging smile as she walked back into the living room, her hourglass figure fitting nicely in a colorful sundress." I couldn't believe it.


 Now in my room, I started to close the door, something I hadn't done in months. Why now? I left it open. I was shaking with apprehension. But I quickly kicked off my shoes and socks, pulled my pants and underwear the rest of the way to my ankles and stepped out of them. Then the shirt came off, all of my clothes tossed on my neatly made bed. Naked at last! Aaaahhh. Feels so good. I looked down at my cute circumcised dick, the eager head sticking out at the end of a rock hard shaft, precum oozing out the tip. My balls were tight and compact, bloated from a day of thinking constantly about this afternoon reward. A light brown small patch of curly little hairs above it..I felt  the light breeze from the room's AC vent blowing lightly on the crack of my bare ass. I had to give his dick a couple of light strokes, the precum making it slippery in my hands. That dick was not about to go down.. But it was time. Hard, horny and absolutely stark naked, I stepped out of my room, took a deep breath and began my nude march toward the sound of the women. I stopped at the end of the hallway, just outside the living room, where I heard the small talk. No turning back. I felt like it was someone else willing me forward as I stepped into the living room. 


Gasps. An oooh and a couple of aahhs. Then the room went silent, all of the nicely-dressed women's eyes focused on me in all my nude glory. I could almost hear my heartbeat. My face flushed red. My dick throbbed. Mom gave me a mocking look of disappointment. "Joey, where are your manners? Come say hello to my friends." "He's naked!" aunt Jenny said, unable to look away. "Ellen, why is my nephew naked?" All eyes were transfixed on me, my shoulder length blond hair, developing broad chest and shoulders, slim waist, muscular legs and my hard, uncontrollably twitching and throbbing dick. Mom had a twinkle in her eye as she stared at me and prodded me forward with a motion from her index finger. I stepped to the table, standing naked -- again, I told myself, I am totally butt-ass naked! -- at the edge of the table between my own Aunt Jenny, a short-haired version of his mom, and the neighbor lady, Ms. Myers. Mom’s younger sister looked at me head to toe. "Naked ... ," she said again, her voice trailing. "Yes, he's naked all right," Mom chimed in cheerfully, as a speechless table of ladies focused on my condition. "Oh, I'm sorry. Didn't I tell you Joey has become a nudist?" she said, talking to her sister but looking past her proudly at me, her handsome young naked son. "I'd say he has really taken a shine to nudism," Stephanie said with a wry grin, nodding with her head to my horny hard-as-diamonds dick. "Indeed," Ms. Johnson chimed in, a smile forming on her shocked face. Mom looked me in the eyes again, a look urging me to break my silence. 


"Hello, ladies," I croaked. A little more giggles, even from aunt Jenny now. "So, you like to go around in your birthday suit, is that it?" Jenny asked. "Yes'm," I said. The damage was done now. I could now never undo this display I was giving to these ladies. "I think nudism is healthy and comfortable," I said, finally relaxing a little. "Well, he certainly looks very healthy," Ms. Meyers replied. "Every inch of him." A nice ice-breaker, prompting light giggles around the table. "True enough," aunt Jenny said, stifling a giggle. "But that thing hardly looks comfortable right now," she said wryly, pointing at you-know-what.  Louder laughter now, all at the expense of the naked boy in the roomful of fully clothed ladies. 


Mom beamed, knowing how much I was enjoying this, herself enjoying what an attractive young man her son was, not an inch of me concealed from view. "Wait till I tell Caleb about this," Mrs. Johnson said, drinking me in with her eyes. "Might as well tell him," Mom said, "I think nudism is going to be the new thing for Joey fulltime. Right, son?" I nodded. My dick was on fire, precum conspicuously flowing from the head and down the shaft. Mrs Johnson grabbed a plate of cookies from the table, reaching it toward me across the table. "Cookie, hon?" "Yes'm," I said, "thank you." My nudist son has such good manners, mom thought. As I reached for a cookie, my hard member bumped Jenny's wine glass with the rigid shaft, halfway between tip and base. The glass tilted, spilled a little wine on the table cloth before Jenny quickly reached out and steadied it. "Um, sorry," I said, fumbling with the cookie in my left hand, hardly noticing that my right hand had begun aimlessly wandering, my fingertips lightly touching my belly above my hardon, and my  things below it. I ate the cookie in two bites. 


"Are you ok, sugar?” Mrs. Johnson asked. I nodded yes, swallowing the last of the cookie. "He looks fine, really fine," Stephanie interjected with slight sarcasm. “But I'd say he needs to take care of his Johnson, Mrs. Johnson." Stephanie winked at me, while pumping her curled right fist in the air for emphasis. Much more delighted laughter. The perfect segue, mom thought. "Oh, that reminds me, honey," she said, smiling at me. "I've got a surprise for you. Be right back," she told the ladies. 


Mom hurriedly stepped out of the room. "Well," Mrs. Meyers said, "give us the tour." She looked at me and made a circling motion with her finger. I happily turned around, giving them a view of my tight round little ass. "What an adorable hiney," Aunt Jenny said. "Nice ass," Stephanie said. The adrenaline and hormones were raging. I loved pretty girls, I loved the sight of naked women. But this was only further solidifying the obvious: nothing turns me on like showing off, exposing myself. And I loved the attention, the shame, of being the only one naked in a roomful of clothed people. I needed no further encouragement. Next I bent over, spread my legs, giving them a better view of my ass and my little butthole – a moved that prompted much astonishment. I turned sideways, giving them a profile of my naked physique. Coming full circle and smiling confidently, I faced them again, hiking one leg on mom’s empty chair, giving them a better view of my balls and dick and underside. A stream of precum broke from the tip of my dickhead, forming a drop that began stretching downward but remained attached. "Uh, oh," Mrs. Johnson said. I reached down and caught the drop of precum in my hands just as  it broke off, wiping it on my belly. 


Mom came back into the room, smiling brightly and concealing something from behind her back. "Speaking of taking care of business," she said, "your new Playboy arrived today!" And she handed me the prized magazine. My heart skipped a beat. All this and my new Playboy! What a day! "There's a new spread of Patty McGuire inside," Mom said enthusiastically. "Looks like she's gonna be Playmate of the Year!" I took the mag, breathing heavy now. “Playboy, huh?” Stephanie mused. “We all know what boys do with those, huh?” “That ought to keep you occupied for a while,” added Ms. Meyers. “Oh, you have no idea,” mom said. “I got him a subscription.” “How thoughtful,” Mrs. Johnson said.


“Well,” mom said, “I found his one Playboy under his bed. “All the good pages were stuck together, and it had stains all over, if you know what I mean,” she said, winking at her friends. They all nodded affirmatively, some giggles.  “Poor Candi’s centerfold was torn from him trying to open it up again.” Laughter. She turned to me. "Run along now, honey," she said. "Nice seeing you, ladies," I said, shaking with anticipation. "Nice seeing YOU!" Mrs. Johnson said, prompting more laughter. "Have fun!" Mrs Meyers said. 


"Don't worry," mom chimed in, "that Playboy is in very good, ahem, hands." She made the shaken curled fist motion, the international sign of jerking off. Louder laughter from the ladies now. "I bet he's a true Mastur of the Bate!" Stephanie said. Near hysterics. "Poor thing," cooed aunt Jenny, "Look at him. He can't, uh, beat off the urge to spend some quality time with his magazine." Oh, yes. They all got that clever inside joke too. Let’s all make masturbation double entendres for our own amusement at the expense of the horny naked boy in the room, I thought. And I loved it! I basked in their laughter, my nudity, the new Playboy. "Uh excuse me, ladies," I mumbled, stepping away while lightly running my fingers along the bottom of my hard shaft and tickling balls with one hand while clutching the prized Playboy in the other. 


I walked out of the room to sweet laughter – “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!” Stephanie called out, raising more laughter. I reached down and grabbed my dick firmly and started masturbating in earnest as I walked down the hallway. I threw the Playboy on my bed, on top of my school clothes and climbed my naked ass onto the bed. I didn’t even bother to open the Playboy. On my knees I stroked, stroked, stroked, looking at the open door, hearing the laughing ladies down the hall who knew exactly what I was doing right now.  Stroke, stroke, stroke. I moaned uncontrollably, looking at the open doorway of my bedroom, basking in my exposed vulnerability. I never want to wear clothes again, I thought. This is great! Aaahhhhh! And my smiling mom stepped into the doorway just as the fireworks started: the first thick white gooey stream of white hot cum flying off the bed and onto the carpet, the next laying a cum track across the bed spread, and more. Jet after jet of exquisite hot cum flying around. I collapsed in exhilaration. “Wow,” mom said, smiling sweetly. “Better now?” Exhausted, laying there naked, I just nodded. “Thanks,” I said. 


“You’re welcome,” she said, winking at me before walking back to join the ladies.




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