Neither one of us wants to be monogamous. But to share expenses, he and I moved into a tiny single bedroom apartment.
Up to now, I've only posted about some of my noteworthy sexual encounters. This time, I thought I would write about my home life for a change. I recently moved in with a long time platonic acquaintance, Justin. He is twelve years older and way taller than me, very fit and handsome. We're no longer platonic, but also not exclusive either. Far from it.
We sleep in the only bed and have sex maybe two or three times a week. We both masturbate a lot too, both solo and with each other. I proudly display my treasured "Certificate of Achievement" by the light switch next to the front door. It commemorates the first time I masturbated. (See my post "How I Learned To Masturbate" here on Solotouch.) Justin and I are not officially an item as our relationship is wide open. One might say we're roommates with bountiful benefits.
He wears only briefs in bed. I sleep naked except during my periods. When one of us brings home a hookup, the other sleeps in the living room, or joins in for a three-way (mostly), four-way (on a few occasions), or more-way (happened once, all participants except myself were guys).
Justin sometimes masturbates in the wee hours of the morning, especially if we had had sex earlier that night. His running joke, while holding up his right hand as if the hand is talking, is: "Morning wood commands me... I must obey". I didn't even know morning wood is a thing until moving in with him.
One time, I went to bed wanting and needing to cum. But I forced myself to wait for Justin to join me. I love building sexual tension until I can't resist it any more. Besides, I hoped to get a bonus fuck afterward too.
When he finally came to bed, I started to masturbate. As he often does, he teased my titties and nipples, tickled my feet, and softly caressed my front and the entire length of my legs. After my orgasm, he rolled away from me onto his side and turned on his laptop to watch porn. I spooned up behind him and stimulated him all over while he masturbated. As usual, he laid out his briefs in front of him to catch the cum. Afterward as usual, he fell asleep. Like a rock. So much for my bonus fuck. I masturbated again, thrusting in my dildo as far as I could without making it hurt, and twisting it. The orgasm was so-so, it felt good but I've had better.
When I lived alone, I would sometimes go around my apartment naked, particularly after a shower. And I still do. One night, shortly after midnight, I was chilling in front of the TV, wearing only panties and a towel wrapped around my wet hair, when Justin came home with Amy. Her eyes did a swift once over at my nakedness. He introduced her as if nothing were out of the ordinary (he warned her about me in advance). I sprang up to welcome her with a hug. Her eyes and smile are strikingly beautiful. Her reaction, or more accurately, non-reaction, at my lack of clothing piqued my curiosity.
Permit me to digress a moment, to describe our tiny apartment. The front door opens into the living room/kitchenette combo. At the back of the apartment is a short hallway that leads to the bathroom, a small closet, and the rear entrance. On the living room back wall is the bedroom door. One can see the bed from the living room if the door is open. That's it. Our simple tiny living space, no larger than some hotel rooms.
After a couple minutes of small talk, Amy pointed to the bedroom and said to Justin "Let's go!" and off they went. I turned off the TV, it no longer interested me. Justin started to close the door but Amy insisted on leaving it open. I watched them undress while getting handsy with each other. They locked in a naked embrace, and tumbled together onto the bed. During all this time, they both occasionally shot glances my way, Justin in a self-conscious way, while Amy did so in a teasingly seductive way. It didn't take long before he was bouncing on top of her, causing the bed squeaks I know so well and presumably annoying the downstairs neighbor. Amy stared at me while she was pinned underneath him, taking him missionary style. I slouched back on the couch, spread my legs wide, feet on the floor, and started to masturbate, watching and listening to their good time.
I masturbated slowly and softly knowing that soon enough, Justin would cum. He never lasts more than a minute, usually less. When he drew in a deep breath I knew his spasms and grunts would soon follow. I closed my eyes and masturbated more urgently. In a short time, I had brought about my second climax of the night (the first was in the shower under the flexi-sprayer). The orgasmic feeling started at my core and spread through my whole body. My skin all over flashed with a heat like an instant all-over blush. While I contentedly came down from it, I kept on softly masturbating.
I finally opened my eyes, and there quietly stood Amy in front of me. She simply said "Watching you cum was the most beautiful sight I've seen all day." She had tiptoed naked out of the bedroom while I was in my own world of self pleasure. I sat up, still feeling the afterglow, my hand inside my panties and still stroking myself lightly. She sat down next to me and snuggled up close, our bodies pressed against one another. She said he's asleep already. We looked at him through the doorway and shared a knowing laugh.
Amy turned toward me, pressed a warm hand on my titty and we melted together in a deep kiss. She said Justin was too enthusiastic, came too fast before she had even gotten close. I welcomed her to the club. Sitting with our legs spread wide open and crossed over each other, we separately masturbated ourselves until both of us had cum. I came first, then watched her face and massaged her titties until she came. I said "Now we've both seen the most beautiful things today". We laughed and kissed again.
Afterward, she and I got to know each other some more. It seems she's highly sexual like me. When she encountered Justin at the convenience store across the street from our apartment house, they started flirted right off. At one point, she faux-accusingly asked him if he was mentally undressing her. He stammered "No, no no... sorry," then "...yeah" he admitted. The rest happened as I already described.
I learned that she's quite the exhibitionist too. She was absolutely delighted when I told her that the sight and sounds of them having sex was the perfect accompaniment for my masturbation. We exchanged stories about our sexual encounters. When I said that I masturbate at least twice a day, she said it's four times a day for her. At least. Wow!
She and I have gotten together a couple of times since then. One time, when she asked about my certificate, I told her about how my cousin Stephanie taught me how to masturbate, and her parent's reaction the next morning. Talking about it in detail got me excited. Amy too. So naturally we did the only thing there was to do under the circumstance... we both masturbated each other. Some time later, Justin came home while Amy and I were still relaxing on the couch, kissing and caressing each other. He looked at us, raced to the bathroom to shower, came out wearing only a towel which Amy quickly relieved him of, his boner already at attention. We had an impromptu three-way right there in the living room. He came in her again. I played with Amy. After a half hour or so, he came in me too. That was a most memorable night, to say the least.
Although my home life isn't always so exciting, sex and/or masturbation are always just around the corner. I hope you enjoy reading about my masturbation and sexual exploits as much as I love recounting them for you all.
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