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My Humping Obsession..

This one is a little weird for sure. Basically delving into how deep my obsession with humping objects to masturbate myself really goes..

Okay so I'm a 37F bisexual single mom. I discovered the joys of masturbation early in life and have long devoted hours every day to pleasing myself and making my private parts feel good. Really good. Like, it's literally the best feeling ever for me. And it's only gotten stronger and more pleasurable over the years as I have masturbated more and more.. Seriously I can't even get enough. I'm obsessed with the feeling, as I call it... and have been as long as I can remember!!

So that probably sounds mundane to most people.. The part that's pretty deviant is just where my mind goes these days when I get myself off in certain ways. Specifically, in the prone position humping either the edge of something or some object that feels really good on my private parts. For example, right now, I'm humping my son's foam football because it's so perfectly shaped and firm yet squishy when I bounce my hips on top of it. His footballs are up there with my favorite things to hump ever actually. I think it's that pressure right above my clitoris that I'm addicted to.. It's so fucking good. And I have so much control when I get off like this.. It's pretty unreal. And addictive..

Anyway. This isn't just a post about humping stuff.. It's about where my mind goes when I do it and how powerful the effect is on me.. I would describe it as some version of age regression, basically. I'll try to explain without breaking any rules...

I just have very fond and vivid memories of discovering this feeling and the joys of masturbation for the first time.. In my room alone when I was younger. I spent a lot of time unsupervised and alone growing up. And when I first discovered that leaning over the side of my bed gave me this feeling in my private parts, that became my favorite pastime by far. Nobody ever stopped me or said anything. I didn't even know what I was doing really. But every thrust of my hips when the pressure was on my sweet spot sent a pulse of pleasure through my whole body. And those pulses instantly made me want more every single time. It was like an automatic reflex. My hips literally bucked involuntarily in response to the pleasure bursts. And the forward rock from those movements gave me another burst of that amazing feeling in my pussy. I felt like I could totally melt into that repetitive mindless motion and it was indescribably blissful. It felt as if I was on a ride in my own body basically. A ride that produced the best, most enjoyable sensation in my body ever. Seriously. That reeling? This fucking feeling... Fuck.

I'll just say it. I live for this feeling. I have a great life, But it always comes back to this sensation and end my private habits to recreate it every single night. This is just who I am. It's as automatic and natural to me is breathing or eating or even talking.. I'm serious. All because I discovered the secret about humping so early. And because I basically devoted all of my free time to doing it after that. At first, it was just a reflex but then I started to become conscious of what I was doing. And I consciously chose to keep pursuing that feeling more and more. I remember considering if I should moderate my humping a little. But nothing else made sense to me logically. Since it was the best feeling ever. And I noticed that over time, as I did it more, the feeling got even better and stronger.. So that really encouraged me to keep going..

Anyway yeah! Lol. This is sort of what I'm talking about... Long story short, when I get high and horny and masturbate by humping things now? My mind just transports back to those early memories. And it's extremely arousing and pleasurable for me in ways I can't even describe... I can relive the awe and wonder that I experienced emotionally. Just like I did in the beginning. I can feel the naughty unspoken undertones of when I began to realize what I did wasn't normal... And it turns me on more.

And the sensation in my pussy? Basically it takes me all the way back to when I first felt the feeling humping the side of my bed.. It feels so fucking good too. I can jump around in my memory also and imagine other times when I found other surfaces and objects to hump... It feels so vivid. It's so real. I love where my mind takes me when I do it because those sensations were absolutely unforgettable!!! I still get super aroused thinking about that... How weird is that???

One little finally example. I remember taking a bath by myself when I was younger, watching the door of the bathroom closing. I'm naked in the tub alone. And I immediately get the urge to hump something with my privacy. I look around to scope the room. Then I looked down and realized that the wall of the bathroom looked perfect to lean over and gently rock my body on top of.. Just like my bed. I still remember that light bulb going off and getting instantly horny and excited as fuck. That perfect curve at the top of the porcelain of the bathtub wall was absolutely perfect.. It gives me a rush even today thinking about it!

So what did I do? I didn't even care about the door being locked. I leaned over the side of my tub, centered my weight over the sweet spot above my clitoris, and gently let my body sink down into the curve on the wall of the tub.. I bent my knees slightly and allowed my entire body weight to balance right on that sweet spot.. It felt so amazing especially with my naked wet body pressing against it. That hard slick porcelain had an amazing texture against my thighs... It was just like wow. I can't believe this is so perfect for me to hump right now... That means I can masturbate like this every time I take a bath!! Holy fuckkkkkk that got me really going.. The excitement of those thoughts and the anticipation of more masturbation amplified the sensations in my private parts. I'm not even making that up. I can close my eyes and feel it right now.. Like wow. Wow.. Oh my god it feels so good. Fuck. This Is amazing.. Now I get to do this as much as I want at bath time!!! Oh my GODDDDDDDDDD it's so fucking good!!! I can't fucking believe this works.. Just... Like... That... Right... There!!!! Omgggg yessss....

It felt like time slowed down significantly and I just melted into that feeling.. The immense pleasure sensations combined with the rush of my realization about this new technique. The rocking in my hips gets stronger and more rhythmic.. I increase the pressure on my sweet so the sensations get stronger... Wow. That feels so amazing, my god... Naturally my hip start to buck harder in response to the pleasure. In a totally reflexive motion. I'm not consciously controlling it. I'm just focused on that feeling and the pressure and how much I fucking love it and want more.. So much more.. As much as possible for as long as it last... My eyes roll back into my head. I press my elbows together and brace myself on the other side of the porcelain wall. That allows me to Really concentrate the pressure On my sweet spot and hold my body perfectly in position to ride it just like that... mmmmm yessssss. There it is. Fuck yesssssssss....

See how weird it can Get? LOL I Warned you. Don't judge me okay? I could seriously do this all night though.. Just looping that Memory of the tub. I have probably Two dozen or more just like that, Which I get off to All the time... For hours!!!

And it's just as good Every time dude!! If I can re live those Formative humping experiences over and over Again and it's Fucking Surreal how good my pussy feels :)

I haven't figured out completely why I masturbate like this still... Or what about the age regression part is so enticing. I'd love to hear any interpretations or ideas!! I know those memories really imprinted me with a passion For masturbation. And I know something inside me really enjoys Recreating those experiences and going back In time mentally. Who knows?

On some meta level I know I'm fetishizing myself And my precocious fixation on Masturbating. Like, It makes me feel Naughty to be getting off to these memories over and over again... Naughty in the same way I would feel when I discovered these Is techniques way back then. Like, Is this normal? Am I gonna get in trouble? Should I stop or slow down??

The answer Has always been... No. But who cares? Hell no. I am in love with this feeling. This is my me time. It's nobody else's business what I do in my private Time. Even if I do it relentlessly for hours every night... So fuck it! I want more! I wanna keep humping and watching porn and making my pussy feel This feeling as much as I possibly can!!! Fuck yes!! I fucking love it!

Thanks for letting me share this one you guys. I don't know exactly what it Means for me, But I'm not gonna stop anytime soon...

Even just telling this Story and describing my fetish right now turned me on even fucking more. Wowww fuck. I'm gonna hump this football some more. Then I think I might sneak into the bathroom and reenact That Bathtub humping experience I just described... Should I? Damn that sounds hot as fuck right now...



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