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My First Experience

Posted by: Age: 20 Posted on: 2 comments
5 likes 6947 views Category: Masturbation Male-Male Tags: bisexual, college
What it was like to have my first orgasm in someone else's company.

I see a new message notification, and my heart immediately starts racing. A year had passed since we last talked. "I didn't think he'd ever reply," I think to myself. He was planning on moving to my city to attend a local university, and we had planned to talk again whenever he had made the leap. I just didn't think he'd ever follow through with that. And boy, was I wrong!

We start talking again, and he tells me how much he is loving his freshman year away from home (and the strict, Catholic upbringing that came attached to it). After we catch up on our lives, I bring up parts of the conversations we had in the past. Early on, we had discovered a mutual interest in certain porn fetishes, and decided to one day get together and watch it in each other's company. As it turned out, we were both free that night, so I head out and make my way to his college dorm room.

When I get there, he guides me to his building. He tells me that tonight was perfect timing, as his roommate is out of town for the weekend. We settle down and engage in some small talk about the classes he's taking this semester.

Eventually, we remind ourselves what we had decided to meet up for in the first place. Reluctantly, I bring out my computer and place it on the floor. We sit next to each other and spend a few minutes searching for a good scene to indulge in.

We decide on a scene and begin watching it. I slowly start rubbing my jeans against my crotch, remaining discreet and trying to keep the attention on the scene and not myself. We both pull this off for a while and stay solely focused on the scene in front of us. After a little while, despite being captivated by the girl in the scene with her scrumptious body and beautiful, white underwear, I decide to glance over to my friend. Somehow, to my surprise, he had managed to pull his cock out from under his clothes. I take a gander at his large penis before deciding to step out of my comfort zone and join him.

I pause the video and stand up. Cardigan, t-shirt, jeans, underwear, belt, and socks. I take off every piece of clothing and then sit back down. He follows my lead and takes off everything as well. We resume the video, but this time, we pay a little more attention to what we're doing to ourselves. I gaze at how he works his magic, stroking his beautiful, thick cock up and down in pure admiration and lust.

After some time in self-pleasure goes by, he orgasms first, and gets up to go clean himself. I follow shortly after, and he quickly hands me a paper towel and I clean my cum from all around my cock. We take a moment to enjoy each other's nudity before getting dressed.

I pack up and we start to make our way towards the door. He kindly suggests we make up a conversation so as to not bring attention to two quiet guys walking down a hallway at night. I comply, and come up with a science topic to chat about as he walks me to my car.

We say our goodbyes and I drive off, full of guilt, shame, and disbelief. Never again, I told myself. Never again...



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