I recover from my fry-squirting episode, only to feel a sudden urge from down below.
"So ......... what did she mean?" Carrie asked as I kept the image of that big tit in my hand.
'Hmm? What? Mean about what?" I asked, coming out of my daze of sexual pleasure.
"She said something about condoms, and she pointed at you," Carrie said.
'Oh, well ......... we were just talking, and ........ she said .............. you know ........ if I ever wanted to go inside, and .......... you know .......... a condom keeps everything safe, if ......... you know ......... you're worried about pregnancy."
'Yeah, you'd need to cover that thing up if it ever went inside. You'd squirt enough sperm to make 50 girls pregnant. Why is she so concerned about you fucking me?"
"Oh, she was just really saying ........ you know ......... how good it felt to ............ to be in a pussy. I told her that we want to wait, but she said a condom would take our worries away. That's if ........."
"Yeah, you want your dick in my pussy, don't you? That's what all guys want. You're never happy with blowjobs. What about squirting in my butt? Wasn't that good enough?'
"Oh, I'm not complaining! She was just talking about stuff ....... I like fucking your butt. It felt so good ......... your blowjobs are great. If you like drinking my cum, you can suck me all you want. I don't have to be in your pussy."
"We'll see ......... all guys eventually want in there. Looks like it doesn't want anything right now ........ you're totally soft," she said sarcastically as she gave my limp penis a gentle smack. I didn't want to argue, so I nodded and grabbed my cheeseburger.
"You'd better eat up ........ you're gonna need your strength," she grinned as she put another 'cummy-fry' in her mouth. Was she saying that she wanted more out of my exhausted penis? How many times had I cum already ........ seven ......... eight ........ I had lost count. She was draining me so regularly, I knew I'd need all the fuel I could get.
We sat quietly while I ate my cheeseburger and she finished her cummy treat. She licked her fingers, savoring the mixture of salty fries and fresh semen. She must really like my cum.
I needed to rest after finishing my burger, and the bench did not allow me to sit back. I needed some place to lay down and relax. I suggested that we find some place to stretch out, and she pulled me away from the table, walking a small distance away, to a clear space in the sand. We sat down, and I immediately laid back, relaxing in the sun.
"So, you're all tired our after cumming for Dolores? Was it her big tits that made you cum so hard?" Carrie teased as she laid beside me.
"Oh, it was just the situation. You were both playing with me, and we were right out in the open ........ what if somebody saw? You guys made me squirt right on your fries .......... I think Dolores really liked making me cum."
"Yeah, and you liked squeezing her big boob."
"Well, it was really big ......... boobs are sexy, but .............."
"But what? You don't mind my little tits? You wish I had big boobs like Dolores? How about Gabby? Do you want her big, flabby boobs?"
"No ......... that's not what I'm saying. I think you're sexy .......... you like me so much, and you really like my cum ....... I don't care how you get it. Blowjobs are fine, especially from you. Just let me rest a while."
"Yeah, that thing must be tired out," Carrie joked, but she didn't touch my flaccid dick. We laid there a while, and I must have drifted off before a sudden urge hit me. I sat up and said, "I have to ........... is there .........?"
"What? You need to pee? Just go up into the grass like I did."
"No ........... no! I have to .......... oh, my gosh ....... I think I'm gonna ......"
"Ha, ha, ha ............ that greasy cheeseburger really went through you! You're getting the shits!"
"Hey, it's not funny! I really have to go! Do they have .........."
"Oh, there's some crappy little bathroom one-seaters over by the burger stand. I never go there because it's so yucky."
"I'll go anywhere. I'd better get there soon."
"OK, take your time .......... I'm gonna doze a while. Hope everything comes out alright."
I smiled at Carrie's little 'shit' joke, but I had to go! I got up and looked around, finding the small building that Carrie had described. I got closer and saw a faint 'Men' sign on one door, with another 'Women' sign on the other. I knocked on the 'Men' door, and hearing no response, went inside.
My eyes had to adjust to the dark interior, but I heard some splashing as the door closed. There was a sink and an open toilet, and I saw a bare butt at the toilet. Someone was already in here!
"Uh, sorry ........ I didn't know ........... " I fumbled, turning to go.
"You don't need to leave ........... I'm almost done," the young man said as he turned his body slightly, letting me see the stream of urine shooting out of his small penis. I noted that he was fairly skinny with very little body hair, his smooth butt showing over his pulled-down swimsuit. Did he want me to see him peeing? I thought back to all those years in school, crowding into the boys bathroom to relieve ourselves, pushing our bodies up against the urinal so no one could get a glimpse of our penises. Now this young man was turning to let me see him peeing into the toilet!
"No, I really ........." I started, not wanting to intrude.
"You can join me if you want to. That big thing probably has a lot .......... " he smiled, and I noticed a slight 'swish' in his manner. Was this a young gay-boy wanting me to pee with him? Is this what a gay bathroom encounter was like? I had always tried to hide my penis from the other boys in the shower and in the bathroom at school, and now I was standing naked in a bathroom watching another guy pee!
"It's not that ........... I really have to ......." I blurted, feeling the growing urge from my burning asshole. If he didn't move soon, there might be shit all over the floor!
"Oh, number two! Well, I'm done now, so just let me wash off, and you've got what you need," he said as he took three steps back to the dingy sink. He ran some water and washed his penis off, letting me see the whole thing. If I hadn't been in such urgent need, it might have been fun to watch another man wash his dick. I felt a gassiness boil up, and I stepped to the toilet, putting the dirty seat down. Just as I sat, my sphincter relaxed, and a huge mess gushed into the toilet. My face must have shown relief as I let all that pent-up shit splash into the toilet.
"You were just barely holding it! I know how good it feels to let it all out .............you should just let your asshole relax. What about that thing?" the young man asked, and he looked directly at my limp penis, visible as it hung into the bowl.
"Um, I ......... yeah, I guess ........" I mumbled as I realized that I needed to let some pee out. Since he had unashamedly shown me his shooting penis, why should I be shy about peeing in the toilet? I had already let girls and boys see me squirt my juice out in the open, They had even applauded when they had seen how I came. Maybe this guy really enjoyed watching guys pee.
"So, you don't mind .......... I mean ............ you like ............." I asked cautiously, not know what to say.
"Ha! You think I'm a faggot with a pee fetish! Well, maybe ........ you see, back in high school, I was the unofficial 'bathroom monitor', and I stood there and watched lots of 'straight boys' shoot their pee into the urinal. Some of them were even eager to let me clean them up. Do you want me to clean you up?"
"Uh, no ...... really ........ it's going to be really .........."
"You don't think I've seen that before? I love assholes, and all I have to do is use some toilet tissue to wipe you clean, and then I'll see your tight little 'straight-boy' knot. That's right......... I know you're a straight boy. I saw those girls you were with ............. that big-titted bitch, and that skinny little tart, playing with your big dick under the table. Were they making you cum?"
"Well, they were kind of ............. Carrie said how good my cum was, and Dolores said she'd love a taste, so they ....."
"So they made you squirt in their hands and slurped it up? I saw them eating something."
"Yeah, it was ............oh, what the hell ....they made me cum on the french fries. I squirted on the fries and they ate them."
"Hoooooo! That's a good one! Cum fries! I should have thought of that. I'll bet you liked cumming for those stinky-pussy bitches. Did you get to feel those big boobs?"
"Oh, my god! She has such big ones! She let me feel right under her suit. It was so ......"
"Yeah, I may be a little faggot, but I love squeezing titties. I've let some girls play with my dick, just so I could squeeze their fat boobs."
"So, have you gone to the 'squirting dune'? I'm sure you could feel some tits up there, and ...."
"Oh, that place? Yeah, I used to go up there when I was younger, and I'd watch all the young boys squirt, and try and figure out which ones were gay. I think I'm too old for that, now .......... I just look like a kid because I'm so skinny, and I shave all my pubic hair to attract the 'right kind' of person.
"Yeah, I guess you do look totally smooth. I thought maybe you were 16, or just didn't have much ........"
"Oh, I shave this thing every day, and I shave my boi-pussy, too ......... see? Do you like how smooth I am? I'm already 19, and I suck at least ten dicks every time I come here. If I find a really nice one, like yours, I let it go right in here."
"Um, that's OK .... I don't really want to ........"
"Ha, ha, ha ......... that tit-less bitch is giving you lots of pussy, huh? Well, it looks like you got rid of all your pee. Just stand up and turn around, and I'll clean you off real good before you go back out there for some more. That's alright ......... you don't need to be shy ......... ooohhh, you do have a mess. I'll just wipe here ........... and here ........... a little more here .......... that's all it took. Now I get some water, and make sure .......... hold still while I get more water ........ ohh, you've got a cute little hole ............ barely any hair at all. Do yo want me to check inside? I'll just ..........."
"Ooohhh! You don't ............mmmm, that's sliding in so nice ...........just ...........oohhhh ..........."
"So ........... that's your little secret! 'No tits' out there plays with your little hole and makes you cum in her mouth? So, I guess you know how good a prostate massage feels. I'll just wiggle around in here a little more, and ........"
"Um, OK ..... I think you've got me clean. You can ........."
"What, you're afraid to have a faggot playing with your asshole? I'm pretty good at it, and I can suck your dick like no woman can. I just don't have the tits to squeeze while you cum."
"But, I .............oh god, that feels so good! are you really going to ............."
"Oh, now 'Mr. straight boy' wants me to blow him? What will it take to get you hard? Let's see this ........... oh, yeah! There's my prize! What a big one! So long and fat ........... nice and hard .......I'd love to feel it stretching me .......... how about just a taste?"
"If you're going to ............I've never had a ............."
"You've never had a homo wrap his hot lips around this big sausage and suck out a thick load of man-juice? Mmmm, you haven't lived, and I .............I want to suck every drop of cum out of your balls. Just stand there and I'll keep this finger up your butt while I ........."
"Oh ......... oh, my god! Don't stop! Your mouth is just so ........... oh, you're pressing on my prostate ........... Carrie never sucked me like this!"
"Lllmmm, lllmmm, lllmmm ............ all you straight boys like it after you get a real cocksucker on your dick .......... this one is really nice ............so long and fat ..........I'm gonna .............. lllmm, lllmmmm , lllmmmm ......"
"Oh ......... ohh .......... ohhh, you've got the whole thing in your mouth! Oh, that's so good! Damn, I can't ............. ahhh, aahhhh, aahhhhhh ............. keep suckkkkiiinnnggggg!"
"Gulp, gulp, gulp ..... llmmm, lllmmmm, llllmmmmm ......... lick, lick, lick ............... mmmm, you did have a lot of nice juice. I didn't spill a drop. Hmmmm, straight boy cum is so good. How do you feel now that a faggot has sucked you dry?
"Ohh .............. ohh, my god ........... it was so ............. I mean, Carrie sucks me real good, but you know how to ..........."
"Yeah, that's our faggot secret. Only guys know what guys really like. That was a really nice load ....... I'll bet you keep your 'little Carrie' satisfied. Should I pull my finger out of your asshole, now?"
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