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My Patient

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Passionate and unpredictable viral informal LOVE, everyone deserves it. People of any age and physical condition fall into the abyss of passionate love without inhibitions. 

 Margaret worked for the small private clinic almost since its inception, and it was her last refuge.

  After a huge scandal in the central hospital, where she held the position of head of the urology department for half her life, she had to change her name and surname and have plastic surgery. It was not possible to hush up the scandal; Margaret lost her license, diploma, all the property and a bright attractive appearance.

 At the age of 55, despite the mutilation of her face, she had retained not only an attractive, slender figure, but also all the skills that once broke her career as a successful urologist.

  But now she had to wash basins, change diapers, do all the dirtiest work as a nurse.

  Her magical, long strong fingers squeezed the rag so gently and carefully that it seemed to visitors and patients of the clinic that it was a silk handkerchief.

  And when she changed diapers and washed bedridden patients, with her gentle hands, many forgot about the pain and remembered the years of turbulent youth.

  No one knew why Margaret did not want to communicate, and few people heard her voice. But everyone dreamed of her touch and looked forward to the daily procedures.

  It was an ordinary day, the middle of the week, a hot, ordinary autumn day.

  Margaret was cleaning the vacant room and unexpectedly the medics brought in a seriously injured guy.

  They put him on an unmade bed and ran to the corridor for the next patient. From his long, well-groomed beard, she realized that it was also a guy, without arms and legs, just a piece of bloody flesh in bandages and plaster bandages. Margaret immediately realized that she would have to endure the most difficult and difficult moments in her shift;  care for new patients. It was not difficult for her, she was not afraid.

  Margaret took a medical book that informed her what procedures she should perform for these patients and threw it on the floor in horror.


  She saw the surname of one of the guys, who was once with a luxurious beard, and now laid unconscious on a dirty bed without arms and legs.


  This surname stuck firmly in her head and did not allow her to sleep peacefully at night for many years after leaving the practice of a urologist. The thing is that the father of this guy was not only the mayor of the city, but also  a real monster, a murderer and a schizophrenic. It was this man who was able not only to destroy her career, but to bring grief to the entire Margaret family.


  Her beloved grandmother could not bear the shame, and her father, whom she loved more than life, could not cope with such a blow of fate.

  Margaret began to carefully study Noel's medical record, and after a few lines of these terrible block letters, she clearly understood that if this twenty-year-old boy survived, then he would be doomed to suffering. Not only physical, I know what I'm talking about... These guys were a beautiful couple and in love with each other to the point of unconsciousness, and they had decided to get married.

  Margaret already clearly understood that what had happened to them was the work of Noel's father. He was merciless not only with strangers. He treated his own only son as he did with the others.

  But no, it was worse, more painful, harder. Margaret shuddered at the ringing of the phone, which was always near her.

  She heard the voice of the head nurse, who, in a trembling voice, tried to explain in what order to perform all the procedures. Margaret understood from the words of the head nurse that it was Noel who lost male organs as a result of the explosion.  And now he has a urinary catheter, which requires careful care against infections. Rupture of the liver, bladder, multiple fractures and lacerations, and severe traumatic brain injury  gave a low chance of survival in principle. He was brought here to die...and if he survived, he would be a vegetable. Only Noel's handsome face was intact, his long beard had the color of a wheat field and was as if only he had just been to a barber shop.    

  Fate decreed in such a way that the less traumatized-looking guy passed away without regaining consciousness. Noel came to his senses just before the last breaths of his beloved.

  Margaret immediately realized that Noel could not see anything - as a consequence of a traumatic brain injury.

  Margaret gently fed him through a tube and it was necessary to change the diaper. She turned him carefully on his side and gently ran a wet sponge between his buttocks. Noel groaned with pleasure. It was not the sound of pain and a cry for help, it was a long roar of pleasure, a real animal scream.

  Margaret was not at all embarrassed - he looked so much like his father. When Margaret was done with her treatments, she turned her young patient onto his back and looked into his beautiful eyes. 

  They were filled with vital energy and tears appeared on the edges. Noel could not speak yet, but Margaret understood everything perfectly well without words. This young handsome gay man wanted to live as a full-fledged person. And only she could make this happen, and she knew how to do it...



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