I practice edging. My roommate is too shy to even change in front of me, let alone jack off in his own bed.
I graduated as an engineer eight years ago. Recently the company I work for asked me to attend some computer courses so that I could offer upgrading to other employees in my department. Since January I've been attending college. I stay in a dorm during the week and commute home on weekends.
I got married right after graduation. Jessie and I enjoy a great sex life so I didn't look forward to the prospect of being away from her all week. I've continued to jack off after we got married so that part of it is fine - I can still do that during the week. We make up for lost time on the weekends. While living in the dorms, the best time for jacking is just before going to sleep. I find it especially relaxing after a day of classes and working on assignments all evening. Morning is too busy - shower time and classes to get to.
I learned how to 'edge' about four years ago. It takes time to get the process stabilized, as any 'edger' will tell you, but I have mastered the technique quite well, I think. I usually begin by massaging my nipples to get a hard-on. Then I lube up my cock and stroke slowly, using the stop & go method to ride the edge of bliss. The time I take for a session varies but I spend about a half-hour in orgasm before calling it quits for the night - it depends how tired I am.
A bit about my anatomy. I guess I have average size genitals, just a bit short of six inches when I'm hard. My balls hang kind of low, I guess. My soft cock is a bit over two inches long most of the time but my sack is way longer. I'm not circumcised and the foreskin completely covers my cock head when I'm soft. I'm six feet tall, weigh 160.
Before learning how to edge I used to jack off by sliding my foreskin back and forth over my cock head and down the shaft. My foreskin is very long and droops over the end, even when I'm hard. Jacking off with a long foreskin has a big advantage - when you ejaculate, the cum doesn't shoot all over the place - by pulling the skin right over then end, you can keep most of the cum contained in your foreskin, so there's not as much mess to clean up.
But to do good edging you need to use lube and pull the foreskin right back so your stoking fist stays in direct contact with the sensitive cock head. It's much easier to control sensations that way - like what your cock experiences during intercourse. Hand lotion is as good a lube as any although it does dry out - I add more lube or a bit of saliva when needed. I always start out a session by messaging my nipples but I use lube for that too. Years ago I got the creeps if my nipples were touched but with lube it makes all the difference - I thank Jessie for that. Nipple message is the fastest way to a hard-on if you're doing yourself. This works especially well in the dorm because my mind is preoccupied all night with work - a dab of lotion cream on my nipples and that nice tingling feeling in my chest and gut soon produces a hard cock - I'm out of cyberland and into solo sex.
When I stroke, I work on my lubricated cock head (with the foreskin pulled back). Sometimes I use a twisting motion when I jack. I bear down and squeeze as I stroke away from my body. Then I relax my grip as I come back in. This kind of action produces a sort of 'stop & go' effect. It keeps you alternating between feeling the strong pleasurable sensation of your fist (as you press down on your cock head to stroke out) and then momentarily release the pressure (as you come back). So you actually feel the remnant sensation of each out-stroke as you let up and come back loosely on the in-stroke. This built-in 'stop & go' stroking really speeds you along to a state of orgasm.
If my foreskin slips too far forward, I just pull it back with my other hand. Usually I can keep it in place with the lower part of my stroking fist. With edging, you get into full orgasm very quickly, especially if you haven't ejaculated after the last session. I'm right at the door of ejaculation within a half minute or less. There is no closer point to get to, other than deciding to end it all and 'go right through the door'. So at this point I practice the usual 'stop & go', one or two strokes and a very brief pause as the intensive feelings rise up and then begin to fall away. Another stroke or two and up they come again. It's quite a balancing act to keep from going too far with it but all it takes is practice. When I started to edge, the biggest problem was my habit of going all the way. After years of jacking off to ejaculation, it was hard to change the technique. But man is it worth the change! I think we are duped into thinking that somehow going over the brink is the be-all and end-all of sex. Well, it just isn't so. You have to learn to 'forget' ejaculating when you're edging - just enjoy being 98% there and stay there in bliss. You can get to within a hair's width of shooting off and just keep enjoying the rise and fall of delicious waves of pleasure. But be prepared to practice - it takes time to achieve good stability. Sometimes I think my cock and balls will explode with pleasure, it feels soooo good. And by not going over the brink, you can stay there for as long as you want, as often as you want. There just is no comparison with the old quickie style.
During the week in the dorms I don't usually ejaculate at all. After a half hour or so of edging in orgasm I get exhausted from the intense pleasure. I climb under the sheets and fall asleep in a nice horny glow. Sound incredible? Well, the real edgers know what I'm talking about. You can actually become physically tired of so much intense orgasmic pleasure. Like everything else, there is just so much you can take at any one time. When my juices build up too much, spurts of semen (not just precum) will spill out while I'm jacking. And some nights I have a wet dream. You certainly don't want to hold semen inside if it wants to get out so I let it flow whenever it spills over. As long as you don't stroke, you won't loose your edge - it takes time to be able to feel your organs clamp down without continuing to stroke - what temptation! By Friday night I'm ready to explode. All I can think about on the drive back home is having sex with Jessie. Our first fuck usually takes place as soon as I get in the door, sometimes in the kitchen or the living room. Jessie knows that I'm super charged and that first encounter of the weekend is quick. I insert my hard cock between her legs and feel her clamp her pussie muscles around my shaft. It's too much for me - I blow my load in seconds. The rest of our weekend sex is more 'normal'. Knowing how to edge enables me to hold back from ejaculating when we're fucking for as long as I want to. And Jessie loves to go on and on.
At the dorms I have a roommate. Or rather, I'm the new roommate. Blair's first roomie left at Christmas - I moved in right after New Year's. Blair is a nineteen year-old freshman. Although he is years younger than me, we get along great. He reminds me of my kid brother in a lot of ways. But unlike my brother, my roommate seems to have a lot of hang-ups when it comes to sex and his body image. He's average in just about every way - height, weight, looks. His hair is carrot red so I guess there must be some Irish in his background. But from the start he seemed embarrassed to change clothes (i.e. his boxers) in front of me or discuss anything specific about sex. He doesn't have a girlfriend on campus although he's mentioned someone back home.
I sleep with only a T-shirt so I kick off my boxers at bedtime. The T-shirt keeps my shoulders warm during the night but boxers are confining to sleep in. I like to have my cock and balls nice and loose under the sheets. Often I read for awhile in bed. If I have to get back up for something I don't bother putting on my boxers. I think Blair finds this a bit much but he's never said anything. He's usually already in bed with his face in a book. He often wears a set of headphones to listen to his portable CD player.
Blair turns his back to me whenever he changes his boxers. He usually hits the sack before I do. After I shut off the light, I like to lie on top of my bed and get into a nice edging session. With just my T-shirt on, I prop myself up on my pillow. I spread my legs out wide with my feet right to the sides of the bed. I press a small sofa pillow between my legs in my crotch while I jack - it presses up against that soft sensitive area between my balls and asshole and really adds to the pleasure. I've also used a rolled up beach towel sometimes. I don't like my finger up my ass so putting some gentle pressure on the crotch area is just as nice - it apparently puts pressure on the prostate gland.
Our dorm room isn't completely dark so Blair knows what I'm doing if he hasn't already fallen asleep. I keep my vocals as quiet as I can while stoking but it's tough to hold back when you're in orgasm for so long. I can hear Blair stiring around a lot under the blankets when I'm going at it. After I finish for the night and settle in to go to sleep, Blair will often get up (dressed in boxers and T-shirt) and go down to the washrooms. I think he's been jacking off in the toilet but is too embarrassed to do it in the same room with me, even with the lights out.
Since moving here in January I've been driving home after my last class on Fridays. I return on Monday mornings in time for my first class. Last weekend Jessie left home on Sunday afternoon for a conference so I decided to drive back to the dorms early. I arrived around 10 p.m. When I walked into the room, there was Blair, propped up in his bed with his back to the door, stroking his cock. He had his CD headphones on so he didn't hear me turn the key and come in. He was wearing a shirt but his boxers and jeans were down around his ankles. I didn't want to embarrass him but what could I do? I walked right past his bed to my desk, dropped my books and let out with 'Heh Blair, how's it going?'
Blair's boxers were back up before I could turn around. His face turned carrot red. Off came the headphones. He was really embarrassed. I said something like, 'Heh dude, what do you think I do every night? It's natural you know. So just finish off what you were doing.' He pulled up his jeans and left the room. By the time he returned an hour later, I was in bed reading. He didn't say much but seemed okay and turned in shortly afterward. After lights out I had a nice edging session.
The next night I settled in to my usual edging routine after lights out. After enjoying about 20 minutes of slow orgasm, I could hear rhythmic rustling activity across the room. I looked over to Blair's bed and there he was in the gloom - sheets pulled down and stroking his cock. Wow! That's what I call progress.
Tonight is Thursday and Blair has jacked off twice the week - as soon as I turn off the lights and begin my solo stroking. We haven't talked about any of this but it does look like Blair has officially joined the brotherhood of man. This morning he changed into fresh boxers without turning his back on me. So I got a clear view of his pink cock and balls - and his red bush of pubic hair. I'm happy for him because I think his shyness is extreme. Here we are, two men sharing the same room so there's no reason why one has to feel embarrassed about his body or taking care of natural body functions. I'll let you know how it all works out.
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My Shy Roommate
Posted by: SoloTouchArchive
Author: Aaron
Age: 32 Posted on: 01 May 2004
3 likes 626 views Category: Masturbation Male Solo Tags:
3 likes 626 views Category: Masturbation Male Solo Tags:
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