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My First Visit to Cap D'Agde

Posted by: Age: 43 Posted on: 27 comments
19 likes 71 views Category: Sex Stories Watching Tags: Beach, Nudist, Naturist, Cap D'Agde, wanking, sex

A shy single male experiences the sights of Cap D'Agde for the first time.

In the South West of France there is a town called Agde and on the coast near it is a small town called Cap D'Agde, on the edge of this is a resort called the Naturist Village. If you haven't heard of Cap D'Agde, do a quick search on the web, you will be amazed. It is a large resort with bars, nightclubs, hotels, shops, banks, apartments, campsite and a two mile long beach and everyone is completely naked. Thousands of people walking around in the nude most of the time.

I stumbled across it on the web one day and resolved to go there one day and in 2011 I eventually did. Now, I'd never been to a nude beach before, in fact I'd never been naked with anyone except my various partners or in the locker room but here I was in my early forties planning on going to this resort on my own. I didn't take accommodation in the resort, instead I booked two nights accommodation just a few hundred yards along the road (Belambra Clubs) just in case I was overwhelmed by the initial experience.

Having parked my car at the club I gathered my beach things together and started the short walk to the resort. I was feeling a mixture of excitement and trepidation as I felt I was about to do something a bit shameful and a bit naughty. On arrival, the first thing I discovered was that the whole place is fenced off and you can't get in without a pass - I'd read this but wasn't sure if it applied across the board - it did. Not to worry, there's a pedestrian entrance and just next to it is the ticket booth. I nervously approached and asked for a 3 day pass as I hoped to visit on each of the days I was there. I had to produce my passport and pay about 20 euros and was given a pass, turns out to be a weekly one as they don't do 3 day passes.

So there I was, standing outside the resort with a pass to get in and literaly at the final point of no return. I swiped the pass, the gate opened and i entered the resort. I wasn't sure what I expected but this wasn't it, I seemed to be in the car park, which I practically was. The pedestrian entrance takes you in to the back corner of one of the small car parks and you have the option of walking through it or turning right and passing a number of shop fronts - the back of the same ones I passed on the outside when heading to the ticket booth.

Also, there was no naked people, in fact there were no people! It was about 1pm, so most were on the beach but I didn't work that out until later. I walked the 75 yards or so through the car park and came out the other side in sight of the marina and here I saw my first (ever) naturists. A few single people, mainly men, and a few couples. All of the men were nude apart from flip flops and so were about half the women, the other half had a see through wrap tied around their waist with their breasts exposed and their pussy visible when they walked. At last, I thought I was in the right place at least.

Now, it's important to say here that I was looking at people who were all at least 30 years old and none of them could be classed as supermodels. However, as far as the women were concerned, they all exuded an air of confidence that being nude in public can give you, they were all lovely to look at in their own way and none of them attempted to cover up at all. As for the men, I didn't really look too closely but they too seemed happy with themselves and none were running around sporting erections.

I wasn't entirely sure where I was going but I moved closer to the marina, taking the wide path where the boats are on one side and a row of bars and shops on the other, thinking I was heading towards the beach (which I was but I had some way to go). I also started to feel a bit self conscious of the fact that everyone was either naked or pretty much naked and I still had on my T-Shirt and shorts. I stopped at a bench, put down my bag, took of my T-Shirt, took a deep breath and then dropped my shorts and stepped out of them. Apart from a pair of sandals I was totally naked and standing in the middle of a street. Now, I'm not usually difficult to miss, I'm 6 foot 2 inches, 180 pounds and not unattractive in my own way but no one gave me a second look, they didn't all rush up to me and examine me, they didn't point and laugh, they just carried on as though it was natural and normal, which in this place it was.

It took about 20 seconds for me to breath properly and then relax, this felt great, there I was completely naked and looking at other naked people. The one thing I was not worried about was getting a hardon, over 40 now I need to coax my 7 inches to full size more often than not.

I now wanted to explore a bit. I walked on a little way and passed a cafe/bar with lots of people sitting outside enjoying a drink, again, all naked or with short coverings tied at the waist. They were people watching and for the only time during my visit I felt as though everyone's eyes were on me. They weren't, it was just my paranoia really.

I followed the road on and stumbled across a small shopping mall that I had to go through to get to the beach. This was too good an opportunity to miss, a chance to shop in the nude. I went into the Spar grocery shop and stocked up with water and snacks and then paid the young woman on the till. Staff aren't nude so it did feel a bit weird to be standing with my cock and balls out as I paid for my stuff - exhilerating though.

On leaving the mall I continued on and arrived at the beach, what a sight, very large and very long it was dotted with naked people lying on towels and sunloungers. Mainly in couple but a few small groups and singles as well. I have to say, there were some very beautiful woman lying out and giving me quite an eyeful, I didn't know where to look next! I did notice that people were walking the shoreline, so I thought that was as good a thing to do as any. I walked to the water, turned left and enjoyed the sights.

After walking about half a mile I could see that the beach was suddenly very crowded and there were one or two small crowds of people standing around. This was the couples beach, or the adult section, there was barely any space to lay down a towel and people were getting up to all sorts of things and I didn't know where to look first. I walked towards the back of the beach and found a piece of sand where I could lay down my towel, took a seat and began to survey what was around me.

Every direction I looked there were couples lying together and every now and again touching each other, rubbing a breast, gently playing with a cock or lightly fingering a pussy. They weren't trying to make each other cum, just lovingly touching each other. THere was also a procession of people walking around and it was nice to be sitting at pussy height as the attractive women walked past.

Then there were the exhibitionists. Actually, everyone was in that category, the loving couples could take it further at any moment and there were other couples who seemed to be permanently playing with each other. Even the single men ranged from those with a semi to those who were happy to sit, or stand, and stroke their erections for all to see - usually while watching some 'action' taking place right in front of them.

In fact, whenever a couple tipped over the edge from lovingly frisky to all out sex they usually attracted a small crowd of watchers - mainly men but not exclusivly. It was also a great way to establish where to look.

After an hour or so of watching I was obviously getting a bit horny myself and was soon touching my cock but trying not to get hard. Despite seeing other guys lying on their towels and openly wanking for all to see and no one else batting an eyelid, I wasn't quite ready for that. I was however, ready to join one of the small crowds to see what they were watching.

I can't possibly describe everything that I saw but here are some highlights. I saw a stunning girl in her late twenties sucking her boyfriends cock. She was on her knees with her beautiful ass in the air just in front of me - I was looking down at her ass hole and watching her boyfriends fingers slip in and out of her pussy - it was an amazing sight. He eventually came in her mouth and after receiving a round of applause they looked a little embarassed and headed in to the sea.

Another pretty blonde girl was lying on her back as her boyfriend was licking her pussy. Her legs were straight, spread wide and in the air - she had a bit of a happy smile as she was talking to another girl sitting next to her. The other girl then leaned over her and started to suck one of her nipples at the same time her pussy was being licked. The girl just about passed out with pleasure. Her boyfriend then stopped licking and very quickly had his cock ready to slide in to her wet cunt but she stopped him. Happy to be given oral in public, she wasn't ready to be fucked just yet.

The next thing I saw was a group of three couples - I don't know who was originally with who but there was one girl sitting leaning back against a man with her legs spread wide and her knees bent as he gently fingered her pussy. She was facing a man on his back who had two women sharing the sucking of his cock. While one had the tip and shaft in her mouth the other would lick his balls, swapping regularly and pumping up and down pretty fast. Behind one of the girls was another guy shagging her doggy style - again he was pumping in and out of her at some rate.

This was an amazing sight and I found that I was openly wanking while watching it. My cock ws now rock hard and looking around there were quite a few guys in the same situation - fully erect and gently wanking while watching the show. None looked as though they were tring to cum but they were all enjoying what they were watching. It wasn't exclusively men though, there were one or two couples and some of the women were stroking their man's cock while he would usually just caress her ass.

BAck to the action and the guy being sucked was the first to cum and the girls pulled off to let him cum on his belly. Shortly after the guy fucking pulled out and came on his partners ass, Again a round of applause and much laughter between the 3 couples. I did over hear someone say that they put on a show most afternoons!

Finally there was a guy lying on his side behind a very attractive woman also on her side. He was fucking her and she had her leg up so that everyone could se the full detail of his large cock sliding in to her shaved pussy. It was a beautiful view that I had. After 5 minutes or so of watching this beautiful sight I was a little taken aback when the guy signalled to another man to kneel beside them. this new gut knelt with his cock an inch or two from the girls face and she grabbed it and started wanking it. Very quickly she put it in her mouth and started sucking this strangers cock while her boyfriend continued to fuck her.

Again, I found my cock in my hand and was wanking pretty vigourously to this scenario. The guy being sucked eventually started to moan and the girl took her mouth off his cock and wanked him until he quickly came on her tits. Her boyfriend followed shortly, pulling his cock out and spunking on her pussy and thigh.

By now it was about 6pm and the beach was clearing fast but there were still a number of men hanging about and waiting for more action. With the beach thinning it was easier to see where the action was and move quickly to it. The next couple I saw was a guy on his knees as his girlfriend sucked his cock - by now I was more than comfortable to be roaming the beach with a hardon and stroking it when ever I came across some action. While I was able to edge for some time it was inevitable that I would cum at some point and watching this couple did it. I was standing back on my own when i just came - I pointed my cock down a bit and fired a number of spurts in to the sand. I was aware of being watched by a couple standing to my side but I didn't care. They had a look of wonder on their face that I will never forget.

I quickly covered the spunk in the sand and moved in to the sea to wash off a bit and then started heading back to the village along the shore. Back there the bars and restaurants were now getting busier but it was clear that people dressed for dinner rather than remaining naked. I headed back to the entrance and put my shorts and t-shirts on and left.

Later that evening I reflected on the day - I had travelled a long way! Having never been naked in public before or seen others do the same I had been happy to get naked, see others naked, watch people have sex, openly play with my cock, wank while watching people have sex, wank while other people watched me wank and cum whith others watching. What a day - I couldn't wait to go back again!



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