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My Straight Best Friend And I Take A Motorcycle Trip- 5

Posted by: Age: 22 Posted on: 8 comments
5 likes 23 views Category: Series Tags: Straight friend gay friend, blowjob, oral, outdoors, roadtrip blowjob, zesty

The continuation and end of my true, 5 part story.

Rob and I finished our breakfast and headed out and got on our motorcycle. As we left the parking lot, I realized how full I was because I had eaten so much. I said something to that effect to Rob while we're still in the parking lot, and he reached around me and patted my belly and said, "You ate too much." I told him to shut up but secretly enjoyed him patting on my belly. We began our journey and started to head north back towards home.


As we were driving I realized I really should get headsets for the bike because this was a long trip to do where we really couldn't talk to each other. This, however, did give me time to think about the trip down and then the stay in the dorm. I kept running through my mind everything that had happened. This is exactly what I had wanted but did not actually feel would ever take place. I was completely relieved that Rob did not become weird about things and that it appeared this was not going to affect our friendship at all.


The next couple of hours were pretty uneventful—just a lot of driving and thoughts going through our minds. I did confirm with Rob later that while he was sitting during the quiet part of our trip, he was also thinking about our time in the dorm that night. I decided I was a little bit bored, so every now and then, I would reach down and just grab or pat the inside of Rob's leg on his calf. The first time I did it, he didn't respond, but as I continued, he would try to catch my hand between his leg and the bike. Of course, I enjoyed this because he was squeezing his legs together, and although he never did catch my hand, I certainly felt his thighs against my side. This stupid little game was certainly helping pass the time. I was starting to get a little bit horny, but not too much, as I did not actually have a boner.


It was now late afternoon, almost dusk, and I asked Rob if it was okay if we took a break. After yelling back to him a couple of times, he finally understood what I was saying and gave me the thumbs up. I started looking on both sides of the road and thought to myself, "Where the hell's a cornfield when you need one?" I could not believe I did not see a single cornfield anywhere as I was driving up the highway. Finally, off to the right about a quarter mile from the highway, I saw what looked like a little pond in a grassy field. There was no way to get to it from where we were directly, so I drove until the next exit, left the highway onto a side road, and tried to work my way back. A couple of asphalt roads later, I turned onto dirt roads and came upon the field. Looking around, I did not see any houses anywhere, but I could see the highway, although the vehicles were pretty small. The tree stood out like a sore thumb in the field; it was a giant weeping willow tree.


Rob and I got off the bike and started to walk around the pond—typical young guy stuff. We were looking for frogs, trying to find some stones to see if we could skip them, etc. I soon began to feel hungry. This surprised me, as I had eaten so much at breakfast. I asked Rob if he had packed  anything in his bag, and he said he hadn’t. I mentioned to Rob that I was getting hungry. Rob replied, "Well, I do have some tube steak smothered in underwear. I know that can fill you up.” I am sure I don't have everything word for word correct, but I know I am pretty darn accurate as to what he said and I’ve got to admit, I loved hearing him say that. "What did you say?" I asked him, knowing full well what he had said. I'm not sure whether I just wanted to hear him say it again or if I was double-checking to make sure about permission.


Rob then walked over to the giant weeping willow tree and sat down with his back against it. I sat down next to him and put my hand on his leg. Rob looked at me and said he wanted to talk first, and I told him okay, wondering what the hell he was going to say to me. I looked at him, and I could see he was trying to gather his thoughts. So instead of rushing him, I just sat there, pulled up a large blade of grass, and started to split it and play with it. Finally, he began to talk.


"Steve, we've been the best of friends for a long time, and I think we have now proven that to each other." We both chuckled a little bit. "I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy what we did, but I just wanted to try it out, and I knew it would be safe to do it with you. I knew you would not and will not tell anyone." I nodded my head in agreement, and he went on. "While I was on the golf course with John this morning, I gave this a lot of thought, and this is what I came up with." He paused, looking at me as if I was going to say something, but I just sat there. So, after that slight pause, Rob continued, "You've joked around with me a lot of times, hinting with sexual innuendos. At first, I just thought you were joking, but as time went on, I began to realize there must be a hint of truth there because you continued doing it. I began to think about it, and honestly, I jerked off a couple of times thinking about it." Rob looked at me to see if he was going to get a response.. "I figured I would give it a try on this trip and a lot more happened than I thought would. I'm not saying it was bad and I think you could tell I was enjoying it, but as much fun as I had I know that giving blow jobs just isn't for me."


"I understand, dude, I really do, and I'm sorry if I caused you any problems," I said.


"There were no problems," Rob replied. "I don't regret it at all; I just don't see myself continuing it. I understand," I said. "I won't bring it up to you again."


I'm not going to lie; I felt completely dejected, and a pit began to grow in my stomach. Rob was being really cool about this, but I felt bad.


"I'm not done yet," said Rob. "Like I said, while I was golfing this morning, I've given this a lot of thought. I can tell you really get off on doing it. I'm going to ask you a serious question, and I want an honest answer. Are you in love with me?"


I paused for a moment to put my answer together and said, "I love you, Rob, but I love you as a very close and good friend. I don't plan on ever having a male partner, and if I did, I wouldn't consider you for that. That is asking way too much, and I've always known it wouldn’t be the case if anything ever did happen. Christ, I was just hoping that sometime in my life you would let me give you head just to help me get that out of my mind. So yes, I love you, but not in a lover-type way."


"Okay, that's cool," said Rob. "I was hoping you were going to answer something like that. Because of that answer, I feel much more comfortable saying what I'm going to say." Rob took a deep breath and continued, "This is going to probably sound a little weird or selfish, but let me know what you think of this. Again, you are my best friend, and I can tell you really liked sucking my dick, and like I said, I enjoyed this weekend. Since you are my best friend and we obviously trust each other, I was thinking that I’d be willing to let you give me head whenever we both have time. But dude, you have to agree that you’re not going to get anything in return from me. I’m not trying to be an asshole, but this is the best thing I can come up with. As your friend, I’m willing to do this as long as we both agree it will be a one-way sort of deal. I like getting head, and you are certainly good at it. If I’m feeling really horny, I just may call you and ask for one. I don’t know how long we’ll have this arrangement, but for now, I’m willing to do this. So what do you think?”


“Man, I’ve fantasized about this for so long. I wanted to do this for you as well. I know this will sound a little crazy, but I’ve thought that when I swallow you, you will become a part of me… you know, digestion and all.” Feeling humbled, I paused for a moment, then said, “Dude, this is so fucking cool of you, but I’ve got to admit it feels a little embarrassing, you know what I mean?” I felt my face turn a bit red. Rob replied, “Shit, dude, I’ve played with your dick, you’ve sucked me several times, we showered together, and I let you pee on me, and this morning I sucked you off. I really don’t think there’s anything to be embarrassed about with me, and as long as it stays with just us, I’m fine with it. I’m not trying to get blow jobs anytime I want just because I can; I’m trying to show you that I understand this is something you want, and as your best friend, I will do this for you.” I saw Rob was done and had said his piece. All in all, I don't think I could've asked for anything more. I'm still pretty much surprised by it all. So, as I started to get up, I told Rob, "I appreciate what you’re doing for me."


"Where are you going?" Rob asked. "After saying all that, you think I'm not going to have you give me a blow job right now? All that talk about what we did and the fact I'm going to let you do it any time I want—I've got my dick wanting some head." Rob’s never been the assertive type, and sure enough, he looked a little embarrassed when he finished that sentence, his eyes darting towards the ground.


"Okay," I replied. "How do you want to do this?"


"Really?" asked Rob. "Is it going to be like that now? This weekend, you seemed to know what you were doing, so why are you asking how?" I looked at Rob and stammered, "Sorry. I just... I just..."


"Shut up already," said Rob as he unzipped his pants and pulled out his growing cock. He looked at me with a grin and said, "I think we're both going to enjoy our deal."


Rob looked at me expectantly, so I sat back down, still feeling a bit sheepish and said, "Yeah." I reached over and put my hand around his cock and stroked up and down slowly a couple times while watching it finish growing and the precum began to seep out. Man, he has a lot of precum I thought.


The embarrassment slowly left my body and I leaned over and touched the tip of his dick with my tongue. I gave it a couple licks like he had done to me this morning. Man he tasted great! I then took my mouth away from him and reached up to his pants button and unbuttoned him. I then saw he didn't have any underwear on and muttered to myself out loud," I guess somebody was prepared." Rob snorted. I then leaned over and started to bob up and down on him. I took my right hand and began to fondle his balls while my left hand rubbed his slightly furry belly. I was starting to really get into this and realized I was going to like this agreement.


Rob then started to caress my back and neck then he put his hands on my face near my mouth and I could tell he was just feeling his cock going in and out of my mouth. After about a minute of this he put his hands on my head, and started pushing down and pulling up while he bucked his hips and started saying comments about how good it felt and how much he was enjoying it and that he could get used to this. Instead of a soft low groan, he let out a loud, "Aaarrrgh," as he pushed his cock in as deep as it would go and shot his load off into my throat. As always, I could feel him throbbing in my mouth. "Dammit", I said after letting his cock out of my mouth. " I didn't get to taste any of that!" as I removed my mouth from his cock. "Oops...sorry, with lots of practice I'm sure I'll do better," he said with a grin. I told him he better figure it out as I flicked my finger and hit the head of his dick. He jumped when I did that and said, "Ow..shit!" I told him he deserved it.


Rob got his pants fastened and stood up. I got up as well and we headed towards my bike. Right before I got on the bike I turned towards him and looked him right in the eye and with all sincerity I said, "Thanks, man, you truly are the best friend a person could have." "Yup," he said as he got on the bike and wrapped his arms around me as we drove out of the field and headed back towards the highway.


As we began to cruise towards home I started to really process everything he said, and realized I was a lucky guy. I knew it would feel awkward the first time I called him, but truth be told, I got plenty of practice calling him and it no longer was awkward. And fortunately, he had plenty of practice calling me and it was no longer awkward for him either. I was humbled that day and I'll always remember it.



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