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My Trip To A Nude Beach, Part 10

Posted by: Age: 21 Posted on: 3 comments
3 likes 15 views Category: Masturbation Male-Female Tags: Big balls, blowjob, cum eating

Carrie and I are discovered shortly after our anal encounter, and he gets a treat (so does Carrie).

Carrie turned her head towards me as I lay behind her, and I saw her beautiful smiling face while a string of cum dripped from her gaping hole. Was it the smile of a freshly-fucked virgin? Did I have a big smile on my face, too? I felt pretty exhausted, but her asshole looked so cute as it stayed open, forming a perfect 'O' with her hips pushed back. 

"Did that feel special? I've never had a boy inside me before. It was really nice to feel you so deep inside," Carrie admitted, and her confession gave my heart a flutter. She already knew I was a virgin, but I had to tell her how wonderful this was.

"I've never felt like that before ........... I've never been inside a girl before ...........you know .......... in there ............" I said softly as I reached a finger up and poked it right at the center of her gaping 'O'. She gave a little gasp as my finger felt her relaxed asshole, and I felt a slight grip as it responded to my exploration. She moaned slightly as my finger explored her sloppy hole, and I pulled out to run my finger down towards her pussy, saying, "I'm sure this would feel even better." 

I slid my finger on her soft, wet lips, and she moaned louder, saying, "Oh, you make me feel so good. I'm just not ready, but let's keep going and see what happens. Maybe you can do my butt some more if you really like it.

I let my finger slip into her wet pussy and tickle her a little as I pondered a real relationship with a beautiful girl who loved sperm and let me fuck her butt. As eager as I was to fuck a real pussy, I knew I could wait if she satisfied me in other ways.

Just then a voice intruded into my afterglow moment, and I pulled my finger out quickly as I heard, "oh, I'm sorry ...... was I interrupting something?"

We both looked up to see a man standing about 10 or 15 feet away, obviously able to see that I had been feeling her pussy. Carrie scrambled to sit up, but I laid on the ground, too tired to move.

"Um, I'm sure it's nothing you haven't seen before. We were just ....." she started, and I wondered if she was going to say 'fucking'.

"I know what you kids do up here in the dunes. I was young once myself. That hard dick tells me that he was having some fun," the man said, and I thought about telling him exactly what we were doing.

"So, you've come up to the dunes before? Were you going to the 'squirting dune'?" Carrie asked.

"You know, I've heard people talk about it before, but I never went there," he answered.

"I'm sure you'd be a big hit there, with those big things," Carrie said, and I looked at her to see a big smile on her face. What was she talking about? I raised up on my elbow to turn my head, and O saw a slightly paunchy, middle-age man with lots of hair on his chest, belly, and pubic area, and .............. oh my god! He's got huge balls! Big, fat, hairy balls, hanging below a stumpy little penis. They weren't hanging real low, but they looked as big as two eggs ..... two very large, heavy eggs. Definitely bigger than golf balls.

"What ......... you mean ...... these?" he asked awkwardly, as if he didn't know he was walking around with a hairy baseball hanging below his dick. He put one hand to his crotch and brushed across one ball.

"Yeah, those are the biggest I've seen. I'll bet you could show off for all the girls who watch the boys squirt," Carrie said casually.

"Is that what they do? Young girls gather around and watch boys jerk off? They just want to see how a boy cums?" he asked, almost in amazement.

"Sure .......... we were just up there. We saw lots of boys jerking for the girls, and they cheered each time they saw a good explosion. None of them had balls like yours .......... you must make a lot of juice," Carrie said with admiration.

"Oh, I don't know ......... they're kinda big, but ..........." he answered. 

"Kinda? What are you talking about? I've never seen balls that big, and I've been to this beach plenty of times. Tom, have you ever seen a set of balls like that before?" she nudged me as she openly praised his huge testicles.

"This is my first time here, but those things are huge. You must be proud of them," I offered, not knowing what to say to this stranger. I was wondering how he walked around every day with those eggs bulging out.

"If you don't want to go to the boy's dune, I could make you squirt right here if you want to show us," Carrie offered. She must be salivating at the chance to get a full sample from his monster balls.

"You mean, you want me to ..............you think I ............. I don't really go for young girls ........... I just ..........." the man said nervously, possibly never being in this situation before. He comes to a nude beach and shows off those fat nuts, and no one has ever wanted to see how much sperm they produce?

"Well, you could let me do all the work. I just happen to like cum, and Tom here is fresh out. I'd love to get a nice treat if you want me to suck your dick. Do you mind someone watching?" she asked seductively, and I saw how eager she was for another mouthful of cum.

"Uh, you mean, let your boyfriend watch while you give me a blowjob? Isn't that kinda weird? I don't like getting hard in front of guys. I'm not gay, or anything," he said firmly.

"Ha, ha, ha .......... Tom's not gay, either. He just doesn't mind letting someone else see him cum. He came real good up in the dunes while lots of girls watched him squirt all over me. You should try it," Carrie coaxed, trying to convince this stranger to accept a blowjob. Damn, I though guys always jumped at that kind of proposition.

"You had lots of little girls watch while you jerked and shot your load on your girlfriend?" the man asked, frowning with disgust.

"Well, actually, they weren't that little, and Carrie was blowing me pretty good, but she wanted the girls to see how I squirted, so she pulled off. I got a lot of it in her mouth," I asserted, wanting this disapproving guy to know how sexually liberated I was.

"Mmm, I want all of that in my mouth. I'll bet you've got lots of sperm churning in there ......... can't I at least feel them?" Carrie asked as she crawled close to his hanging balls. Her face was inches away from his fat, hairy scrotum.

"You really want to ......... I don't usually ............maybe just touch them a little ........ " he softened as he had a cute female inches from his genitals. Carrie lifted one hand and patted his big sac, then tried to wrap her fingers around both balls at once. 

"Oh, they're so big! I've never felt balls like this before! Do you mind of I poke them?" she asked as she poised her other fingers at his bulging nuts. He gave a nod, and he groaned as her finger pushed against one fat ball, making a slight dent with each poke.

"Mmm, they've got to be filled with yummy sperm. You're gonna give me some, aren't you?" Carrie asked, and I saw that his penis was swelling. Carrie leaned in and licked the tip of his plump penis, making it flex upward from the sensation.

"Ohhh, that feels good ......... are you going to .......... aahh, that's nice ..... get the whole thing in .........." he stuttered as he felt Carrie's mouth envelope his swelling penis. I couldn't see the entire shaft, but it must have been about five inches, because Carrie easily sucked it all in her mouth.

The man grabbed the back of her head and forced her to keep his penis in her mouth, and Carrie kept one hand squeezing his fat balls as she gave him a super blowjob. She slurped as his dick filled her mouth, and he groaned as she sucked him to a climax.

I laid there watching my new 'girlfriend' suck another guy's dick, but I knew it was me she liked. She was just hungry for sperm. I knew that as soon as I could get hard again, she would want some from me, too. 

The man started groaning louder, and he croaked, "oohh ..... you're so ...............Aaarrrgggghhhh!" I saw Carrie's eyes get big, and her cheeks were flexing like she was sucking and swallowing. I wondered how much cum was filling her mouth, and then I saw white cream leaking from her lips. She sucked furiously, but more cream dripped out, and suddenly she choked, and sperm gushed from her lips as she tried to keep his penis inside. She kept trying to swallow, and his thick jizz dripped in strings, making me guess that she was drinking about half his load.

"Aww, that's it baby .... I'm done ......" he grunted as he pulled her head away from his dick. His stumpy cock was now exposed, and I saw some leftover goo dripping from his peehole. Carrie licked the tip of his dick, and squeezed his balls until they bulged.

"Oh, that was so good! You came so much! I couldn't even swallow it all! Oh, these thing really make a lot .........." she gushed as she licked all the sperm she could find still on his cock and balls.

"That was really something ............ I've never .............. you know what? This is my best trip to the nude beach ever. Thank you for giving me such pleasure," the man said gently as he let Carrie lick and fondle his penis and balls. I saw some that had dripped onto her tits, and I wondered if she would want to swallow that, too.

"You've never had a blowjob on the beach? You should empty these things regularly ......... they still feel full," Carrie said as she playfully bounced his heavy balls in her hand.

"That's great advice .......... I'll be sure to look for you the next time I'm here ........... I've got to go ......." the man said as he pulled away. His dick was already soft, and his balls looked even more prominent as they bounced slightly under his ordinary penis. He walked away slowly, and Carrie crawled over to me and laid down on the soft grass.

"So, do you have enough cum, now?" I asked as I ran a finger over her cum-stained chest.

"I might want another snack some time, but he had so much cum, I couldn't swallow fast enough. It wasn't as good as yours, though," she said dreamily as she reached down and squeezed my fairly soft penis.



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