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My Guy Friend's Story

Posted by: Age: Him 40, her 23 Posted on: 16 comments
20 likes 17 views Category: Masturbation Female Solo Tags: Rubbing off, sexting, urgent, work masturbation

Watching a cute girl rub off

Back in the spring of 2020, my guy friend was the marketing director for a company in one of the few states that still wasn’t under quarantine yet because of COVID. One morning, he went into the storage room to get a file for a client when he heard a faint moan coming from the back. He crept back through the shelves all the way to the back and saw one of the administrative assistants sitting on the floor texting with one hand and rubbing herself with the other. 


He watched in complete silence as her hand moved faster and faster till her head fell back and her mouth opened in a silent scream of pleasure as she came. He hurried off before she realized anyone was there and rushed into the men’s room, where he locked himself in a stall and barely got his dick out before he came all over the place. Then once he calmed down, he sat down and texted me to tell me what happened.




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