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My Mother Taught Me To Masturbate
Posted by: SoloTouchArchive
Author: Solo-Touch-Bot
Posted on: 14 Jul 2022
6 likes views Category: Too Hot For Solo Touch Tags:
6 likes views Category: Too Hot For Solo Touch Tags:
Category: Male-Female (MF)
Submitted by: An Ordinary Guy Age: 58 Gender: Male
Love Solo Touch!
I've always thought of my mother as a bit crazy---in a good way, of course. She and my dad have always been hippies, nudists, too, really. Dad is seldom home. He and his business partner are always working. They own a photo retouching company. So, my mom is really in charge of what happens in the house. BTW, Mom is average height, kind of on the thin side, with small breasts, and long, very long, blond hair. I on the other hand, take after my dad, also with a slim build, not particularly tall, and not very hairy---quite unhairy really, and have always kept my brown hair rather long.
So, her being a nudist and all, of course I would go naked in the house at times too. I didn't really think much about it if I should happen to sport wood at times.
One day, she happened to stop what she was doing---making dinner or something, and came over to take a look at me, the way a mother will do---examining her child's health. But this time, she went straight for my boner, noticing that the foreskin didn't seem to retract all the way. That's true, but I had never really thought about it. She pulled it back a bit, trying to stretch it over the head of my erect cock, and I jumped. It hurt, damn it!
A week later, I found myself in the doctor's office. She explained the situation. He did a rather odd thing---he injected my penis with something I believe he called Caverject. That made me hard. Hey, I could have rubbed my penis a minute, and it would have been hard by itself, thank you very much. The injection didn't really hurt, but it kind of bothered me that he just snuck up like that with no explanation, and stuck me with a needle---twice, once in each side, near the base just above my scrotum.
So, in a few minutes, I had a full woodie, and the doctor was fussing around with my foreskin. I have to admit it was feeling quite nice. But, when he started talking options to my mother, I became suddenly frightened. Basically, he said there are two choices: circumcision (which I didn't know much about at the time---but it certainly sounded like something surgical in nature), and stretching exercises. Thank God, she decided on stretching.
So we got home, and my mother explained that I'd have to start regularly stretching back my foreskin. The idea was to hold it back to the point where it hurt just a bit, for a couple of minutes, then let it go, at least once a day.
I was like, "Yeah Mom, OK, OK."
But of course I didn't do my regular exercises. To me, it was akin to brushing my teeth or taking out the trash. I had no idea.
So, another week or so goes by, and my mom asked me how the stretching exercises were coming along. I had to sheepishly admit that I wasn't doing them.
Her decision was fast and firm: She was going to do them for me.
So, without much fanfare, she had me lay on her bed. First she had to get me hard. I was a limp noodle at that moment. Making no bones about it, she gently grabbed my cock with one hand, and started very lightly tickling the underside with the very lightest fingertip touches. (She knew what she was doing!) I got an erection right away. "Hey Mom, that feels great, do more of that!" But no, it wasn't about gratification. She started in on the stretching exercises. Very gently at first, just pulling and holding back the foreskin for a minute or maybe two, then letting it go. She'd pull a bit harder at the end of each one or two-minute stretch. I think she was watching my face, trying to find a balance between maximum stretch, and when I just started to wince with pain. But the pain stated to become exquisite. Not like any pain I had ever had before. I noticed that my hardon was as hard as it had ever been. Hey, this was starting to feel really, really nice. I started to feel, well, for lack of a better word, giddy, or sort of excited-light-headed, maybe mixed with a bit of that gotta-pee feeling.
And then it happened. Orgasm! I had not had one ever in my life until then. Nothing came out, but boy was that something. At first, I asked her to stop, but after a minute to catch my breath, I wanted more. But no, she was done with the exercises for the day.
Time went by. She did these exercises with me almost every day. And of course, sometimes I'd do them myself as well. When I did the exercises, it pretty much always ended in orgasm. At first, no ejaculate, but in time, a drip of clear liquid would come out, and eventually, after many months, I got to where I was squirting the full amount like an adult.
But for her, it was not about orgasm. She became quite expert. She learned to watch my face, and watch my little penis, keeping me on the edge, so I wouldn't orgasm, but so that I was so charged up, that the pain was not actually pain, it was pleasure! In fact, at her hand, I only orgasmed about three more times in the two years or so that we did this. The rest of the time she'd do the exercises a while, and then just stop. Kind of frustrating, but of course I learned to like it. Sometimes I'd beat off afterward. At first, I'd do it privately in my room. But then, I got bolder and I'd just keep my clothes off all afternoon, and just jerk off ("continuing my exercise") in the living room while watching TV---and while my mom and sister (2 years older) would run around the house doing their stuff. On a few occasions my sister would help with my exercise, but after the novelty wore off, she didn't usually bother. I never helped her with any kind of exercise---I always regret that---I probably could have massaged something interesting on her or something---like a trade, for her helping me.
So, about two years later, things were working the way they were supposed to. I was amazed that the exercises actually worked. My foreskin naturally, and fairly easily retracted.
One day, I think I was around 14 at the time, and after a particularly excellent session where she had me on the edge maybe a bit more than usual, I ejaculated all over her hand. She just announced that I'm a grown man now, no longer needing the exercises. And that was that.
So, that was part of my childhood. All in all, it was quite natural, and it must have been good for me, or at least not bad. I've been happily married for 14 years, I have great staying power in bed with my wife (hmmm, I wonder why?), and my children are having a more normal, more conservative upbringing than I did, although they are no strangers to nudity, are comfortable with their bodies, can talk fairly easily about enjoying masturbation, and seem to have good heads on their shoulders about sex, relationships, and all that stuff.
So, between circumcision, and stretching exercises, take it from someone who has been there: The stretching exercises work fine!
Have fun!---Guy
[lb][i]This story was originally submitted to Solo Touch and not published because it violates the rules.[/i][rb]
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